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  • Minutes of December 5, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF December 5, 2024   Current Board Members-          North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor                            Berwick- Alison Herlihy, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler                            Lebanon- Nancy Sewell, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert (For a full account of this meeting please review the video here… Link   you can choose to view the transcript in progress by clicking CC for subtitles.) A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person on December 5, 2024 at 7:00 pm with all members attending .    Pledge of Allegiance There were 37 in the audience.  Ms. Whalen  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to postpone the executive session pursuant to 1 MRSA 405§(6)(D)Labor Contract Negotiations- Teacher.   All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Ms. Whalen made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to move the Superintendent’s Update to Item #4.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Ms. Whalen read the public input statement.  Public Input: Ms. Joyce Tabor of North Berwick expressed her opinion of  the previous school board meeting’s public input session.  She noted that a speaker was allowed to exceed his speaking time limits without intervention. She argued that the speaker's negative tone undermined their message and set a poor example, especially with students present. Ms. Tabor also shared that she felt the chairperson failed to enforce meeting rules and manage the speaker's conduct, which should include maintaining decorum and limiting speaking time. Ms. Tabor called for swift changes to transform the board into a more professional body that can engage in respectful, open-minded dialogue. Ms. Jennifer Dillon, of Lebanon, expressed concerns regarding the previous board meeting's divisive tone and inconsistent use of the Norms card, calling for more respectful and professional communication. She thanked two board members for developing goals, even though they were rejected at the previous meeting. Ms. Dillon noted what she believed are community concerns about academic performance, mentioning the recent loss of a math teacher due to disagreements about grading and test policies. She urged the board to re-evaluate the academic support system and maintain a more constructive approach to addressing educational challenges. Minutes:  Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Herlihy  to accept the minutes of  November 21, 2024  meeting as amended. All members voted in favor except Mr. Tabor who opposed and Ms. Lovejoy and Ms. Basko who abstained and the motion passed.  Superintendent Update:  Mr. Aaron Moore, Athletic Director  introduced our Noble High School Football team representatives. Mr. Keenan Blindow, our Varsity Football Coach, shared with the board the overall season and the success that they had in the season.  Support staff negotiations Wed. the 11th at 3:15 The Teacher's Negotiations group will meet next week to prepare.  School Safety Overviews: Mr. AJ Dufort, principal of Noble High School shred an overview of ALICE  A lert L ockdown I nform C ounter E vacuate It is very tangible for students. It is reviewed at the beginning of the school year for our students  by our staff. The goal is to maximize safety.  Crisis Go : Mr. Archambault, principal of Noble Middle School gave an overview of the application Crisis Go and how it is utilized in all of the schools throughout the district.  There are safety committees in each of the buildings.  Schools are required to hold drills each year. There are 10 required at the elementary levels and 8 at middle and high school. We discussed the options for getting out of our buildings and what to do if we need to stay in the building. There is a lot of emphasis on practicing good listening skills.  The Fire Department comes over and gives feedback on routing, timing, efficiency etc.  Ms. Basko made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to move Pre-K conversation above the board goals. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Pre-K Grant Discussion Dr. Shannon Swiger, Director of Teaching and Learning and Mr. AJ Dufort, Principal of NHS gave an overview of the Pre K grant  and what it would mean to the district both long term academically as well as financially.   The board had lengthy conversations regarding the Pre K program and board members expressed their opinions regarding the grant and what happens with the program after the one year grant is completed..   Ms Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Herlihy to accept the One Year State of Maine Expansion Grant for Preschool for FY 26.  All members voted in favor except Ms. Basko and the motion passed.  Board Goals- w/motion:  The Superintendent shared the final draft of the goals with the board. Board members shared their opinions regarding the various goals and specifically around academic achievement. An attachment that will get updated regularly will be provided as well. Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler  to approve the Board Goals. All members voted in favor except Ms. Sewell and Mr. Tabor and the motion passed. Employment:  Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy  to accept the resignation of Stanley Scontras, Math Teacher at Noble High School. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Other: The Superintendent shared with the board that we are trying to move the board meetings back to the library if the sound systems are up and running. The set up in the library for the board is more conducive conversation and being able to see each other and who is speaking. This should help with the norms. Please check the agendas for location of the  meetings. We will move to the library as soon as possible.  The board chair reminded the board to use their school board email addresses instead of their personal email addresses.  Ms. Basko spoke about the misuse of norms and the bullying tactics directed at another board member. She expressed concern regarding math and science performances as testing scores have been declining since 2013. Ms. Basko expressed concern about the NWEA and how it may not help students improve as it compares students on a ranking scale and does not tell what students know. Ms. Basko feels the board needs to take some responsibility for the declining performances and stop wasting time with history lessons and attacks on the board members who are trying to make changes. Ms. Janousek noted that the North Berwick PTO won first place in the Holiday Parade in North Berwick.  Public Input None at this time.  Adjournment:  Ms. Janousek made a motion and it was seconded by Ms. Basko to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Adjourned at 9:15 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

  • Agenda December 19, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting December 19, 2024 Noble High School Lecture Hall North Berwick, Maine 03906 Workshop 6:30 (Library)    Meeting 7:00pm  AGENDA 6:30pm Library Board Workshop- Annual Legislation Check-In  Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair  Public Input  Minutes of December 5, 2024 November Financial Summary  Policy First Reading  ACAA Harassment and Sexual Harassment of Students ACAA-R Student Discrimination/Harassment and Title IX Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedures January Meeting Dates  Employment  Superintendent Update Other Public Input  Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(D)  Labor Contract Negotiations- Teacher Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(D)  Labor Contract Negotiations- Support Staff Adjournment

  • Minutes of November 21, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF November 21, 2024   Current Board Members-          North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor                            Berwick- Alison Herlihy, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler                            Lebanon- Nancy Sewell, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert (For a full account of this meeting please review the video here… Link   you can choose to view the transcript in progress by clicking CC for subtitles.) Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Whalen to approve the amendment to the agenda removing the executive session that was scheduled for the beginning of the meeting.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Whalen to approve the amendment to the agenda removing  the executive session that was scheduled for the end of the meeting.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Pledge of Allegiance There were 29 in the audience.  Ms. Whalen read the public input statement.  Public Input: None at this time.  Minutes:  Ms. Janousek  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler  to accept the minutes of  November 7, 2024  meeting as amended. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Norms Checker: Looking for the volunteer to be the norm checker for the evening.  Ms. Janousek volunteered to be the norm checker for this evening.  October Financial Summary:  Ms. Denise Van Campen, Business Manager,  shared with the board the financial summary  for the General Fund as of October 31, 2024.   Board members asked some clarifying questions and Ms. Van Campen responded.  Annual Legislative Check-In: York County Superintendents Association  gathered the local legislators to discuss Education Priorities for York County.  The Assistant Superintendent  shared with the board an overview of what occurred at the Thursday evening meeting for those who were not able to attend. There was a presentation to the legislators and all who attended regarding the current issues in our county in meeting the needs of our homeless populations. There was emphasis placed on the need to support the local shelters that are exceedingly utilized by a wide range of people in need. Representatives from Caring Unlimited, The York County Shelter in Alfred, York County Community Action and Fair Tide were there to share their experiences as well as The Superintendent of the Sanford Schools to discuss the impact of homelessness on the schools. Following that discussion, the group moved to a school based discussion that was facilitated by the York County Superintendents Association. Concerns regarding the many mandates that have come out of the legislature were discussed as well as unfunded mandates.  Board Goals Discussion: The Superintendent shared with the board our overall draft goals (See these here).  She also shared copies of a few area district goals as a comparison. Ms. Herlihy noted that the goals from York that contained action steps, timeline and evidence were visually appealing and she’d like to have that with ours as well.  Mr. Tabor had a presentation  regarding goals that he also would like to share.  Prior to the presentation, the board then had a lengthy discussion regarding information that had been shared on social media and following Board Norms as there were some concerns regarding the accuracy of the information/misperceptions regarding the board not having worked on goals for the past several years. As well, as posting these goals on social media before sharing with the board in general first.  The Norm that was noted was “We stand together with our decisions.”  Mr. Josh Tabor shared with the board an overview of his suggestions for goals (see attached). There was discussion about rigorous curriculum, assessments that are criterion referenced and not norm referenced as most of our assessments are a mix of those. (For instance, the state assessment is through the NWEA system and has both criterion referenced as well as norm referenced items). Mr. Tabor and Ms. Sewell felt that solely criterion referenced should be the course. After further discussion regarding goals, Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Herlihy to  adopt the strategic goal plans that the board has been  working on with potential formatting that allows for including evidence.  All members voted in favor except Mr. Tabor, Ms. Basko and Ms. Sewell who opposed and the motion passed.  Nomination of Food Service Director - Chef David Vargas The Superintendent shared the nomination of Chef  David Vargas as School Nutrition Director.  Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the nomination of Mr. David Vargas as MSAD 60 School Nutrition Director. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Employment: None at this time Superintendent Update: MSAD 60 was chosen to receive the Pre-K grant that will allow us to provide Pre-K throughout the district if we choose to accept the grant. More information to follow. Very exciting.  Mark Hubbard, guidance counselor in Lebanon was chosen for the Maine School Counselor Emerging Counselor Award for 2024. Ms. Lori Coleman, guidance counselor as well in Lebanon, nominated Mr. Hubbard.  A well deserved honor! . Brenda Cravens is formally leaving the district tomorrow as a retiree after 42 years. We thank her wholeheartedly for her service!  December 5th Principals will come in to do a quick overview of their safety procedures.   Other: Celebration!  Noble’s basketball team is rated as Number one going into the start of the season. Our Noble Football team did an outstanding job in their playoff game. They fell to the Thornton Academy team but had a fabulous season.  Update from the PTOs regarding their cereal drive.  Knowlton School is doing an ornament drive with sponsoring a child for clothing in our district. Suggestion setting up a subcommittee on assessment throughout the year.  How do the NWEA individual tests go out to parents? Within report cards at the elementary level. Others were already mailed at the upper levels.  Our website needs to be more up to date.  That is definitely a constant work in progress.  Ms. Wheeler noted that North Berwick Elementary School had a lovely Veteran’s Day celebration.  Ms. Sewell asked about our prior board goals. Those will be provided.  Public Input: Dr. Joe Forte, North Berwick, noted that the board spent a lot of time last year on the budget rather than goals. He shared his concerns regarding the impact of one size fits all statements. For instance, a one size fits all statement about behavior is not reasonable. He encouraged less anecdotal and hearsay.  Let’s give them more support and staff, Universal Pre K, etc. He asked  How can we improve trends when you undercut the costs… Why aren’t you supporting educators more and students more?  Note: Mr. Tabor did feel that the statements by Dr. Forte were targeting him personally and asked that the chair ask him to stop.  She did note that the attorney had shared that as an elected official, short of very offensive and or abusive language she was not able to stop the public input prior to the three minute cutoff.  Adjournment:  Ms. Janoussek  made a motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler  to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Adjourned at 8:43 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

  • MSAD #60 Building Addition and Renovation Projects

    Project Description: The work involves projects at four elementary schools in all three towns of the District. The primary focus of the work is expansion to meet increasing enrollments, safety improvements and upgrades, and in Lebanon, the consolidation of the two elementary schools into one. The work will include constructing and equipping building additions as well as building, facility, and site renovations to Hanson Elementary School, Vivian E. Hussey School,and North Berwick Elementary School. The Lebanon Elementary School building will be demolished and replaced by the Hanson Elementary School expansion project, which will include new parking on the consolidated site. Project Details Presentation

  • 2 Hour Delay December 10 2024

    MSAD 60 will have a 2 hour delay today, December 10, 2024.

  • Agenda December 5, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting December 5, 2024 Noble High School Lecture Hall North Berwick, Maine 03906                    Meeting 7:00pm AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair  Public Input  Minutes of November 21, 2024 School Safety Overviews  Board Goals- w/motion Pre-K Grant Discussion Employment  Superintendent Update Other Public Input  Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(D)  Labor Contract Negotiations- Teacher Adjournment

  • Minutes of November 7, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF November 7, 2024   Current Board Members-          North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor                            Berwick- Alison Herlihy, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler                            Lebanon- Nancy Sewell, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert (For a full account of this meeting please review the video here… Link   you can choose to view the transcript in progress by clicking CC for subtitles.) A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person on November 7, 2024 at 7:00 pm with all members attending.  Pledge of Allegiance There were 15 in the audience.  Ms. Whalen read the public input statement.  Public Input: None at this time.  Minutes:  Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Basko to accept the minutes of  October 17, 2024  meeting as amended. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Spanish Trip Approval 2025- Rossana Pass : Ms. Rossana Pass sheared with the board a presentation  from the Spanish Department regarding a school trip to Costa Rica. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to approve the Noble High School Spanish Trip to Costa Rica.  There was some discussion regarding the cost of the trip and potential donations to support the trip. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Pre-K Discussion:  Dr. Shannon Swiger, Director of Teaching and Learning and Mr. AJ Dufort, Principal of NHS, presented an exploration of Pre-K programming in the district.  The Department of Education in Maine had put forward the Pre-K Expansion Grant  and we took the opportunity to write the grant and submit it. It was a very quick turn around and if we do receive the funding the board will have the opportunity to accept or reject the funds.    Curriculum Update: Update regarding the Curriculum Review for the board.  In 24-25 we will be reviewing the 6-8th grade mathematics curriculum as well as the K-3 writing pilot.  Norms: The board then had a lengthy discussion regarding board norms, respectfully sharing with each other how to work together, with varying opinions, and move forward.  Some board members shared that they were not feeling comfortable with the tone of some emails and of the tone of some conversations. Others shared thoughts on solutions to these concerns and how to be sure that requested information and agenda items were specifically filtered through the board chair for placement on upcoming agendas.  Many board members were able to express their opinions and beliefs. Ultimately a process to add agenda items was clarified and it was determined that any issues should be sent to the Superintendent and the board chair to be placed on a future agenda. It was also recommended that items be sent along with ample time so that the agenda could be developed.  The agenda goes out the Friday before the next board meeting.  Board members circled back around to the use of Norms and being sure that we do check in on those norms throughout the meeting and that we look to be sure that we review norms at the end of the meeting.  Draft Goals from Two Remaining Strategic Plan Priorities: As a recap, in the beginning of the year we discussed board goals and paralleling those with the strategic plan goals. Goals were drafted that were shared with the board and these last two goals are represented here. There are some questions regarding the process of taking the priorities of the strategic plan and putting them into goals for the board. The superintendent shared that these last two goals are finalizing the original task. The remaining two areas are community engagement and school safety goals. The Superintendent shared the draft SMART Goals  Mr. Tabor noted that he’d like overarching goals rather than specific goals. The board will review all four draft goals at the next meeting and more discussion will occur on next steps Employment: Retirement: Terri Nelson, Noble High School Math Teacher .  Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy  to approve the retirement  of Ms. Nelson with thanks and regrets. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Sharon Taylor, MSAD 60 Librarian .  Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy  to approve the retirement  of Ms. Taylor with thanks and regrets. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Resignation: Abbey Hubbell- School Nutrition Director. Ms Lovejoy.  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the resignation of Ms. Hubbell. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Superintendent Update: Patriotic Concert Nov. 14th, Thursday evening.  Little Mermaid is being presented Nov. 8 th, 9th and 10th.  Knights UKnight! Field Hockey Boosters Received $400 in food donations and 2 truck worths of food for the Back Pack Program.  District 1 music festival… 31 students accepted 3 for the Maine Jazz festival Golf  Finished their season at the beginning of October. Our team competed well during the regular season but fell a few strokes short qualifying for the State Championship. We had 19 Golfers this season and was one of the largest teams in the State.  Boys Soccer  finished up their season missing playoffs by one spot. This was their best season in a number of years. Girls Soccer  had a great season and also missed the playoffs by one spot.  Field Hockey also finished their season missing the playoffs by one spot.  Volleyball  made the playoffs for the first time in program history and traveled to Hampden Academy for the first round of playoffs.  Cross Country  - Cassidy O’Dee qualified for the Girls State Championship. Cassidy finished 48th at the State meet with a time of 22:32. Football /Fall Cheer - Varsity Football finished as the 3rd seed in Class A South and travels to Bonny Eagle on Friday for the Class A South Semi-Final. Game begins at 7:00pm. Jamier Rose has once again been nominated as a candidate for the Maine State Gatorade Player of the Year in Football. The State Winner will be announced in December. Esports  - Esports has been competing in Rocket League and Super Smash this year. Our teams will look to make another State Championship run at the end of the month.  Winter Sports begin on November 18th. School “messengers” have gone out to all 6-12 families and information has been put over social media.  Enrichment programs and schedule:  The board asked some questions regarding the minute breakdown etc. Hardcopies of the schedules were provided.  Update regarding the incident at NHS on Tuesday November, 5, 2024.  Principal Dufort gave an overview of the situation that occurred and how the students, staff and first responders handled the swatting situation. Thankfully it was a hoax and our students and staff were safe.  Other: Ms. Herlihy shared with the board her experience at the Maine School Management School Board conference. She felt that it was a really positive experience and other board members would also benefit from it in the future. She has hopes that the board will build in some team building activities to create a more collaborative board environment for the future.  Public Input: Shawn Works, North Berwick encouraged the SWOT process ( strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) to process the recent situation at the high school on Tuesday. Mr. Works also noted the transportation needs for the athletic department and asked about coaches being able to drive.  Jeff Minihan, resident of South Berwick, great job for the work that you’re doing. He encouraged all the board members to review the board meeting video (particularly the section regarding Board Norms) and step out of it for a few minutes to watch how it played through live.  Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(D)  Labor Contract Negotiations- Ms. Basko made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler  to go into executive session pursuant to Executive Session 1 MRSA 405§(6)(D) L abor Contract Negotiations- Support Staff. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 9:59  pm. Out at 10:22 pm. Adjournment:  Ms. Janousek made a motion and it was seconded by Ms. Herlihy to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Adjourned at 10:22 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

