MSAD #60 seeks to ensure that all children between the ages of three and 20 within its jurisdiction who are in need of special education and supportive services are identified, located and evaluated—whether those children live with their parents and attend MSAD #60 public schools, do not yet attend school, are tuitioned to schools in other units, receive home schooling, or are state wards, state agency clients or institutional residents as defined by Maine law.
MSAD #60’s child identification procedure includes a unit-wide screening process offered at public expense to eligible students of school age to determine whether they may need referral to a pupil evaluation team (PET) and special education.
The child identification procedure shall also include, in addition to information sent out regularly to parents in MSAD #60, written notification of M.S.A.D. #60’s child identification obligations sent on at least an annual basis to the following agencies, entities and persons:
* Private schools within the school district;
The local Child Development Services;
Homeless shelters within the school district;
Pediatricians and hospitals within the school district;
Licensed day care facilities within the school district;
Parent support groups within the school district;
Home schooling parents within the school district;
State facilities and institutions within the school district (i.e., jails, mental hospitals, etc.); and
That notification shall request the assistance of the entity notified in identifying any children who may be in need of special education. The notice shall list the name, address and telephone number of the special education director of the district. MSAD #60 shall also publish this information on at least an annual basis in the local newspaper serving the school district.
Adopted: by the M.S.A.D. #60 Board of Directors on March 25, 1999.
Revised: February 1, 2001
Revised: December 17, 2015