A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on January 20, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. with all members present except Ms Travers, Mr. Doiron, Ms. Hopper and Ms.Stanton. Ms. Mallett was present remotely.
Public Input Statement- Chair Nancy Neubert shared the public input statement.
Public Input: None at this time.
The board reviewed the minutes from January 20, 2022. Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Hagenbuchb to approve the minutes. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.
Student Report: None at this time.
Donation to the backpack program: $2000 donation from Omniservices. We are very grateful for the support. Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Hagenbuch to gratefully accept the donation of $2000 from Omniservices. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.
Financial Summary for the Month of December. All on track for the spending and revenue for this fiscal year at this point.
Educational Programming:
Mr. AJ Dufort, principal of Noble High School, shared with the board an update on midterm finals at the high school. He noted that there are a number of students who are absent during this mid term period due to Covid. He would like to use Wednesday, January 26, 2022 as an exam make up day for grades 9-12. Exceptional studies and grade 8 students would attend school as usual on that day. The Board expressed their support for this creative approach for exam makeup.
Weekly rate has been relatively low for Covid cases. We are anticipating more cases based on visitations over break.
Student attendance, low of 83% and high of 94%
Staff attendance, low of 80% and high of 95%
Hiring of Nicole DiBenidictus for 10th grade math at Noble High School. Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Hagenbuch to approve the recommendation of Ms. DiBenedictis as 10th grade teacher.
The Board then discussed the resignation of Ms. Kaiulani Anderson-Andrei, 3rd grade Hussey School. Ms. Hagenbuch made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Manley to accept the resignation of Ms. Kaiulani Anderson-Andrei. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.
The Superintendent shared a letter of retirement from Ms. Lisa Corain, 2nd grade teacher at North Berwick Elementary School. She has been with us for 33 yrs and 38 yrs in education in total. Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and seconded
Ms. Hagenbuch made the motion and was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to go into Executive Session Pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(D) Labor Contract Discussion- Support Staff. In at 7:32 out at 7:48.
Ms. Hagenbuch made the motion and was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to go into Executive Session to 1 M.R.S.A. §405(6)(A) Duties of Officials/Appointees/Employees. In at 7:48 out at 8:10
Ms. Hagenbuch made the motion and was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to go into Executive Session Pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(A) Compensation of Officials/ Appointees/Employees. In at 8:10 Out at 8:35
Ms. Hagenbuch made the motion and was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to go into Executive Session Pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(C) Condition of Property. In at 8:35 Out at 8:43.
Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Hagnebuch to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Out at 8:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Audra Beauvais