  • Agenda November 21, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting November 21, 2024 Noble High School Lecture Hall North Berwick, Maine 03906 Executive Session 6:30pm                    Meeting 7:00pm AGENDA Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student  Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair  Public Input  Minutes of November 7, 2024 Norms Checker October Financial Summary  Annual Legislative Check-In  Board Goals Discussion Nomination of Food Service Director  Employment  Superintendent Update Other Public Input  Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(D)  Labor Contract Negotiations- Transportation Adjournment

  • Minutes of October 17, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF October 17, 2024   Current Board Members-          North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor                            Berwick- Alison Herlihy, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler                            Lebanon- Nancy Sewell, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert (For a full account of this meeting please review the video here… Link   you can choose to view the transcript in progress by clicking CC for subtitles.) Ms. Janousek  made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to go into executive session pursuant to Executive Session 1 MRSA 405§(6)(E) Consultations Between School Unit and its Attorney. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 6:00 pm. Out at 6:42 pm.   Ms. Lovejoy  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to go into executive session pursuant to Executive Session 1 MRSA 405§(6)(A) Duties of Officials/ Employees.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 6:43 pm. Out at 7:43 pm. A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person on October 17, 2024 at 7:50 pm with all members attending.  Pledge of Allegiance There were 16 in the audience.  Ms. Whalen read the public input statement.  Public Input: None at this time.  Minutes:  Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to accept the minutes of  September 5, 2024  meeting. All members voted in favor except Ms. Basko who abstained and the motion passed.  Mr. Tabor  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to accept the minutes of  September 19, 2024  meeting. All members voted in favor except Ms. Herlihy who abstained and the motion passed. Ms Janousek  made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to accept the minutes of  October 3, 2024  meeting as amended. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Financial Summary September 2024: Ms. Denise Van Campen, Business Manager,  shared with the board the financial summary  for the General Fund as of September 30, 2024.   Board members asked some clarifying questions and Ms. Van Campen responded.  Dr. Shannon Swiger- Data Overview:  Board 10_17_24.pdf   Dr. Swiger gave an overview of the scores regarding the state testing that is mandated and has occurred over the past 6 years.  She identified what areas we have focused on for professional development and increased student support.  The board asked clarifying questions regarding testing and asked for information regarding the annual testing we do for our 3rd and 5th graders for identification for our Excel program.  MSAD 60 Emergency Management Plans: School safety plans have been submitted to the central office and the superintendent shared this with the board. The plans are kept specifically isolated to those that “need to know” as this is best practice in the safety field.  The superintendent is obligated to inform the board that the safety plans have been updated annually and that they have been approved and signed off on by the emergency personnel in the towns (Fire Department and Police Departments). All plans from all the schools have met these requirements.   Employment: None at this time.  Superintendent Update: Update regarding the Teacher Professional Development Day that occurred on October 10th.  Cross district professional development occurred and was well received. All feedback was very positive and more cross district PD will be highlighted in the future.  Parent conferences coming up in November:  K-5 Conferences November 13th  At NHS, In person conferences will be held on Wednesday, November 6th & 13th At NMS,  In person conferences will be held on Thursday, November 14th & Tuesday Nov. 19th.  Blood Drive for the Red Cross today with 20 pints of blood collected at Noble High School. The Fall musical is “The Little Mermaid” and it will run from Nov. 7th through the 10th. Get your tickets! November 14th… York County School Boards are getting together… joint meeting at Sanford High School to meet with newly elected and returning legislators to discuss educational needs. The first part of the meeting will highlight the rising situation with Homelessness in our communities. Please let us know if you would like to attend by the Nov. 7th board meeting. Other: Ms. Basko noted that she came to Noble High School for Open House and shared that she had some great conversations with the teachers there and she understood why students like their teachers.  She wanted to share that with the board. She also shared that she also was at the Lebanon schools and noted excellent teachers there as well.  Ms. Basko also asked a follow up question from the google surveys that went out in the fall. It was clarified that the surveys are individually kept by teachers and not shared out. Also, it was clarified that teachers have been asked to be sure that the questions are not mandatory but optional. There is a toggle switch on the program that staff uses for developing surveys that needs to be toggled “off” to ensure that questions are optional. This was reiterated with all staff.  Public Input: Mr. Shawn Works asked if it was possible to ask the Boosters if there were folks who support those programs that might want to drive bus for those specific sports.     Adjournment:  Ms. Janoussek  made a motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Adjourned at 8:45pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

  • Agenda November 7, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting November 7, 2024 Noble High School Lecture Hall North Berwick, Maine 03906                    Meeting 7:00pm AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair  Public Input  Minutes of October 17, 2024 Spanish Trip Approval 2025 Rossana Pass  Pre-K Discussion Curriculum Update Norms Draft Goals from Two Remaining Strategic Plan Priorities Employment  Superintendent Update Other Public Input  Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(D)  Labor Contract Negotiations- Transportation Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(D)  Labor Contract Negotiations- Teachers  Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(D)  Labor Contract Negotiations- Support Staff Adjournment

  • Minutes October 3, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF October 3, 2024   Current Board Members-          North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor                            Berwick- Alison Herlihy, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler                            Lebanon- Nancy Sewell, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert (For a full account of this meeting please review the video here…   School Board Meeting 10-3-2024   you can choose to view the transcript in progress by clicking CC for subtitles.) Mr. Archambault, principal of Noble Middle School, gave a tour of  Noble Middle School.  A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person on October 3, 2024 at 7:00 pm with all members attending.  Pledge of Allegiance There were 12 in the audience.  Ms. Whalen read the public input statement.  Public Input: None at this time.  Minutes:  Ms. Janousek  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to accept the minutes of  August 29, 2024  meeting as amended. All members voted in favor except Ms. Basko who abstained and the motion passed.  Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to accept the minutes of September 5, 2024  meeting. There was board discussion regarding the accuracy of the minutes. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded to retract the motion to accept the minutes and would table them until the next meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Basko to table the minutes of September 19th. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Noble Middle School Bleachers: The board then reviewed the Authorization Lease Purchase of New Bleachers. Ms Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to: October 3, 2024 Motion :  I move that the Resolution entitled, “Resolution to Authorize Lease Purchase of New Bleachers in the Principal Amount of $152,000” be adopted in the form presented to this meeting.  RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE LEASE PURCHASE OF NEW BLEACHERS IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $152,000 The School Board of Maine School Administrative District No. 60 (the “District”) hereby resolves as follows:   That Superintendent of Schools (the “Superintendent”) and the Business Manager, acting singly, are authorized to accept the proposal of Gorham Savings Leasing Group LLC (the “Lessor”), to provide tax-exempt lease purchase financing for new bleachers with related accessories and equipment (the “Equipment”) in the principal amount of $152,000 at an interest rate of 4.45%  payable in seven (7)  annual installments and any prior such action is hereby ratified and confirmed; That under and pursuant to the provisions of Title 20-A M.R.S. sections 1001 and 1055, and all other applicable law, the Superintendent is authorized to execute and deliver a lease purchase agreement with Lessor, or its nominee, in the name and on behalf of Maine School Administrative District No. 60 for the Equipment, with an aggregate lease purchase price not to exceed $152,000, in such form and on such terms not inconsistent herewith as the Superintendent may approve (the “Lease”);  That to the extent not inconsistent with this Resolution, the Superintendent is hereby authorized to select such date(s), maturity(ies), denomination(s), interest rate(s), place(s) of payment, form(s), and other details of the Lease, as the Superintendent may approve, said approval to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof; That the Superintendent is authorized, as applicable, to designate the Lease issued pursuant hereto as a qualified tax-exempt obligation within the meaning of Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”);  That the Superintendent is authorized to covenant on behalf of the Lessee that no part of the proceeds of the Lease or the Equipment shall be used, directly or indirectly, in a manner that would cause the Lease to be an “arbitrage bond” or a “private activity bond” within the meaning of Sections 141 and 148 of the Code; That the Superintendent is authorized to execute and deliver such tax certificates, arbitrage and use of proceeds certificates, and other documents and certificates as may, in the Superintendent's opinion, be necessary or convenient to effect the transactions herein authorized, to be in such form not inconsistent with this Resolution as the Superintendent may approve, said approval to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof;  That the Superintendent and other appropriate officials of the District, acting singly, are authorized and empowered in its name and on its behalf to do or cause to do all such other acts and things as may be necessary or desirable in order to effect the sale and delivery of the Lease in accordance herewith, and any such prior action by them is hereby ratified and confirmed; That if the Superintendent or any other District officer or official is for any reason unavailable to, as applicable, approve, execute or attest the Lease, or any related financing documents, the person or persons acting in any such capacity, whether as an assistant, a deputy or otherwise, is authorized to act for such official with the same force and effect as if such official had herself/himself performed such act, and any such prior action by them is hereby ratified and confirmed; That the Treasurer of the District, in consultation with Bond Counsel, is authorized to implement written procedures with respect to the Lease for the purpose of (i) ensuring timely “remedial action” for any portion of the Lease that may become “non-qualified bonds,” as those terms are defined in the Code and regulations thereunder; and (ii) monitoring the District’s compliance following execution of the Lease with the arbitrage, yield restriction, and rebate requirements of the Code and regulations thereunder;  That the Superintendent is authorized to covenant on behalf of the District to file any information report and pay any rebate due to the United States in connection with the issuance of the Lease, and to take all other lawful actions necessary to ensure the interest portion of the rental payments under and pursuant to the Lease will be excludable from the gross income of the owners thereof for purposes of federal income taxation and to refrain from taking any action which would cause such interest portion of the rental payments to become includable in the gross income of the owners thereof; and That an attested copy of this Resolution be filed with the minutes of this meeting. A true copy, attest: _________________________________ Audra Beauvais, Secretary Maine School Administrative District No. 60 All members voted in favor and the motion passed.    Lebanon Leach Field Discussion: Ms. Denise Vancampen reviewed again with the board the overview of the Lebanon Leach Field and the necessity in regards to the financing of the Lebanon Leach Field. She gave an overview of the Maine Bond Bank and the complications that come with a Bond. She proposed that rather than financing this project that we utilize savings that she identified to cover the cost locally.          Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to move forward with the leach field replacement at Lebanon Elementary School. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  District Goals: High Quality Resources  The board then discussed the district goals centered around high quality resources. Board members had varying opinions regarding the idea of district goals, who should be developing them and how they should be presented. The Superintendent asked the board for specific direction.  Assessment was also discussed and board members stated opinions about different assessments and what the district should be utilizing. Dr. Shannon Swiger will present to the board on October 17th.  Our current goal work regarding High Quality Resources is represented here:   High Quality Resources  Maine School Board Assembly: Ms. Neubert shared with the board that the Maine School Board Assembly is coming up and she encouraged members to attend and/or attend the Maine School board fall conference. The link to the information regarding the conference is: Employment: Paula Hughs, Excel teacher. Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek  to approve the appointment of Ms. Hughs . All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Superintendent Update: This is homecoming week and all K-12 schools are participating in the spirit week themes.  This is a nice way to unify the district. The Noble football team is currently 4-0 and feeling positive going into the homecoming game.  Currently we have over 300 athletes participating in fall sports.  Knowlton School Behavior Interventionist, Missy Royce will be presenting at the National Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) Leadership forum next week. Her topics include school level coaching and keeping teams implementing the PBIS System with fidelity. The goals of the conference are to provide evidence based and effective behavioral supports to schools. Our district has been involved, at the elementary level for 2-3 years (depending on the school).  This bring consistency in our K-5 classrooms and bus system.  The Superintendent noted that there had been an audit of the Maine Public Employee Retirement System. This does not happen often, and the look back is up to 20 years. Ms. Maryellen Bourbon, our Payroll Manager, over saw the audit and we had a very successful outcome. All requirements were met.  Update on Committee Work: The Code of Conduct Meeting is set for it’s initial meeting on October 17th at 5:30 pm.  We have Negotiations with three different organizations this year. We had our initial meeting with the Teamsters and transportation representatives this week. It went well and our next meeting is scheduled in two weeks.  Teacher Negotiations: We have received a letter of intent to negotiate and are looking forward to setting up the initial meeting dates.  Support Staff Negotiations: We have not yet received a letter of intent but expect to see one shortly.  Policy Committee:  Title IX will be the first policy to review as there are changes at the Federal level that must be addressed. The process includes a first reading with changes/revisions and then a second reading and action. The committee will meet prior to make revisions that will be presented at the board level. The superintendent will contact those on the committee to set up a time to meet.  Board Tours:  Email the Assistant Superintendent to set up building tours. She is happy to do a building or multiple buildings in a day based on schedules. If that doesn’t work, please email the Central Office to facilitate a visit to individual schools. It is important to note that notice is necessary to set up these visits.  Other: Mr. Dones noted that there is a new button on the front page of the district website to get to the videos of the board meetings.   Public Input: No public input.  Adjournment:  Ms. Janousek made a motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Adjourned at 8:19 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

  • Minutes of September 19, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF September 19, 2024   Current Board Members-          North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor                            Berwick- Alison Herlihy, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler                            Lebanon- Nancy Sewell, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert           A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person on September 19, 2024 at 7:00 pm with all members attending except Ms. Herlihy. (For a full account of this meeting please review the video here… School Board Meeting 9-19-2024  you can choose to view the transcript in progress by clicking CC for subtitles.) Prior to the Pledge of Allegiance, Mr Tabor shared a point of order regarding the executive session that was voted in but removed at this time from the agenda by the chairwoman based upon advice of legal counsel.  He stated that he appealed the ruling of the chair in dismissing the executive session and was seconded by Ms. Basko. The board then held discussion.  Mr. Tabor’s belief is that the chairwoman had no authority to cancel the executive session that was scheduled by unanimous vote of the school board at the previous meeting.  He stated that the board  should be in an executive session currently.  The Chair, Ms. Neubert stated that under the advice of the district’s attorney, she had the authority to cancel the executive session as it would be potentially addressing employee concerns and that/those employee(s) have the right to attend and bring legal counsel. There was a range of conversation from multiple board members on the topic. Varying policies were discussed and a general consensus regarding which specific policy to follow was not agreed upon. Clarification from Mr. Tabor regarding the reason for the executive session:  Ms. Stanton Whalen had requested the executive session after Mr. Tabor’s allegation that the administration was not following policy. Ms. Whalen concurred that she had requested the session based on Mr. Tabor’s allegations, but that after speaking with administration felt that it was not appropriate due to the implications for the employees if their names were brought up in that executive session.  Other board members weighed in on the situation and expressed concerns about lack of clarity in the requests (dating back to the August 14th board meeting) and lack of clarity in regard to board policy that regulated this situation. Board members expressed the belief that the attorney advice should be followed and Mr. Tabor did share that he had not been given the opportunity to meet with the attorney himself prior to the decision but going forward would only feel comfortable meeting with the attorney in public with all members present.  Ultimately, the board returned to the motion on the floor where Mr. Tabor appealed the ruling of the chair and it was seconded by Ms. Basko that his motion to go into executive session was deemed out of order.  He noted that a yes vote upholds the ruling of the chair.  All Members voted in favor except Mr. Tabor, Ms. Basko and Ms. Sewell.  Following this, there were further discussions regarding the situation and how to move forward. An offer was extended for Mr. Tabor to meet with the Superintendent, board chair and the district’s attorney to discuss policy and the legal implications of the situation. Mr. Tabor stated that he would only like to meet with the attorney in a public session with all members present. There was concern expressed by Ms. Wheeler about the use of legal counsel in terms of impact on the budget.  Ms. Janousek expressed concern about the ramifications of this ongoing concern and the message it is sending to those who might be interested in joining the district who might be watching these meetings. Ms. Basko and Ms. Sewell also expressed concern regarding fully understanding specifically the policy concerns that are being discussed and which policy is actually being cited by the district’s attorney as it seems to be in conflict with their understanding.   Pledge of Allegiance There were 10 in the audience.  Ms. Whalen read the public input statement.  Public Input Mr. Carl Tabor of North Berwick noted that he has heard a lot about the policies this evening. He wanted to point out that policies should be followed by the Board and then the administration etc and down to teachers and students to follow the policies. Maine is last in the nation and not following the rules and not being strict enough is to be considered.  Jonathan Hall, North Berwick, shared a board policy that he feels requires a change as it provides some controversy/conflict. GBEB-relationships with students, this policy, while well intended calls into question the reason why we are in education. He noted that he lives in the district and has worked here for over 20 years.  He grew up in the district as well. He is concerned  regarding the impact of the policy on relationships which are an important aspect of teaching.  He urged the board to look at the policy and asked that they revise it to best meet students’ needs.  Also, he noted policy   BAA- VCA Board Member Code of Ethics which  encouraged  cooperation, participation by teachers, administrators, and other personnel in developing policies that affect their welfare and that of the children they serve.   Mr. Chris Whitley of North Berwick shared his tax bill that included a $1000 increase due to school taxes. He noted that he has had to go back into the workforce and he is seeing that the students coming into the workforce are not able to read and write and are not being job ready. He urged voters to think about that when they go into the voter booths. Minutes:  Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to table the minutes for both meetings until the October 3 meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Harriman and Associates Facility Study: Ms. Lisa Sawin and Mr. Jamie Ouellette shared a detailed  overview of the  Facilities Study   that they will be conducting this year for the district.   Lebanon Leach Field Discussion: The board then held discussion around financing the leach field through the Maine Bond Bank.  Ms. Denise VanCampen, Business Manager, shared  with the board a potential approach with the Maine Bond Bank… This would include Spring issue and finance over 10 years which would be approximately $15000 per year for ten years. Under this potential plan, FY 25 would incur no extra costs and we would move into FY 26 with it. Mr. Tabor asked about other financing options, for example through the credit unions in our area. Ms. VanCampen stated she would look into those options. She is going to dig deeper into the financing and it will be brought forward at the October 3 meeting where it will be important to make a final decision in order to move forward with replacement of the leach field.                    Technology Lease Review/ Questions with Phone lease purchase clarification:  Ms. Brigette Dumont, Technology Director, clarified with the board the purchase of over 245 phones throughout the district and why it was necessary as part of the previously approved technology lease.  She noted that the audio was distorted on the recordings coming in and out and that some phones, in guidance for example, weren't able to call out. This was concerning for a variety of reasons, emergency, etc. The team worked with  our vendor for six months, trying fixes and phone swaps. The only thing that worked was the phone swap. So, we pushed our phone replacement up to this year. Communication and safety go hand in hand and this was deemed a top priority. Ms. Dumont also discussed replacement cycles for equipment etc. as the board asked questions.  District Goals: The Superintendent then discussed district goals.  There are four parts to our strategic plan, which included community engagement, school safety,  high quality resources and pathways to success. We talked about the fact that these overarching pieces of our strategic plan, were  developed over a long period of time with staff, with community input, with board input and that's how district goals were developed. When we discussed this at the last meeting, we discussed having each section highlighted with smart goals developed by the administrative team and brought forward to the board for consideration. For this meeting, the focus was  pathways to success. The administrative team worked to refine some goals for the board to review. And these are set up as a smart goal. Smart goal: specific, measureable, achievable, relevant and timebound . Pathways to Success Goal   The board discussed the percentages as well as the graduation rate. Ms. Sewell asked questions regarding the assessments that were being utilized and whether they are the best for measuring students' academic achievement. Mr. Tabor also noted his concern regarding the assessments and emphasized the importance of criterion referenced assessments.  More discussion will follow as Dr. Shannon Swiger, Director of Teaching and Learning, will join the board for a presentation in the future.  Employment: None at this time. Superintendent Update: Open houses in all of the schools were very well attended in all of the buildings.   District administration met with the drivers to problem solve the absences that will occur periodically throughout the year. The planned absences have been able to be covered. But there is concern about unplanned absences and how that could impact runs.  The Superintendent asked board members about the ability to attend a meeting for two expulsion hearings… October 1st 6:30 pm was noted as doable.  Other: Ms. VanCampen shared a few more specifics regarding the warrants and the code of numbers:  Number 1’s primary pay Number 2’s stipends Number 9’s are grant related funds An update on the surveys that teachers use at the beginning of the year to get to know students was requested.  They are a google survey that goes to the teacher. Questions typically are not mandatory to answer but as was learned last week a few did go out from specific staff that had mandatory replies. We found that Google Survey has a default that goes to “must answer” unless it is toggled off.  Administration has noted that this can be problematic and is addressing it with these types of surveys with staff. Ms. Sewell also asked about a request that was made regarding seeing all of the contracts for our non teaching staff. Ms. Van Campen noted that she would speak to Ms. Sewell at the conclusion of the meeting to get specifics and address the timing of the completion of that request.  There was an issue raised by a parent regarding non school materials.  A flyer from Maine Health was put up at the Middle School in the student bathrooms that concerned the parent and we are working through the process of reviewing that document. The parent has sent emails to the Lebanon board reps over the past week or so along with the Superintendent and has recently added in another board member.  Not all of the board members have been included, thus there are those who have more information about the concerns than other board members. Bringing everyone up to speed, the parent has been presented the opportunity to file a formal objection to the materials. Once completed  we will follow the protocol for that objection.  Public Input: Ms Joyce Tabor of North Berwick noted that her taxes also did go up and again  Maine is dead last in the nation.  She shared her beliefs as to why we are not serving our students and community well with the focus on things other than reading, writing, mathematics as schools are focusing on social emotional learning etc.  She also noted her belief that the school policies and rules must be followed from the school board on down to set the precedent. Rules must be followed.  Mr. Jonathan Hall of North Berwick spoke regarding what he believed to be the negative remarks regarding MSAD 60 schools at this meeting and others.  He noted that he is proud of being a member of this community, being a teacher and a parent here in the district. He shared concern over the quoting of one source regarding Maine being last in the nation in education as there are multiple other reports that do not place Maine last. He noted that celebrating our successes, our staff, and our students should be a main focus.  Adjournment:  Ms. Janousek made a motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Adjourned at 9:05 pm.  Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

  • Minutes September 5, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF September 5, 2024   Current Board Members-          North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor                            Berwick- Alison Herlihy, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler                            Lebanon- Nancy Sewell, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert Mr. AJ Dufort, principal of Noble High School, and three student ambassadors gave a tour of  Noble High School.            A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person on September 5, 2024 at 6:00 pm with all members attending except Ms. Basko, Ms. Whalen, Ms. Wheeler and Mr. Tabor. Ms. Janousek  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Herlihy to go into Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student .  In at 6:46 pm. Out at 7:10  pm.  Mr. Tabor entered the meeting at 7:10 pm.  Ms. Wheeler entered the meeting at 7:15 pm. Ms. Lovejoy  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to go into Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Readmission of a Student . In at 7:19 pm. Out at 7:30 pm.  Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to readmit the student under consideration. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Ms. Whalen joined the meeting remotely at 7:35 pm.  There were 10 in the audience.  Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to ask Ms. Janousek to read the public input statement as Vice Chair Whalen is attending remotely. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Ms. Janousek read the public input statement.  Public Input:None at this time.   Minutes: Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to accept the minutes of  August 14, 2024  meeting as amended. All members voted in favor except Ms. Lovejoy who abstained and the motion passed.  Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to table the minutes of August 29, 2024.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Approval of Transportation Leases  The board then reviewed the Transportation Leases. Ms. Van Campen, the business manager just reminded the board regarding what the board had agreed and budgeted in our FY 25 budget season. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Herilhy to: Motion :  I move that the Resolution entitled, “Resolution to Authorize Lease Purchase of New School Buses in the Principal Amount of $497,000” be adopted in form presented to this meeting.  RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE LEASE PURCHASE OF NEW SCHOOL BUSES IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $497,000 The School Board of Maine School Administrative District No. 60 (the “District”) hereby resolves as follows:   That Superintendent of Schools (the “Superintendent”) and the Business Manager, acting singly, are authorized to accept the proposal of Gorham Savings Leasing Group LLC (the “Lessor”), to provide tax-exempt lease purchase financing for new school buses with related accessories and equipment (the “Equipment”) in the principal amount of $497,000 at an interest rate of 4.63%  payable in five (5)  annual installments and any prior such action is hereby ratified and confirmed; That under and pursuant to the provisions of Title 20-A M.R.S. sections 1001, 1055, and 5401(15), and all other applicable law, the Superintendent is authorized to execute and deliver a lease purchase agreement with Lessor, or its nominee, in the name and on behalf of Maine School Administrative District No. 60 for the Equipment, with an aggregate lease purchase price not to exceed $497,000, in such form and on such terms not inconsistent herewith as the Superintendent may approve (the “Lease”);  That to the extent not inconsistent with this Resolution, the Superintendent is hereby authorized to select such date(s), maturity(ies), denomination(s), interest rate(s), place(s) of payment, form(s), and other details of the Lease, as the Superintendent may approve, said approval to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof; That the Superintendent is authorized, as applicable, to designate the Lease issued pursuant hereto as a qualified tax-exempt obligation within the meaning of Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”);  That the Superintendent is authorized to covenant on behalf of the Lessee that no part of the proceeds of the Lease or the Equipment shall be used, directly or indirectly, in a manner that would cause the Lease to be an “arbitrage bond” or a “private activity bond” within the meaning of Sections 141 and 148 of the Code; That the Superintendent is authorized to execute and deliver such tax certificates, arbitrage and use of proceeds certificates, and other documents and certificates as may, in the Superintendent's opinion, be necessary or convenient to effect the transactions herein authorized, to be in such form not inconsistent with this Resolution as the Superintendent may approve, said approval to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof;  That the Superintendent and other appropriate officials of the District, acting singly, are authorized and empowered in its name and on its behalf to do or cause to do all such other acts and things as may be necessary or desirable in order to effect the sale and delivery of the Lease in accordance herewith, and any such prior action by them is hereby ratified and confirmed; That if the Superintendent or any other District officer or official is for any reason unavailable to, as applicable, approve, execute or attest the Lease, or any related financing documents, the person or persons acting in any such capacity, whether as an assistant, a deputy or otherwise, is authorized to act for such official with the same force and effect as if such official had herself/himself performed such act, and any such prior action by them is hereby ratified and confirmed; That the Treasurer of the District, in consultation with Bond Counsel, is authorized to implement written procedures with respect to the Lease for the purpose of (i) ensuring timely “remedial action” for any portion of the Lease that may become “non-qualified bonds,” as those terms are defined in the Code and regulations thereunder; and (ii) monitoring the District’s compliance following execution of the Lease with the arbitrage, yield restriction, and rebate requirements of the Code and regulations thereunder;  That the Superintendent is authorized to covenant on behalf of the District to file any information report and pay any rebate due to the United States in connection with the issuance of the Lease, and to take all other lawful actions necessary to ensure the interest portion of the rental payments under and pursuant to the Lease will be excludable from the gross income of the owners thereof for purposes of federal income taxation and to refrain from taking any action which would cause such interest portion of the rental payments to become includable in the gross income of the owners thereof; and That an attested copy of this Resolution be filed with the minutes of this meeting. A true copy, attest: _________________________________ Audra Beauvais, Secretary Maine School Administrative District No. 60 All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Approval of Technology Leases  The board then reviewed the Technology Leases. Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to: Motion :  I move that the Resolution entitled, “Resolution to Authorize Lease Purchase of New Technology Equipment in the Principal Amount of $579,000” be adopted in form presented to this meeting.  RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE LEASE PURCHASE OF NEW TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT IN THE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $579,000 The School Board of Maine School Administrative District No. 60 (the “District”) hereby resolves as follows:   That Superintendent of Schools (the “Superintendent”) and the Business Manager, acting singly, are authorized to accept the proposal of Gorham Savings Leasing Group LLC (the “Lessor”), to provide tax-exempt lease purchase financing for new technology equipment with related peripherals, accessories, software, and licenses (the “Equipment”) in the principal amount of $579,000 at an interest rate of 4.87%  payable in three (3)  annual installments and any prior such action is hereby ratified and confirmed; That under and pursuant to the provisions of Title 20-A M.R.S. sections 1001 and 1055, and all other applicable law, the Superintendent is authorized to execute and deliver a lease purchase agreement with Lessor, or its nominee, in the name and on behalf of Maine School Administrative District No. 60 for the Equipment, with an aggregate lease purchase price not to exceed $579,000, in such form and on such terms not inconsistent herewith as the Superintendent may approve (the “Lease”);  That to the extent not inconsistent with this Resolution, the Superintendent is hereby authorized to select such date(s), maturity(ies), denomination(s), interest rate(s), place(s) of payment, form(s), and other details of the Lease, as the Superintendent may approve, said approval to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof; That the Superintendent is authorized, as applicable, to designate the Lease issued pursuant hereto as a qualified tax-exempt obligation within the meaning of Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”);  That the Superintendent is authorized to covenant on behalf of the Lessee that no part of the proceeds of the Lease or the Equipment shall be used, directly or indirectly, in a manner that would cause the Lease to be an “arbitrage bond” or a “private activity bond” within the meaning of Sections 141 and 148 of the Code; That the Superintendent is authorized to execute and deliver such tax certificates, arbitrage and use of proceeds certificates, and other documents and certificates as may, in the Superintendent's opinion, be necessary or convenient to effect the transactions herein authorized, to be in such form not inconsistent with this Resolution as the Superintendent may approve, said approval to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof;  That the Superintendent and other appropriate officials of the District, acting singly, are authorized and empowered in its name and on its behalf to do or cause to do all such other acts and things as may be necessary or desirable in order to effect the sale and delivery of the Lease in accordance herewith, and any such prior action by them is hereby ratified and confirmed; That if the Superintendent or any other District officer or official is for any reason unavailable to, as applicable, approve, execute, or attest the Lease, or any related financing documents, the person or persons acting in any such capacity, whether as an assistant, a deputy or otherwise, is authorized to act for such official with the same force and effect as if such official had herself/himself performed such act, and any such prior action by them is hereby ratified and confirmed; That the Treasurer of the District, in consultation with Bond Counsel, is authorized to implement written procedures with respect to the Lease for the purpose of (i) ensuring timely “remedial action” for any portion of the Lease that may become “non-qualified bonds,” as those terms are defined in the Code and regulations thereunder; and (ii) monitoring the District’s compliance following execution of the Lease with the arbitrage, yield restriction, and rebate requirements of the Code and regulations thereunder; and That the Superintendent is authorized to covenant on behalf of the District to file any information report and pay any rebate due to the United States in connection with the issuance of the Lease, and to take all other lawful actions necessary to ensure the interest portion of the rental payments under and pursuant to the Lease will be excludable from the gross income of the owners thereof for purposes of federal income taxation and to refrain from taking any action which would cause such interest portion of the rental payments to become includable in the gross income of the owners thereof; That the District hereby resolves and declares its official intent pursuant to Section 1.150-2(e) of the Treasury Regulations that the District reasonably expects to use the proceeds of the Lease to reimburse certain original expenditures from the District’s general or other fund, paid not earlier than 60 days prior to adoption of this Resolution or to be paid, which original expenditures have been or will be incurred in connection with costs of the Equipment; and that the District reasonably expects that the maximum principal amount that the District will issue to finance the Equipment is $579,000, and further that an attested copy of this declaration of official intent be kept in the permanent records of the District; and That an attested copy of this Resolution be filed with the minutes of this meeting. A true copy, attest: _________________________________ Audra Beauvais, Secretary Maine School Administrative District No. 60 There was some questions specifically around the 245 classroom phones that were being purchased in this technology lease. The technology director was not available to answer the questions specifically but would share the specifics at a future meeting. The board members felt that they could still vote on the lease as this was already approved through the budget process and we are now formalizing the lease information. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  The board asked that we provide an overview of the technology lease at the next board meeting. We will ask The Director of Technology to be present to provide that information.  Board Norms: The board then had a conversation regarding the norms that have been present for the past several years but may not have been reviewed and/or followed fully.  The Superintendent asked the board to review the norms and think about the concept of a norm checker for future meetings.  Mr. Tabor  reflected upon the previous meeting and his request to go into executive session to discuss something he felt could only be discussed during an executive session. The denial of that request was something that he felt was a violation of the norms of the board. He also felt that there had been previous situations where other board members had restated his comments incorrectly and he felt that this was also a violation of the norms. He noted that either a norms checker or a more concerted effort in reflection is appropriate.  Ms. Janousek asked a follow up question regarding the last meeting and noted that she also felt uncomfortable upon leaving that meeting specifically around the request for executive sessions. She reviewed the documentation that the attorneys had provided board members previously  in regards to exactly when executive sessions can be called. She then asked if a board member came to administration ahead of time with their concerns or is it appropriate to call an executive session at that time?  Ms Herlihy also noted that same concern. She felt that all things would have been discussed ahead of the meeting and that if there were concerns it would have been brought forward. The board had been given their resume ahead of the meeting and it would seem that it would be addressed ahead of time.  Mr. Tabor noted that he can’t go into specifics but that he did share with the Superintendent in a one on one meeting his concerns. Ms. Herlihy asked if this had happened prior to the August 14th meeting. He stated that it was after the fact. He stated that he asked for her advice and how to move forward because he felt he could not ignore it.  Ms. Janousek shared her concern that any prospective employee will go to our videos and review that meeting and not want to come to this district just based on that meeting. She noted that she was still uncomfortable with the exchange. It doesn’t make it feel like we are a welcoming district.  Ms. Wheeler asked if the appropriate process would be that the board member who has concerns go to administration prior to the meeting if there was something of that importance.  Ms. Herlihy noted as well that if there was something so big that it would require that the person be let go, the Superintendent would be the person to do that. The Assistant Superintendent also noted that executive sessions about personnel issues would also require us to allow for the person in question to be present during that session.  Ms.Neubert noted that what she had gleaned from the jist of the conversation, it was not a personal issue but a more position issue which did not, in her opinion, warrant an executive session based on the specific rules around executive sessions.  Ms. Whalen asked Mr. Tabor if his concerns had been addressed. He stated that they had not been addressed. The Superintendent noted that the concerns had indeed been addressed.  Mr. Tabor asked the Superintendent if she felt it was something that the rest of the board should be aware of. The Superintendent noted that it had been appropriately addressed, in her opinion. Clarification by Mr. Tabor , he asked the Superintendent, did she feel that his request for executive session wasn’t appropriate. She stated that she didn’t say that, but that the concerns had been appropriately addressed.  Ms. Herlihy noted that perhaps this is a good opportunity for us to put a norms checker in place and evidence based information when bringing issues forward.  Ms. Wheeler asked specifically how that might work.  Ms Whalen shared her belief that the final word should be from The Superintendent as this is the role.  If you are questioning a program that’s being proposed or supportive of it, bring forward evidence to support those questions or supports. It might be appropriate to add “evidence based”  into the norms along with Time bound, etc.  Ms. Sewell noted that the process seemed very quick and she asked that we try and slow it down a bit for the future.  What are the violations of policy? What policy was violated? She was looking for clarification.  Ms. Whalen made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to table the further conversation regarding the assistant principal at NBES  and have an executive session on Sept. 19th. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Ms. Herlihy restated that she would like some evidence based research noted in the norms at some place. The board then also talked about the process part of the norms.  Add in a step in the agenda prior to adjournment to briefly reflect on whether the board followed their norms in the meeting.   Ms. Whalen noted that the board is in the role of advising the administrative team. At the end of the day The Superintendent is responsible for hiring staff and is held accountable for that.  Ms. Wheeler asked specifically how to adjust the norms to include the evidence based piece that Ms. Herlihy brought forward. It was agreed upon to add “evidence based” into the language of the norms. The norms checker idea was then discussed and ultimately the practice of reflection on our norms at the end of our meetings was agreed upon. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to make the above changes to the norms. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  The norms will read:  Board of Director Norms 1.  We will deal respectfully with each other. 2. “WE” will stand for our decisions. 3.  Our work together will be time-bound, focused, valuable and evidence based.  4.  We will work to continuously model professional collaboration. 5.  We will rely on and trust each other. 6.  Communication will be timely, taken with positive intentionality, and focused. 7.  We will demonstrate value for each other. 8.  We will be fully engaged in meetings . Lebanon Leach Field Discussion and Motion: The board then discussed the situation in Lebanon regarding the Lebanon Leach Field and what should be the process going forward. The Superintendent gave an overview of what is currently facing us with the leach field requiring about $125,000. The board had discussions regarding what makes sense financially for the district going forward. We could continue pumping the septic tank weekly at a cost of about $24,000 per year. Mr. Tabor asked whether it would be best to continue that process as we are working through the decision of spending this money. The new leach field would likely be viable for 10 plus years. Ms. Neubert asked whether or not we had budgeted for this leach field issue. We noted that the situation occurred after we had already set our budget. So this has to be unfortunately absorbed in the upcoming budget if we move forward. Ms. Van Campen talked with regard to costs, how it would impact the budget this year and the potential ongoing costs. She will investigate options for leasing etc. and will put out a request from quotes if financing is possible. The board also had discussions regarding what is the ultimate plan for the Lebanon Elementary School site itself if we were to close the school in the long term. Ultimately Ms. Van Campen stated that she would bring back information at our next board meeting to help the board finalize their decision and move forward.  District Goals: What are the specific goals and objectives that we are looking to measure in the coming year? The Superintendent updated the board on the goals that were determined from the lengthy process of the Strategic Planning that we underwent in 2023 when we developed the strategic plan. The Superintendent then reviewed the policy that frames the district goals.  Discussion around what are the goals that we can measure and want to share with the district? What benchmarks are we looking for to follow up? What areas would we like to focus on? Mr. Tabor noted that the strategic plan goals seem more like missions and not goals. He would like to see us put them into a SMART goal format rather than the mission style. He also believe that there should be a focus on one or two goals. Ms. Janousek and Ms. Wheeler noted that it may not necessarily need to be just a few.  Ms. Sewell noted that based on her reading of the policy she would like to be sure that there is an academic goal to focus upon.  Ms. Herlihy stated that she feels like a workshop might be the best way to go given the scope of the work. The Superintendent shared that we can focus on individual sections of the strategic plan each time. Perhaps we begin with Pathways to Success and focus on developing SMART goals for that area to be looked at as well. Mr. Tabor also noted that he would like the board to consider talking about behavior as well. Academics is his first area of concern but he’d like to  have a discussion around the School Safety portion as well. Other members spoke up to say that they would like to have an update on BARR, PBIS etc.  Ms.Wheeler noted that she agrees that the school environment is important to address. Ms. Sewell asked about a committee to discuss these. The Superintendent shared that the administrative team is working on developing those goals to be brought forward to the board for their review.  Employment: None at this time. Superintendent Update: Harriman and Associates will be here on September 19th to discuss the outline and timeline of the Facilities Study that was approved in the FY 25 Budget.  The Superintendent shared with the board that we are still down three drivers and we have had absences already that have arisen that have resulted in runs that had to be canceled. We will be sending out a letter to families to just keep them updated as things progress. The transportation department is all hands on deck. The directors and mechanics are all taking turns with filling runs.  We continue to be impressed with the work that they do. And we will continue to advertise in a variety of places and ways to reach potential candidates.  We have three negotiations that we are going into this coming year.  Support Staff, Teachers and the Transportation. We are looking for board members to join us in those meetings as representatives. We will send out a document where board members can sign up.  We also have Code of Conduct and the Policy Committee that will benefit from board members participation and we will put an email out with the committees to join if the board is interested.  The Superintendent updated the board that our Athletes are communicating with an App called Team App and we have reminded our coaching staff to be sure that parents are included in those Apps.  Ms. Herlihy asked that perhaps we go back to keeping the websites updated or a simple email rather than the Apps.  The Superintendent then shared enrollment data: MSAD # 60 District Totals 24.25 23.24 22.23 21.22 20.21 19.20 Kindergarten 216 197 195 242 193 200 Grade 1 196 194 239 191 197 222 Grade 2 194 244 190 195 213 239 Grade 3 244 194 197 216 226 206 Grade 4 194 198 221 221 207 219 Grade 5 192 216 230 212 227 237 Total K-5 1236 1243 1272 1277 1263 1323 Grade 5 0 0 0 1 1 0 Grade 6 221 229 210 224 231 255 Grade 7 223 210 224 235 255 271 Grade 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 Total Grade 6 &7 444 439 434 460 488 526 PG 6 6 6 2 1 2 Grade 7 0 0 2 3 1 2 Grade 8 213 218 235 258 266 245 Grade 9 221 231 253 268 238 237 Grade 10 223 251 260 238 238 249 Grade 11 243 246 225 234 240 221 Grade 12 246 229 236 255 216 240 Total NHS PG-12 1152 1181 1217 1258 1200 1196 GRAND TOTAL 2832 2863 2923 2995 2951 3045 Other: Ms. Herlihy shared with the board an idea regarding reverse reviews and she discussed her more “celebratory” approach.  She’s interested in developing a tool for the district to provide good feedback for the system.  She has a goal for “reverse reviews” from the bottom up. Also known as a 360 review. Including students through and up to the school board. Ms. Wheeler noted that she is concerned about the school board receiving information on teachers from the students as she feels it will make people really comfortable with this. There is much to talk about regarding this practice and whether or not it is the purview of the school board to review the information. This is in the beginning stages of exploration.  First day of school survey where and when? There are surveys that do go out throughout the district and they ask different questions.  We will look into it carefully.  Public Input: Ms. Sofie Larson of North Berwick shared that she hoped that we would ask that administrators would be brought into the conversation regarding setting the appropriate goals for the district.  Rigorous academic expectations are appropriate but we need to be thinking about the pathways for each of our students. If we only focus on academics, or on Vocational, we need to encourage that a multitude of goals should be considered rather than just one type of goal.  In terms of reviews, I love the idea in terms of open conversations. But, it’s a very tricky thing for to fairly implement a process like this.   Ms. Holly Dupuis of Berwick shared that in the last year, she has really noticed that there seems to be less advising on certain matters and much more micromanaging. She feels that we are on a really slippery slope. She feels that it is exhausting to watch and and as a community member and parent she feels like it’s taking away from the issues that need to be addressed by the board.  Please allow our administration and our teachers to do their jobs and not so much micromanaging.  Adjournment:  Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler  to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Adjourned at 9:03 pm.  Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

  • Minutes August 29, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF August 29, 2024   Current Board Members-          North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor                            Berwick- Alison Herlihy, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler                            Lebanon- Nancy Sewall, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert           A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person on August 29, 2024 at 6:00 pm with all members attending except Ms. Whalen and Ms. Basko.  There were 10 in the audience. Mr. Kevin Moore, District Facilities Director, gave a tour of the Lebanon Schools beginning with the Lebanon Elementary School. He shared information regarding the age of the building, the problems that we are facing at the school.  LES is one of the oldest in the district, originally built in 1953 and the “new wing” was added in 1966.  The building has been well maintained over the years but has significant structural issues that will require much attention and financial support in order to bring it up to current code. Mr. Moore and Mr. Neil Rapoza of Civil Consultants then shared a lengthy overview of the leach field. Board members asked relevant questions and it was decided to discuss this further at the next board meeting.    Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to go into executive session pursuant readmission of a student.  In at 7:15 pm. Out at 7:39 pm.  Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to readmit the student under consideration. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Ms. Lovejoy read the public input statement.  There was no public input at this time.  Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to approve the minutes of July 11, 2024. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to approve the minutes of July 29th, 2024. All members voted in favor except Mr. Tabor who abstained and the motion passed. Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to table the minutes of August 14th, 2024.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Ms Whalen joined the meeting at 7:51 via remote.  Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to approve the minutes of June 20th. All members voted in favor except Ms. Herlihy, Ms. Sewall and Mr. Tabor who abstained and the motion passed. Business Brief: Ms. Denise Van Campen, the business manager gave an overview of the warrants that need to be signed regularly by the board. These warrants capture the spending of the district each month. She gave a bit of a breakdown to board members regarding  the various codes so that things were more clearly understood as they signed off on various spending.  Opening Day enrollments were provided: MSAD # 60 District Totals 2024-25 Kindergarten 218 Grade 1 194 Grade 2 193 Grade 3 243 Grade 4 192 Grade 5 191 Total K-5 1231 Grade 6 221 Grade 7 223 Total Grade 6 &7 444 PG 6 Grade 7 0 Grade 8 214 Grade 9 220 Grade 10 222 Grade 11 242 Grade 12 248 Total NHS PG-7 1152 GRAND TOTAL 2827 The board then asked for an Enrollment look for the five year trends. We will provide those at the next meeting. The Superintendent provided an overview of the new teacher orientation days that occurred last week. We provided multiple days of trainings and an overview of processes, building based and district based training and curriculum. We also provided a tour of the district via a school bus. Very helpful for our new staff to see the breadth and depth of the district.  The Superintendent also provided an overview of the two opening days of school for staff and students. Very positive opening.  The state bus inspections occurred today and it went very very well. The head inspector introduced himself to the Assistant Superintendent and he shared that his fleet is top notch and he wished that every fleet was as well maintained as ours. Kudos to our incredible mechanics and drivers.  The Superintendent then updated the board on the enrichment opportunities that have been developed by the specialists to support students in the weeks and months ahead. More information will be forthcoming as plans are implemented.  Employment: Lora Thompson,  Noble Middle School 7th grade Science (1 year only). Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Ms. Thompson . All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Ashley Capone,  Special Education Teacher at Eric Knowlton Elementary School. Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Ms. Capone. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Alston Armstrong , Art Teacher at North Berwick Elementary School.  Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Ms. Armstrong. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Nicole Gleason, half-time District Literacy Coach. Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Ms. Gleason. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Stanley Scontras, Math Teacher at Noble High School. Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Mr. Scontras. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Stefanie Santie, Second Grade  Teacher at Vivian E Hussey School. Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Ms. Santie. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Lynn Preble, Third Grade  Teacher at Vivian E Hussey School (1 year only). Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Ms. Preble. All members voted in favor and the motion passed Jennifer Ordway, Special Education Social Worker  at Vivian E Hussey School and Eric Knowlton Schools. Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Ms. Ordway. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Kelsey Goodwin, Occupational Therapist  at Hanson and Lebanon Elementary Schools. Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Ms. Goodwin. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Emily Currier, Special Education Social Worker at Lebanon Elementary School. Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Ms. Currier. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Crystal Goodrich, Occupational Therapist  at Noble High School. Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Ms. Goodrich. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Katherine Camire, Occupational Therapist  at Eric Knowlton School and Noble Middle School. Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Ms. Camire. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Dierdre Smith, Music Teacher  at Eric Knowlton School. Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Ms. Smith. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Stephanie Wigginton, Spanish Teacher  at Noble High School. Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Ms. Wigginton. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Kathryn Boudreau, Math Teacher  at Noble High School. Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Ms. Boudreau. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Mary Fitzgerald, Special Education Grade 11 Case Manager at Noble High School (.8). Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Ms. Fitzgerald. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Sam Grant Health, Teacher  at Noble High School. Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Mr. Grant. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Cindy Westney, Behavioral Interventionist  at Noble Middle School. Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Ms. Westney. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Zachary Desmarais, Chorus Teacher  at Noble Middle School (1 year only). Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Mr. Desmarais. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Melissa Morin, District Float Nurse . Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Ms. Morin. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Resignation: Katie St. Pierre, Occupational Therapist at Noble High School.  Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to approve the resignation of Ms. St. Pierre. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Kristen Sanzone, District Float Nurse.  Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to approve the resignation of Ms. Sanzone. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Retirement: Sharon Beckwith, STEAM Integration Specialist .  Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to approve the retirement  of Ms. Beckwith. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Brenda Cravens, Transportation Director .  Ms. Cravens will retire in November of 2024. Thank you for 42 years of employment with MSAD 60.  Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to approve the retirement  of Ms. Cravens with regret. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. The Superintendent updated the board with employment updates. There are still a few positions left to fill… 3 drivers and 7 ed. Techs and 1 part time excel instructor. We will continue to advertise and seek out  Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to add other for the evening. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Other: The superintendent shared that we have the old facilities study that was done in 2002 by Harriman and will share it electronically.   Ms. Neubert did ask for clarification about when we will make the decision regarding the leach field. We will place it on the agenda for the next meeting (September 5th) Public Input: Shawn Works, of North Berwick, asked about communication and how our coaches communicate with parents and students. He asked about what policy, if there is one, regarding coach communications.  The board did note that all coaches do get MSAD 60 emails. Ms. Herlihy did note that there is an app that is utilized that potentially doesn’t have parents on the app. The Superintendent indicated that we will follow up on this.  Adjournment:  Ms. Janousek  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Herlihy to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Adjourned at 8:28 pm.  Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

  • Minutes of August 14, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF August 14, 2024   Current Board Members-          North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor                            Berwick- Alison Herlihy, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler                            Lebanon- Nancy Sewall, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert           A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person on August 14, 2024 at 5:30 pm with all members attending except Ms. Lovejoy.  There were 7 in the audience.   The meeting was called to order by Ms. Neubert, Board Chair.  Ms. Wheeler made the motion to add discussion regarding the Assistant Principal position NB Elementary, it was seconded by Ms. Sewell.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  In the remote meeting on July 29th where we nominated and voted to approve the new transportation director, the board did not follow policy BED which requires remote meetings to verify votes by a roll call. After consultation with our district attorney, it was determined to reaffirm the vote to approve a new transportation director. The Superintendent shared the nomination of Ms. Lee-Ann Cammett who will be joining MSAD 60 as the transportation director for MSAD 60. Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Sewell to approve the nomination of Ms. Cammett as transportation director for the district. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  The board then had a conversation regarding the Assistant Principal position at NBES.  The board had conversations regarding the need for the position. Mr. Tabor questioned whether this was the best use of the funds for the district. He shared his personal experiences throughout his career as an administrator in PA schools and his belief that the position was not essential in a school the size of NBES. Ms. Janousek shared her experience in the NB schools as a parent and felt that a half time assistant was not actually enough for coverage.  Ms. Herlihy shared her research on why an assistant principal is necessary and cited information that supported the position.  There was also conversation as to why the need for the position is being brought up at this point when it had not been questioned during the budgeting process for FY 25. Mr. Tabor noted that he did bring up administrative positions and potential reductions during the budget cycle but that the board as a whole chose to maintain current positions. Board members were concerned about adjusting/reducing this position at this late juncture going into the school year.  Ms. Elizabeth Jolly, principal of NBES shared her professional experience in prior school systems of between 260-450 students per building where she always had a full time assistant principal. She shared that 35 staff must be evaluated each year, 20 of which provide direct instruction to students. She wants to update unit maps for their curriculum for literacy and science. Evaluation is a huge part of the job and she feels that if she was doing it herself, it would be done, but not necessarily at the high quality of previous evaluations due to the fact that there would only be one administrator.    She wants the work that they are doing at NBES to be highlighted by the candidate being considered. She wants to continue their progress in PBIS. She would like to make student videos of their core values, tap into social media, and more which is why she thinks the 1/2 AP is necessary. She explains that her goals are really lofty goals for the staff and they all would benefit greatly from having the continuation of the half time assistant principal in the building. Mr. Tabor noted that Ms. Jolly’s explanation was very thorough and appreciated. He also noted that he was concerned about the reduction of a team at NMS but are continuing to maintain admin numbers throughout the district. He would like to focus on increasing staff that are in close contact with students.  Ms. Sewell also shared research  that she had done regarding the Maine Essential Programs and Services Model (she noted that this was the most recent information dated 2018) that recommended administrator to student ratios of 1:300. There were conversations among the board about this number and what it meant for NBES. NBES has 261 students. Ultimately the majority of the board felt that it would be appropriate to maintain the current administrative staffing at NBES and chose to move forward with the nomination process.  The Superintendent then explained the process that was followed for the hiring of the candidate.  Mr. Tabor made the motion to go into executive session for personnel reasons and it was seconded by Ms. Basko. When asked what the executive session would pertain to, Mr. Tabor noted it was specific to the qualifications of the candidate. All members voted in favor except Ms. Neubert, Ms. Janousek, Ms. Whalen, Ms. Wheeler and Ms. Herlihy and the motion failed.  The Superintendent shared the nomination of Mr. Eustaquio Dones as Assistant Principal of North Berwick Elementary School. Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the nomination of Mr. Dones as Assistant Principal of North Berwick Elementary School. Mr. Tabor asked questions regarding the position around the literacy coach piece.  All members voted in favor except Ms. Basko, Mr. Tabor and Ms. Sewell and the motion passed.  Adjournment:  Ms. Janousek  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Herlihy to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Adjourned at 6:10 pm.  Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

  • Minutes of July 29, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF July 29, 2024   Current Board Members-          North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor                            Berwick- Alison Herlihy, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler                            Lebanon- Nancy Sewall, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert           A meeting of the Board of Directors was held remotely on July 29, 2024 at 5:00 pm with all members attending except Mr. Tabor and Ms. Stanton.  There were 0 in the audience.   The meeting was called to order by Ms. Neubert, Board Chair.  The Superintendent shared the nomination of Ms. Leanne Cammet who would be joining MSAD 60 as the transportation director if approved. Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to approve the nomination of Ms. Cammet as transportation director for the district. Members asked Ms. Cammett some questions and then all members voted in favor and the motion passed.  The board then discussed dates for the assistant principal nomination process. We offered Monday the 12th.  The board in general felt that would work.  The board then also discussed having our board meeting on Thursday the 22nd where we would meet in Lebanon for a facilities tour. We would reach out to all board members to see if there would be a quorum for that evening.  Adjournment:  Ms. Basko made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Adjourned at 5:20 pm.  Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

  • Minutes of July 11, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF July 11, 2024   Current Board Members-          North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Joshua Tabor, Kate Whalen,                            Berwick- Alison Herlihy, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler                            Lebanon- Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert, Nancy Sewell   Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to go into executive session pursuant to Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(A) Evaluation of Employees . All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 4:30 pm. Out at 5:14pm.   Board Workshop- Connor Schratz Drummond & Woodsum A workshop for the board occurred at 5:15  pm.  Connor Schratz , attorney for Drummond and Woodsum and MSAD 60’s legal representation, presented on board roles and responsibilities.   Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Basko to add an agenda item after the minutes of June 20, 2024.  All members voted in favor of and the motion passed.  It was also noted that the executive session didn’t occur and was removed from the agenda.  A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on July 11, 2024 at 7:00 pm with all members attending in person except Ms. Neubert.  There were approximately 9 in the audience. Ms. Lauren Janousek of North Berwick  read the public input statement. Public Input: Swearing In and Oath of New Members  The superintendent held the swearing in of the two new board members, Ms. Alison Herlihy of Berwick and Nancy Sewell of Lebanon. Welcome to our new board members.  Seating of  Board Chair and Oath of Office; Seating of Vice Chair Mr. Tabor asked for some history regarding the nomination of the board chair and vice chair based on the rotation through the three towns. The Assistant Superintendent shared the history of the district regarding the board rotations etc.  Ms. Wheeler  nominated Nancy Neubert as Chair of the Board for the 2024/2025 school year. Ms. Whalen seconded the nomination. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Mr. Tabor nominated Ms. Kate Whalen as Vice Chair of the Board for the 2024/2025 school year.  Ms. Wheeler   seconded the nomination.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Minutes: Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Basko to table the minutes of the June  20, 2024  meeting until the next meeting.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Ms. Basko and Mr. Tabor discussed the consolidation of the specialists and the reinstatement of those enrichment classes in the schools.  The board had a lengthy discussion going over the programming again and how to best serve the students of the district. It was brought forward that the addition of the funds doesn’t need to happen this year and could be put on hold until the following year. The board continued the conversation trying to determine the best next steps. Several board members felt that it was important to honor the intentions of the public who approved the restoring of the funds to the budget at the district budget hearing. Ultimately, the board determined to honor the return of the specialists to the current staffing levels with enrichment programming to be worked out between the building administration and the specialists.  Lebanon Elementary Leach Field Discussion  The Superintendent shared an update regarding the leach field. We wanted to let the board know that we are working with Civil Consultants to develop a ten year plan for replacing the leach field rather than the pumping of the tanks every week. More to follow in the future.  Employment: New Hires: Emmanuelle Holmes  first grade teacher at Hanson Elementary School.  Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy  to approve the appointment of Ms. Holmes. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Samantha LeFebvre  Special Education Teacher at Eric Knowlton Elementary School.  Ms. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to approve the appointment of Ms. LeFebvre. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Sarah Balestro  fourth grade teacher at North Berwick Elementary.  Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy  to approve the appointment of Ms. Balestro. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Claire Behning Multiple Pathways Science Teacher at Noble High School.  Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy  to approve the appointment of Ms. Behning. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Danielle Duckworth Special Education Social Worker  at Noble High School.  Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy  to approve the appointment of Ms. Duckworth. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Evan Treece Physical Education Teacher  at Vivian E Hussey School.  Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy  to approve the appointment of Ms. Treece. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Jacob Mills Physical Education Teacher  at Noble Middle School.  Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to approve the appointment of Mr. Mills. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Resignation Shelly Lajoie, Guidance Counselor at Noble High School.  Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to approve the resignation of Ms. Lajoie. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Jason Demorato leave of absence.  Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to approve the leave of absence of Mr. Demoroto. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Dana Landry Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to approve the resignation of Ms. Landry. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Superintendent Update The Superintendent updated the board on Summer Programming etc. It was a great first two weeks of summer school.  The students are participating well and  The interim audit has been completed this week. Internal controls and processes are the primary focus during this time frame.   This morning we held a leadership panel with administrators sharing information regarding what it takes to be a leader in our district.  There were 20 plus people in the audience and it was also recorded for folks who weren’t able to attend in person. We will probably run this in  Public Input: Mr. Shawn Works, of North Berwick, asked for more transparency in dates and agendas of meetings being placed on the website.  Dr. Joe Forte, of North Berwick expressed his consternation regarding the last minute conversation regarding the consolidation of the specialists. He asked that in the future it be on the agenda and not put on at the last minute.  Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(A) Employment of Employee Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to go into executive session pursuant to Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(A) Employment of Employee . All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 8:34 pm. Out at 8:50pm.   Adjournment:  Ms. Lovejoy made the motion and it was seconded by Ms.Wheeler to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Adjourned at 8:51pm.  Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

  • Minutes of June 20, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF June 20, 2024   Current Board Members-          North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor                            Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler                            Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert           A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on June 20, 2024 at 7:00 pm with all members attending in person except Mr. Doiron and Mr. Tabor.  There were approximately 9 in the audience.   The Assistant Superintendent shared with the board the request to remove the executive session regarding employee evaluation scheduled for the end of the meeting and move it to the next meeting on July 11th.  Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to remove the executive session from this agenda. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.   The Assistant Superintendent shared with the board the request to add two items to the board agenda.  •The first was to add the resolution to accept the Maine Bond bank authorization for the SRRF funds.  Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to add the approval of the resolution for the Maine Bond for the SRRF funds as item 3A.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  •The second was to review and potentially approve the ESEA application.  Ms. Nancy Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to add the ESEA application to the agenda as 3B.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed.    Vice Chair Ms. Nancy Neubert of Lebanon read the public input statement. Public Input: None at this time Minutes: Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Basko to approve the minutes of June 13, 2024  meeting as amended.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  The board then reviewed the resolution  for the Maine Bond Bank and the approval of funds for the SRRF projects that were approved by the voters at the June 11 referendum. Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to: Motion : I move that the Resolution entitled, “Resolution to Authorize $6,485,183 School Revolving Renovation Fund Financing,” be approved in form presented to this meeting and that the Secretary file an attested copy of said Resolution with the minutes of this meeting. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE $6,485,183 SCHOOL REVOLVING RENOVATION FUND FINANCING 1. That under and pursuant to a Maine School Administrative District No. 60 (the “District”) referendum election held on June 11, 2024 to authorize the financing of Health, Safety, and Compliance repairs related to indoor air quality renovations and improvements at Noble High School, Eric L. Knowlton School, Hanson School, and North Berwick Elementary School (the “Project”), a Maine Department of Education School Revolving Renovation Fund Project Eligibility Certificate dated January 31, 2024, and all other applicable law, the Chair of the School Board (the “Chair”) and the Treasurer be authorized in the name of and on behalf of the District to execute and deliver a Loan Agreement between the Maine Municipal Bond Bank (the “Bond Bank”) and the District to effect a loan from the Bond Bank to finance the Project in the principal amount of up to $6,485,183,  but of which amount $3,506,305  of principal is forgiven by the Bond Bank (the “Loan Agreement”); and that  the Loan Agreement be on such terms as the Chair and the Treasurer may approve, the execution and delivery thereof to be conclusive evidence of such approval. 2. That under and pursuant to sections 5953-E and 6006(F) of the Maine Municipal Bond Bank Act, sections 1490 and 1501 of Title 20-A of the Maine Revised Statutes, and other applicable law, the Chair and the Treasurer of the District be authorized to borrow in the name and on behalf of the District the sum of up to $2,622,528  from the Bond Bank to finance the Project; that in connection therewith, the Chair and the Treasurer be authorized to issue general obligation securities (bonds or notes) of the District in an original principal amount of up to $2,622,528 , payable WITH NO INTEREST in ten (10) substantially equal annual installments of principal, and to execute and deliver such general obligation bonds or notes (as so executed and delivered, the “Bond”) in registered form under the seal of the District and attested by the Secretary; and that the Bond bear such date and be on such other terms and in such form as the Chair and the Treasurer may approve, the execution and delivery thereof to be conclusive evidence of such approval. 3. That the Chair and the Treasurer, acting singly, be authorized in the name and on behalf of the District to execute and deliver an Assignment of monies transferred by the State of Maine to pay for Project costs and such other instruments, documents, certificates and agreements, and to take or cause to be taken such further actions for and on behalf of the District, as may be necessary, convenient or appropriate to accomplish the Project and to effect the transactions contemplated by this Resolution and the documents referenced herein, and that the Secretary of the District be authorized to attest to the foregoing and attach the District's seal to any of the foregoing. A true copy, attest: _____________________________________ Audra Beauvais, Secretary The Assistant Superintendent then shared the ESEA application for federal funds to support students and staff.  The information shared ESEA 24-25 Board  was reviewed.  Ms Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to approve the ESEA application. All voted in favor and the motion passed.  The board then moved on to the finalization of the funds that were added to the budget above and beyond what the board had approved.   There was quite a lot of  discussion regarding the funds to go towards the transportation department.  Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to give a bonus to the transportation department the second pay of September.  All members voted in favor, except  Ms. Basko and Ms. Travers who were opposed and the motion passed.  The board then discussed the increased funding to provide specialists the opportunity to meet their student caseloads as well as provide enrichment programming for all of the schools.  The board had extensive conversation about how this would be scheduled etc. There were two options presented for examples. Specialists/Enrichment Ideas    Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Whalen to approve the option 2 version of the plans with more specific scheduling to be determined by the administration and teachers together with specific focus on equity of services as noted by Ms. Janousek.   All members voted in favor except Ms. Travers and Ms. Basko who were opposed and the motion passed.   Assistant Superintendent Contract Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Whalen to approve the Salary Agreement of Ms. Austin, Assistant Superintendent. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Business Manager Contract Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Whalen to approve the Salary Agreement of Ms. Denise Van Campen, Business Manager. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Superintendent Contract  Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to approve the Salary Agreement of Ms. Audra Beauvias, Superintendent of Schools. There was some question regarding process in regard to the review. All members voted in favor except Ms. Travers who was opposed and the motion passed. Employment: New Hire: Lindsey Bogh Speech Language Pathologist at North Berwick Elementary School (.8) and Mary Hurd Academy(.2).  Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers  to approve the appointment of Ms. Bogh.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Public Input:  Mr. Jon Hall of North Berwick noted that the French mentors at this point are a volunteer service in NB elementary provided through Noble High School staff and that if we provide support to other towns in regard to foreign language we should consider compensation to those staff members who oversee the program.  Ms. Leighanne Wurtz of Berwick asked a clarifying question regarding the specialists schedule.  Adjournment:  Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Adjourned at 8:10  pm.  Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

  • Minutes of June 13, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF June 13, 2024   Current Board Members-          North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor                            Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler                            Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert           A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on June 13, 2024 at 6:00 pm with all members attending in person except Mr. Doiron and Ms. Travers.  There were approximately 21 in the audience.   Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to go into executive session pursuant to Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(A) Evaluation of Employees . All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 6:03 pm. Out at 6:55 pm.   Ms. Travers entered the meeting at 6:06 pm Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to add an executive session pursuant to 1 MRSA §405(6)(A) Evaluation of Employees.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Vice Chair Ms. Nancy Neubert of Lebanon read the public input statement. Public Input: Cole Janousek, of North Berwick, shared a heartfelt message to the community regarding information that he had heard about from social media. He shared that he had been overhearing negative conversations about our schools and he felt it was important to share his beliefs. He wants to ask people to think about what they’re hearing and saying and urged them to go into the schools and see what’s really happening.  Holly Dupuis of Berwick shared her congratulations regarding the budget passing.  She asked that the board honor the requests that were expressed.  Minutes: Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Basko to approve the minutes of the May  16, 2024  meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Ms. Basko made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to approve the minutes of June 6, 2024  meeting as amended.  All members voted in favor except Ms. Lovejoy who abstained and the motion passed.  Budget Ratification The Superintendent then shared the ratification of the vote for the referendum. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek  to submit the Computation and Declaration of Votes.  Yay Nay Town of Berwick 558 280 Town of Lebanon 548 438 Town of North Berwick  384 313 Total of the Vote:   1,490 1,031 Signing of Warrants for FY’25 Town Assessments Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler  that the Warrant for Assessment of Tax and the Assessment Schedule and Notice of Installments for each member municipality prepared by the Treasurer for fiscal year 2025. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  SRRF Ratification: The Superintendent then shared the ratification of the vote for the issuance of bonds or notes of the District for minor capital project purposes. Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to submit the Computation and Declaration of Votes.  Yay Nay Town of Berwick. 615 228 Town of Lebanon 614 371 Town of North Berwick  443 250 Total of the Vote: 1,672 849 Budget Update The Superintendent shared with the board the need for the board to give administration direction regarding  The board then discussed the funding that was returned to the budget and what best to do with those funds. More discussion will follow at future meetings to best determine next steps. June 20 will have the funding discussion on the agenda as well.  Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to approve posting of the world language position that was restored in the budget. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Financial Summary Ms. Denise Van Campen, business manager for the district shared the financial report for May 2024.  Employment: Christa Bui- Excel Director.  Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the appointment of Ms. Bui as Excel Director. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  New Hire:  Resignations: Molly Jacobson, Speech and Language Pathologist at North Berwick Elementary School. Ms. Janoussek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler  to approve the resignation of Ms. Jacobson with regrets. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Tamara Dubis , Spanish Teacher at Noble High School. Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek  to approve the resignation of Ms. Dubis with regrets. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Jesse Young- Physical Education Teacher at Vivian E  Hussey School.  Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek  to approve the resignation of Mr. Young. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Phil Swasey- Physical Education Teacher at Noble Middle School. Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor  to approve the retirement of Mr. Swasey. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Superintendent Update: The Superintendent shared with the board an update on Graduation.  It was a momentous day with some rain, lack of electricity, faculty/staff and parents singing pomp and circumstance as the seniors marched in! A graduation that no one will forget! The kindergarten teachers met today for five hours to begin their programming for the school year ahead.  They left invigorated for the direction of next year.  June 20th 7 pm. Board meeting July 11 5-7 pm  Board meeting at 7 pm.  August 15th Board meeting at 7 pm.  Ms. Neubert asked a clarifying question about nursing coverage during the summer school sessions. There is coverage.  Typically one nurse covers all of the programming with much of the special needs students with medical fragility located at the high school.  Public Input:   Mr. Shawn Works of NB asked clarifying questions around the July 11th meeting which has a board workshop as well as a regular board meeting. It is open to the public with no public input. Mr. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to go into executive session pursuant to Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(A) Evaluation of Employees . All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 8:16 pm. Out at 9:28 pm.   Adjournment:  Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Adjourned at 9:30  pm.  Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

  • Minutes of June 6, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF June 6, 2024   Current Board Members-          North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor                            Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler                            Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert           A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on June 6, 2024 at 7:05 pm with all members attending in person except Ms. Lovejoy and Ms. Basko.  There were approximately 14 in the audience.   Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Doiron to have Ms. Whalen read the public input statement in lieu of the Vice Chair today. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Public Input: Ms. Whalen of Lebanon read the public input statement. Ms. Basko entered the meeting at 7:08 pm.  Celebrations: Maine Middle School Science and Engineering Fair .  Mr. Michael Archambault, principal of Noble Middle School, presented Austin Heiser, second place winter in the physical science category and who also earned a special award for Civil and Environmental Engineering which was sponsored by the University of Maine.  Austin spoke to the board and thanked the board for the opportunity to speak about his Science Fair project:  how temperature affects thermoelectric generators.   Field Days are happening throughout the K-5 realm this week. It is also Senior Week with many milestone events: Senior Ball, Red Carpet Week, Graduation/marching practice. Kevin Loranger, Fifth grade teacher in Lebanon was named the Crumble Cookie Teacher of the Year, from Maine. 100 teachers nominated in the state of Maine and over 60,000 across the nation. Very special tribute to Kevin.  Audit RKO: Jennifer Conners of Runyon Kersteen Ouellette gave an overview of the district financial audit. Ms. Conners noted that this is a very clean audit. No Material weaknesses and no significant deficiencies. The presentation (insert the audit document here) was thorough and gave strong kudos to the business office staff for being thorough, professional and so skilled in keeping our documentation clear and precise. Ms. Denise Van Campen, Business Manager, pointed out the incredible efforts of the staff in maintaining the district's meticulous compliance to the financial rules and regulations. Ms. Connors took questions from the board in regard to fund balance and other budgetary questions. The board thanked Ms. Connors and Ms. VanCampen and her staff for a job well done.  Budget Update: The Superintendent shared the proposed dates for upcoming meetings.  June 11th is the district budget referendum.  June 13th we will meet regardless of if the budget passes or not.  If the budget passes, we will be signing the appropriate paperwork.  If the budget does not pass we will be meeting on June 20th for a Budget work session and on June 27th we will call the meeting for the signing of the new Warrant Articles.  July 11th we would have a budget hearing and the budget would go back before the voters on August 6th.  If the budget does not pass, we move ahead with the proposed budget until such time that a new budget is voted upon and passed.  Minutes: Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms Wheeler to approve the minutes of May 23, 2024  meeting as amended.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the minutes of May 30, 2024  meeting as amended.  All members voted in favor except Mr. Doiron and Ms. Whalen who abstained and the motion passed.  Superintendent Summer Hire (Teachers) Effective June 14, 2024-August 28, 2024: Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to allow the superintendent to hire staff without board approval for the summer (June 14 through August 28, 2023).  All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Employment: LOA: 2024-2025 Kelsey Thompson, Grade 3 Teacher at Vivian E. Hussey School. Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to approve a leave of absence for Ms. Thompson. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. November 2024-June 2025 Jayme Frazier, Grade 6/7 Choral Teacher at Middle School. Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to approve a leave of absence for Ms. Frazier. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. New Hire:  Shea Kelly, Grade 3 Vivian E. Hussey School.  Ms. Kelly recently graduated with her Master’s degree in Education from Lesley University in May 2024. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to approve the employment of Ms. Kelly. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Julianna Perrella, Grade 3 Vivian E. Hussey School.  Ms. Perrella  recently graduated with her Bachelor’s degree in Education from University of New Hampshire in May 2024.  Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to approve the employment of Ms. Perrella. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Adrienne Smith, Grade 3 Vivian E. Hussey School.  Ms. Smith  has her Master’s degree in Art Education from University of Alabama. Ms. Smith has been teaching at a Department of Defense School in Japan.  Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to approve the employment of Ms. Smith. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Lauren Nudi, Grade 4 Lebanon Elementary School.  Ms. Nudi has a Bachelor of Arts from Bates College. Ms. Nudi has been teaching at a Charter School in Boston. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to approve the employment of Ms. Nudi. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Resignations: Caryn Smith, Art Teacher at North Berwick Elementary School. Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms Wheeler to approve the resignation of Ms. Smith. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Alicia Reynolds, Grade 2 Vivian E Hussey School. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to approve the resignation of Ms.Reynolds. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Ryan Peters, Educational Technician Mary Hurd Academy. No motion needed.  Nicole Herron, Educational Technician Eric Knowlton School. No motion needed.  Superintendent Update: The superintendent shared a concern voiced by Mr. Tabor regarding the student protest at NMS. He shared his concerns regarding students leaving the classrooms and what type of consequences were given. He discussed his concerns about the disruption of the school due to situations like this and wanted to discuss appropriate measures/consequences. There was concern brought up regarding what conversations were happening in the classrooms and what our staff discussions might have taken place. It was brought forward that there are concerns about what is going to be impacting us coming forward with the elections in November and that we should have a game plan on how we will help our students and our staff navigate the months and days ahead.   We also discussed consistency regarding consequences.  We have a Code of Conduct and we will be reviewing it in the fall to address any inconsistencies that we may see. The reality is that there are a variety of ways to handle situations so we want to be providing a “band” of consequences.  More to come on this after the committee meets in the fall.  Date for summer workshop…. Looking at July 11th but need confirmation of that date.  Public Input :   Mr. Joe Forte, of North Berwick, spoke regarding the walk out at the NMS. He shared with the board that the students seemed to understand the gravity of the situation and that Noble Middle School and the district handled it very well.  Mr. Shawn Works, of NB shared his thoughts on the posting of the dates of the board meetings and noted that it would be appreciated if the information is kept as up to date as possible and with a little more clarity.  Ms. Chelsea Hewitt of NB shared her thoughts on the walk out at NMS. She shared that there was a designated time on the second day and that she supported her student. Executive Session:  Mr. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler  to go into executive session pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(A) Evaluation of Employees . All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 8:29 pm. Out at  8:52 pm.   Adjournment:  Mr. Doiron made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Adjourned at 8:55  pm.  Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

  • Minutes May 30, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF May 30, 2024   Current Board Members-          North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor                            Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler                            Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert           A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on May 30, 2024 at 7:00 pm with all members attending in person except Mr. Doiron.  Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to go into executive session pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(B) Expulsion of a Student . All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 6:59 pm. Out at 7:36 pm.   Ms. Neubert  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to expel the student under consideration.  All members voted in favor and the motion was approved.   Adjournment:  Ms. Neubert made  the motion and it was seconded by Ms.Wheeler  to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Adjourned at 7:40 pm.  Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

  • Minutes of May 23, 2024 District Budget Meeting

    MSAD #60  North Berwick, Berwick and Lebanon  MINUTES OF THE DISTRICT BUDGET MEETING OF May 23, 2024  The MSAD 60 school budget meeting took place at Noble High School in North Berwick, Maine beginning at 6:45 pm on May 23, 2024. All board members were present.  The press was present as well. Audra Beauvais, Superintendent of Schools, welcomed the residents. She briefly reviewed the budget and she shared with the audience where the increased expenses were incurred and what the impact of mill rates was, and that the final numbers indicate a 7.48% increase to taxpayers.  A North Berwick Resident made the motion and it was seconded to nominate Geoffrey Day, of Berwick, as moderator.   A Lebanon resident made the motion and it was seconded to nominate Robert Travers, of Lebanon, as  moderator.  A show of hands indicated support of the residents for Geoffrey Day as moderator over Robert Travers.   The Superintendent swore in Mr. Day as moderator.  The moderator noted that he would be making a modification and allowing the Superintendent and the Assistant Superintendent, non-residents, as well as the administrative team, to speak when responding to direct questions. The Assistant Superintendent will be the recorder of events for the evening. The Moderator then reviewed the process of the meeting and the rules that would be followed. Article 1: Regular Instruction   A Berwick Resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed budget as recommended by the board of directors. There was some discussion and:  Proposed Amendment: Jon Hall of North Berwick made a motion to increase the Regular Instruction budget by $300,000 with the intent to restore a PE and Art teacher at the elementary level as well as a STEAM specialist at the elementary level as well as a foreign language instructor.   Through a show of hands and counting of those hands as accurately as possible:  224 in favor and 67 opposed and the amendment passed.  A North Berwick resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed amended budget.  A show of hands showed it to be an overwhelming pass.  Article 2: Special Education  A North Berwick Resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed budget as recommended by the board of directors. There were multiple questions asking more specific questions regarding services as well as other questions about article 1. The residents then voted on the article as recommended by the board of directors. It was approved overwhelmingly.  Proposed Amendment: None  Article 3: Career and Technical Education   A North Berwick Resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed budget as recommended by the board of directors. A North Berwick  resident asked one question. The article was approved overwhelmingly.  Article 4: Other Instruction   A North Berwick Resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed budget as recommended by the board of directors. There was one question and the article was approved overwhelmingly.  Proposed Amendment: None  Article 5: Student and Staff Support   A North Berwick Resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed budget as recommended by the board of directors. There were several  questions and the article was approved.  Proposed Amendment: None  Article 6: System Administration   A  Berwick Resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed budget as recommended by the board of directors. There were no questions. The article was then approved overwhelmingly.  Proposed Amendment: None  Article 7: School Administration   A Lebanon Resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed budget as recommended by the board of directors. There were several questions. The article was then approved.  Proposed Amendment: None  Article 8: Transportation   A North Berwick Resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed budget as recommended by the board of directors. There was then discussion about the need for drivers and support toward compensation.  Proposed Amendment: A Berwick resident made the motion and it was seconded to increase the budget by $25,000 for driver support. The amendment was approved.  A North Berwick Resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed budget as recommended by the board of directors as amended. The amended article was approved.  Article 9: Facilities Maintenance   A North Berwick Resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed budget as recommended by the board of directors. There were some questions. The members then voted on the proposed article as recommended by the board of directors and it was approved overwhelmingly.  Proposed Amendment: None  Article 10: Debt Service and Other Commitments   A North Berwick Resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed budget as recommended by the board of directors. There was no discussion. The members then voted on the proposed article as recommended by the board of directors and it was approved overwhelmingly.  Proposed Amendment: None  Article 11: All Other Expenditures  A Lebanon Resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed budget as recommended by the board of directors. There were no questions. The members then voted on the proposed article as recommended by the board of directors and it was approved overwhelmingly.  Proposed Amendment: None  Article 12: Essential Programs and Services Funding Act A Lebanon Resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed budget as recommended by the board of directors. There was no discussion and the article was then approved overwhelmingly.  Proposed Amendment: None Article 13: Straight Local Money, Written Ballot   A North Berwick Resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed budget as recommended by the board of directors. Proposed Amendment: increase by $325,000 to note the changes in earlier articles 1 and 8.  It was overwhelmingly approved to accept the proposed amendment and move to a written ballot.  Berwick Y:  84    No:  1 Lebanon Y:  42    No:  18 N. Berwick Y:  65    No:  8 ————————————-  Totals Y:  191    No: 27 Article 14: Summary Article   A North Berwick Resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed budget as recommended by the board of directors.  There were several questions discussed on the article and an amendment proposed.   Proposed Amendment: Increased by $325,000. The proposed amendment passed.  A North Berwick Resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed budget as recommended by the board of directors as amended.  The Motion passed.  Article 15: Raises and Appropriates Funds for the School Nutrition Program  A Berwick Resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed budget as recommended by the board of directors. There was no discussion on the article and was then approved.  Proposed Amendment: None  Article 16: Adult Education   A North Berwick Resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed budget as recommended by the board of directors. There was a question regarding the programming for Lebanon in terms of academics. There was some discussion and the article was then approved.  Proposed Amendment: None  Article 17: Expending other funds   A Lebanon Resident made the motion and it was seconded to accept the proposed budget as recommended by the board of directors. There was no discussion and the article was then approved.  Proposed Amendment: None  A North Berwick Resident made the motion and it was seconded to adjourn. It was approved overwhelmingly. MSAD #60 North Berwick, Berwick and Lebanon Meeting adjourned at 9:02 pm.  Respectfully submitted,  Audra Beauvais Secretary of the Board of Directors  Count: Berwick: 85           North Berwick:73     Lebanon: 60    Total: 218

  • MInutes of May 16, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF May 16, 2024   Current Board Members-          North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor                            Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler                            Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert           A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on May 16, 2024 at 7:52 pm with all members attending in person except Mr. Doiron.  There were approx. 45 in the audience.   Amendment: Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to remove item 11 from the agenda as it is being addressed in item 9. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Public Input  Vice Chair Ms. Nancy Neubert of Lebanon read the public input statement. Minutes: Ms.Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by  Ms. Janousek  to approve the minutes of May 2, 2024  meeting as amended.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to approve the minutes of May 9, 2024  meeting as amended.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Celebrations NMS STEM Club and the Sea Perch Competition: Don Peet, technology instructor at Noble MS and 20 students gave an overview of their involvement in the Sea Perch Competition.  Students were very successful and earned top marks.  Each of the students shared their experiences and what they gleaned from the competition.  Atlantic Salmon Habitat Restoration Partnership Grants: Ms.Camilla Shaw of the Knowlton School shared the Atlantic Salmon project that took place at the Knowlton School this spring.  Our fifth graders were able to take part in a scientific project geared at raising Atlantic Salmon from eggs to full hatchlings. The project was supported by a grant written by Ms. Shaw and brought to the school. There was a great video that gave an overview of the process and was done completely by our 5th grade students. STEAM and the Glowforge Laser Cutters Grant with Sharon Beckwith. Ms Beckwith, a technology integrator here in MSAD 60 shared with the board  the program with the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard and the STEAM program that has allowed the engineers at PSNY to have way more fun than the kids do! There is a strong relationship between MSAD 60.  Lego league materials have been provided through a grant through PNSY… engineering design teams from PSNY have provided information regarding bringing biomes and laser technology into our schools and to our students.  Ms. Beckwith also gave an overview of the Teach with Tech grant that provided MSAD 60 access to laser printers. Students were excited about learning that ideas can come to reality! Financial Summary Ms. Van Campen, business manager, shared with the board the updated financial statements for the past three months. The revenue is on track as it is coming in.  Title 20-A Section 1485(4) Authorization to Transfer Funds Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler  to approve authorization for the transfer of funds. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Pursuant to section 1485(4) of Title 20-A, the Superintendent of Schools be authorized to transfer not more than 5% of the total appropriation for any cost center in the current fiscal year operating budget to another cost center or among other cost centers, provided that the total current fiscal year operating budget shall not be increased by such transfers.  Donation: Charles S. Hatch Post #79 American Legion Berwick, $500 to the Backpack Program Mr. Tabor  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to accept the donation Charles S. Hatch Post #79 American Legion Berwick, $500 to the Backpack Program with appreciation and thanks. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Reduction in Force Discussion   Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to eliminate the positions impacted by budget reductions (Reduction In Force).   Employment: Resignations: Sarah Loranger, Health Teacher at Noble High School. Ms. Whalen  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to approve the resignation of Ms. Loranger. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Maria Cannon, Instructional Coach at Noble High School. Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to approve the resignation of Ms. Cannon. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Karin Heim, Social Worker at Noble Middle School. Ms. Whalen  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to approve the resignation of Ms. Heim. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.   Jaime Halbmaier-Stuart, Grade 4 Teacher Lebanon Elementary School.  Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Whalen  to approve the resignation of Ms. Halbmaier- Stuart. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.   Heather Laviolette, Excel Teacher Lebanon Schools. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to approve the resignation of Ms. Laviolette. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Natalie Batchelder, Grade 1 Teacher Vivian E Hussey School. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to approve the resignation of Ms. Batchelder. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Kristin Johnson-Gouin, Administrative Assistant North Berwick Elementary School. No motion needed.  Retirement: Ms. Lisa Rose, Custodian at Vivian E Hussey School. Ms. Rose has been employed with MSAD 60 for 20 years. Thank you Ms. Rose for your years of dedication. No motion is needed.  Ms. Marty Roberts, Educational Technician at Noble Middle School. Ms. Roberts has been employed with MSAD 60 for 6 years.  No motion is needed.  Ms. Deborah Butler, Special Education Teacher Noble High School. Ms. Butler, has been an educator with MSAD 60 for 43 years.  Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to approve the retirement of Deb Butler with great appreciation and regrets. All members voted in favor and the motion passed Public Input :   Mr. Jon Hall of North Berwick, asked about the retirement positions that were announced this evening and whether or not they were being filled.  Adjournment:  Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor  to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Adjourned at 8:42 pm.  Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

  • Agenda October 17, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting October 17, 2024 Noble High School Lecture Hall North Berwick, Maine 03906 Executive Session 6pm                    Meeting 7:30pm AGENDA 6:00pm Executive Session 1 MRSA 405(6)(E) Consultations Between School Unit and its Attorney 6:30pm Executive Session 1 MRSA 405(6)(A) Duties of Officials/ Employees  Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair  Public Input  Minutes of September 5, 2024, September 19, 2024 and October 3, 2024 Financial Summary September  Dr. Shannon Swiger- Data Overview MSAD 60 Emergency Management Plans  Employment  Superintendent Update Other Public Input  Adjournment

  • Bus Bid 10.11.2024

    October 3, 2024   Dear Potential Bidders:                                                                             The Board of Directors of MSAD #60 invites your firm to bid on the bus detailed below. The bid opening will be on Friday, October 11, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at the Central Office, 100 Noble Way, North Berwick, ME 03906.  Bids may be mailed to MSAD #60, 100 Noble Way, North Berwick, ME 03906.  Please use this form and enter your bid amounts below and add your contact information.  Clearly list the amounts you are bidding for each vehicle.  Please submit this bid document in a sealed envelope clearly marked “MSAD #60 Bus Bid Document”. The vehicles are located at the MSAD #60 Bus Garage out behind Noble High School in North Berwick for viewing.  If you have questions please contact Jeremiah Cyr at 676-2855.   The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept any bid that serves the best interest of the District. Regards, Audra Beauvais Superintendent of Schools Bus #26- 2013 GMC Express with Wheelchair Lift - Vin # 1GB3G2BG4D1155329 - 12 passenger plus one wheelchair, 6.0 liter gas with automatic   transmission, mileage 137,532. Sold As Is, Where Is, As Seen BID AMOUNT : ____________________________                                                                   ____________________________________                        ___________________ Signature of Bidder                                                                Date Printed Name of Bidder_______________________________________   Bidder’s address and phone #__________________________________   _________________________________________________________ Winning bidders are to take possession of the vehicle within 7 days.

  • Agenda October 3, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting October 3, 2024 Noble Middle School Berwick, Maine 03901 Building Tour 6:30pm                    Meeting 7:00pm AGENDA 6:00pm Noble Middle School Building Tour Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair  Public Input  Minutes of August 29, 2024 , September 5, 2024  and September 19, 2024 Noble Middle School Bleachers  Lebanon Leach Field Discussion-Motion District Goals- High Quality Resources   Maine School Board Association Workshop Employment  Superintendent Update Other Public Input  Adjournment

  • Agenda for October 1, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting October 1, 2024 Noble High School North Berwick, Maine 03906 Executive Session 6:30 AGENDA Call to Order 6:30pm   Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student  7:00pm  Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student  Adjournment

  • Agenda for September 19, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting September 19, 2024 Noble High School North Berwick, Maine 03906 Executive Session 6:30pm                    Meeting 7:00pm AGENDA 6:30pm  Central Office Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(A) Duties of Officials/Appointees/Employees Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair  Public Input  Minutes of August 29, 2024 and September 5, 2024 Harriman and Associates Facility Study  Lebanon Leach Field Discussion-motion  Technology Lease Review/ Questions with Brigette Dumont  District Goals Employment  Superintendent Update Other Public Input  Adjournment

  • Agenda for September 5, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting September 5, 2024 Noble High School North Berwick, Maine 03906 Building Tour 6:00pm Executive Session 6:30pm                    Meeting 7:30pm AGENDA 6:00pm Noble High School 6:30pm Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student  7:00pm Executive Session Pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(B) Readmission of a Student  Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair  Public Input  Minutes of  August 14, 2024 and August 29, 2024 Approval of Transportation and Technology Leases  Board Norms Lebanon Leach Field Discussion-motion District Goals Employment  Superintendent Update Public Input  Adjournment

  • Agenda for August 29, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting August 29, 2024 Lebanon Elementary School Lebanon, Maine Building Tour 6:00pm Executive Session 7:00pm Meeting 7:30pm AGENDA 6:00pm Lebanon Schools Tour 7:00pm Executive Session Pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(B) Readmission of a Student  Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair  Public Input  Minutes of June 20, 2024, July 11, 2024, July 29, 2024, August 14, 2024   Donation  Business Brief  AP and Payroll Warrants  School District Opening 2024/ Enrollment  Employment  Public Input  Adjournment

  • Agenda for Board August 14, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Special Meeting August 14, 2024 Lecture Hall                         Meeting 5:30 AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Employment of Employees Adjournment

  • Agenda for July 29, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Special Meeting July 29, 2024 Google Meet                         Meeting 5:00 AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Nomination of Transportation Director  Adjournment

  • Agenda for July 11, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link July 11, 2024 Noble High School Paul Johnson Library North Berwick, Maine Board Workshop 5:00pm-Library Executive Session 6:00pm-Library Meeting 7:00pm- Lecture Hall AGENDA Board Workshop- Connor Schratz Drummond & Woodsum Call to Order Executive Session 1M.R.S.A§405(6)(A) Duties of Officials/Appointees/Employees Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Swearing In and Oath of New Members Seating of  Board Chair and Oath of Office; Seating of Vice Chair Minutes of June 20, 2024 Lebanon Elementary Leach Field Discussion Employment Superintendent Update Public Input Adjournment

  • Agenda June 20, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link June 20, 2024 Noble High School Lecture Hall North Berwick, Maine Board Meeting 7pm AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Minutes of June 13, 2024 Budget Discussion Assistant Superintendent Contract Business Manager Contract Superintendent Contract Employment Public Input Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(A) Evaluation of Employees Adjournment

  • MSAD 60 RFP Facilities Study

    Maine School Administrative District No. 60 (the “District”) invites interested parties to submit proposals to conduct a school facilities study as described in this Request for Proposals (“RFP”). Background Information The District will use the Facilities Study to update its capital improvement plan and inform possible renovation and construction projects and the current and future uses and configurations of school facilities. Scope of Work The scope of work (“Project”) shall include: Facility assessments for each of the 8 current buildings Enrollment projections Grade alignment/building utilization study Preschool program accommodation Community feedback and engagement process with the following deliverables: Final comprehensive report with analyses, findings and recommendations Conceptual drawings/plans for any proposed new construction or renovations Detailed cost projections for recommendations Phasing/implementation plan Presentation of findings to board, staff, community Final proposals will be due by June 26th at 4 pm. Vendor registration Interested vendors should register with the District to ensure receipt of any RFP updates by emailing with the subject line “Facilities Study RFP Vendor Registration” and providing the vendor’s contact information. Further information will then be shared regarding specific timelines of the process. MSAD 60 RFP Facilities Study

  • Agenda June 13, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link June 13, 2024 Noble High School Lecture Hall North Berwick, Maine Executive Session 6pm Board Meeting 7pm AGENDA Central Office 6pm Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(A) Evaluation of Employees Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Minutes of May 16, 2024 and June 6, 2024 Budget Ratification/ Signing of Warrants for FY’25 Town Assessments Budget Update Financial Summery Employment Superintendent Update Public Input Adjournment

  • Minutes March 7, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF March 7, 2024 Current Board Members- North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on March 7, 2024 at 7 p.m. with all members attending in person. There were 52 in the audience. Vice Chair Ms. Nancy Neubert of Lebanon read the public input statement. Public Input:  None at this time Winter Athletics Update: Mr. Alex McCormack-Kuhman, assistant athletic director, shared a brief overview of the excellent sports achievements over the winter season. Mr. Kevin Gray gave an overview and shared that there were  40 athletes in the Noble Wrestling Program and they had a remarkable season: They are Class A South Regional Champs, Runner up in the State of Maine, Team Dual State Champions and Inaugural Maine State Female Wrestling Championships and also NE Female Wrestling Championship.  He read a letter from Kaylie Boucher who coached the female team this year that highlighted the growth of the sport in Maine and the country and here at Noble. She shared the immense pleasure coaching this team has brought and encouraged the board to consider providing a paid head coaching position for our female wrestlers. Mr. Gray followed up by reiterating that it was time for the female athletes to have their own coach and encouraged the board to consider that position as part of the upcoming budget. He ended with his appreciation of the school, administration, board and community support of the program and noted that it was a pleasure to serve these athletes in his coaching capacity this year. Mr. Keenan Blindow, Head Football Coach and representative of the High School Boys Basketball Program and coach John Morgan (who wasn’t able to attend this evening) shared the positive growth that the Boys Basketball program has made. In Coach Morgan’s 3 year progression, from winning 0 games in his first season, to 7 in his second and now they are 16 this season.  The team went 16/5 and are runners up in the Class A south Conference. We had 4 athletes make all conference this year. The future is very bright for Noble Basketball. Esports Coach Ryan Hoogterp shared the success of the team this year. The Esports team has Back to back State Championship.  Started in 2020 as a way to get student back into school in the Covid times.  We had a single team with 7 players.  Fast Forward 4 years and we have one 4 state championships, 3 state runners up, and 2 national bids.  We have players getting multiple scholarship offers and currently have 18 rostered players on five different teams. Ryan thanked the board and the community for allowing this sport to evolve so successfully. Jaelyn Belanger and Taniessa Sainteloi spoke on behalf of the Noble Competition Cheerleaders with Coach Shannon Davis by their side. They noted that after a South Regional Title and then they took second place at the state level making Noble History. Thanks to Coach Davis for the support throughout the year. Coach Sarah Stowall of the Noble Indoor Track and field team shared the tremendous amount of success on the track this weekend. She noted Adria O’Tash 55 hurdles. SMR relay (which is 200m, 200m, 800m, mile) set a SMAA record: Trevor beams and Gio Baker, Calvin Leon and Maddox Jordan. Natalia Rothwell podiumed at the high jump and went on to NE. Maddox Jordan, who is our Gatorade player of the year for cross country, won 3 state titles- Mile, 800 m and 2  mile all within one meet. An incredible performance. NE’s are this weekend and Maddox Jordan will be running and Ryan Moran will be competing in race walking at the meet in Boston.  The SMR team will also be competing at noon. We are very proud of this team and excited for this weekend and to what is to come in outdoor track. Alex McCormack-Kuhman shared his thank you to the board and the community for their support. Employment: Retirement: Ms. Jane Gamage, English Teacher at Noble High School. Ms. Gamage has been a teacher for 41 years.  Ms. Neubert  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the retirement of Jane Gamage with appreciation and regrets. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Public Input Mr. Cahoon asked a follow up about the Sanford Regional Technical Center and what students from Noble were part of building the home that was placed up for sale. Mr. Mark Rouillard shared his concerns about what schools are teaching regarding DEI, CRT etc. He expressed his concerns about what is being considered in the legislature in terms of health care and what can be down without parental consent. He expressed his concerns regarding the changing world. Adjournment: Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler  to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 7:25 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais Moved into the budget workshop

  • Agenda June 6, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link June 6, 2024 Noble High School Lecture Hall North Berwick, Maine Board Meeting 7pm AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Celebrations Audit RKO Budget Update Minutes of May 23, 2024 and May 30, 2024 Superintendent Summer Hire (Teachers) Effective June 14, 2024-August 28, 2024 Employment Superintendent Update Public Input Adjournment Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(A) Evaluation of Employees

  • Minutes of May 9, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF May 9, 2024 Current Board Members- North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on May 9, 2024 at 6:30 pm with all members attending in person except Mr. Doiron. There were approx. 3 in the audience. Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek  to go into executive session pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(B) Expulsion of a Student. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 6:36 pm. Out at 6:55 pm. Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to expel the student under consideration.  All members voted in favor and the motion was approved. Adjournment: Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 7:03 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

  • Minutes of May 2, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF May 2, 2024 Current Board Members- North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on May 2, 2024 at 7:03pm with all members attending in person except Ms. Whalen, Mr. Doiron, and Ms. Basko.  There were approx. 9 in the audience. Public Input Vice Chair Ms. Nancy Neubert of Lebanon read the public input statement. Minutes: Mr. Tabor  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to accept the minutes of April 11, 2024 meeting as amended.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Lebanon Elementary School Leach Field Proposal Budget Update An invitation to the select boards in all three towns has been sent out to come and talk over the proposed budget on  May 16th at 6 pm.  We look forward to this joint meeting. The annual report was sent to the printer right before April break and will be being mailed out to all community members shortly.  We will provide electronic copies to select board members and our school board members if the hard copies are not available by the 16th. We will be meeting with the PTOs over the next three weeks to discuss the upcoming meeting schedules regarding the budget. Nomination of Probationary Teachers: Probationary 1 to Probationary 2:  Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the nomination of the presented probationary 1 to probationary 2 teachers.  There were some questions that All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Probationary 2 to Continuing Contract:  Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the nomination of the presented probationary 2 to continuing contract teachers.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Nomination of Special Education Director Ms. Janousekl  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to approve the employment of Melissa Adams. All members voted in favor and the motion passed.  Ms. Adams shared that she was excited and grateful for the opportunity. Employment: Leave Of Absence: LOA 2024-25 Rosanna Pass-NHS Spanish Teacher. Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. TAbor to approve the LOA of Rosanna Pass.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed. New Hire: Allison George, Multiple Pathways Science Teacher at Noble High School. Ms. George is a graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and is currently working on her master’s degree from John Hopkins University.  Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to approve the employment of Ms. George. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Resignations: Stephanie Nemi, Grade 6 Social Studies Teacher at Noble Middle School. Mr. Tabor  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the resignation of Ms. Nemi. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Amanda Liebau, Grade 6 Science Teacher at Noble Middle School. Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to approve the resignation of Ms. Liebau. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Karina Chapman, Grade 6 Social Studies Teacher at Noble Middle School. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to approve the resignation of Ms. Chapman with regret. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Leigh-Ayer Billing, Speech and Language Pathologist at Lebanon Elementary Schools. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to approve the resignation of Ms. Billing. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Julia Carr, Kindergarten Teacher at Vivian E Hussey School. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to approve the resignation of Ms. Carr. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Retirement: Ms. Mary Fitzgerald, Assistant Special Education Director. Ms. Fitzgerald, a Noble graduate, has been with MSAD 60 for 34 years.  Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Traversto approve the retirement of Mary Fitzgerald with appreciation and regrets. All members voted in favor and the motion passed Celebrations: Noble High School history teacher, Meg Fox, was recently highlighted as part of the 20 Outstanding Women of 2024.  Not only does Meg teach here but she also works with three youth in the Ryan Home providing guidance and support as they navigate through high school and life transitions. Noble Middle School was recently the subject of a Maine Department of Education statewide newsletter which focused on Building Assets Reducing Risks (BARR).  BARR began at NMS in 2016.  It’s a model that works to build relationships and student engagement by using real time data to focus on student strengths and needs.  An important part of the middle school BAAR work has been creating mentoring relationships between students as well as students and adults in the school or larger community. Three eighth grade students recently participated in the National History Day Competition in Orono.  Noah, Mila and Olivia represented Noble well!   Mila focused her exhibition on Nelly Bly, who was on the forefront of investigative reporting. Noah placed second in his division for his paper on Fritz Haber, a German Chemist who received the Noble Prize for Chemistry in 1918.  Olivia earned first place for her exhibition on World War II Scrap Drives.  Both Olivia and Noah will move on to the championship at the University of Maryland in June. The Noble High School Tech Challenge Robotics team will present their robot at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard tomorrow. York County Special Olympics… May 10th (rain date of May 17th). Adult Education Graduation May 30th at 6 pm. Next week is Teacher Appreciation week. Public Input:  None at this time. Adjournment: Ms. Janousek  made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 7:33  pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

  • Agenda for May 30, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link May 30, 2024 Noble High School Central Office North Berwick, Maine Executive Meeting 7:00pm AGENDA Call to Order Executive Session Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student Adjournment

  • Budget Hearing Reminder 5.23.24

    Good Afternoon, This is a reminder that the MSAD #60 District Budget Hearing is scheduled for Thursday evening, May 23rd at 6:30pm at Noble High School. For those planning to attend, please bring the MSAD #60 Annual Report which was mailed to all households over the past two weeks.  Child care will be provided, from 5:30pm to 8:00pm, courtesy of the Noble High School World Language Department and National Honor Society. Kindly provide a nut free snack if you plan for your child to have something to eat. Thank you.

  • Lebanon School Board Candidates

    May 23 is the budget hearing, followed by the District Budget Referendum on June 11 in the three towns. Berwick and Lebanon will also be voting on school board representatives then. This year's Lebanon candidates are Victoria Travers (running for re-election), Melissa Cyr, and Nancy Sewell. Below are informational fliers from the candidates. Please note that the school district does not endorse or align with any particular candidate and is providing this information solely for the purpose of transparency and communication with the community.

  • Agenda for May 16, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link May 16, 2024 Noble High School Lecture Hall North Berwick, Maine Town Select Board Budget Overview  6:00-6:45 Public Hearing SRRF 7pm Board Meeting AGENDA 6:00-6:45pm Town Select Board Budget Overview 7pm Public Hearing School Revolving Renovation Fund with Don Bresnahan Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Minutes of May 2, 2024 and May 9, 2024 Celebrations- NMS STEM Club and the Sea Perch Competition Atlantic Salmon Habitat Restoration Partnership Grants STEAM and the Glowforge Laser Cutters Grant with Sharon Beckwith Financial Summary Title 20-A Section 1485(4) Authorization to Transfer Funds Donation: Charles S. Hatch Post #79 American Legion Berwick, $500 to the Backpack Program Reduction in Force Discussion Employment Reduction in Force Discussion Superintendent Update Public Input Adjournment

  • Agenda for May 9, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link May 9, 2024 Noble High School Central Office North Berwick, Maine Executive Meeting 6:30pm AGENDA Call to Order Executive Session Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student Adjournment

  • Minutes of April 11, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF April 11, 2024 Current Board Members- North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on April 11, 2024 at 7:00pm with all members attending in person except Mr. Doiron. Ms Wheeler was present remotely. There were approx. 10 in the audience. The chair asked for a motion to rearrange the board agenda. Ms. Basko made a motion to move items 6, 7, and 8 up underneath 3 and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert all members voted in favor and the motion passed. Ms. Whalen made a motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to add an item addressing the graduation date to the end of the agenda. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Public Input Vice Chair Ms. Nancy Neubert of Lebanon read the public input statement. Mr. Jonathan Hall, North Berwick, shared with the board his concerns regarding the use of the word equity and how it has been utilized by the board of late. Minutes: Ms. Janousek  made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to accept the minutes of March 21, 2024 meeting as amended.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Ms. Janousek  made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to accept the minutes of  March 28, 2024 meeting as amended. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to accept the minutes of  April 2, 2024 meeting as amended. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Sign Budget Warrants FY ‘25 April 11, 2024 Mr. Josh Tabor: Motion:  I move that the Vote entitled, “Vote to Call and Approve the Warrants for the Budget Meeting and the Budget Validation Referendum and to Authorize the Notice of Amounts Adopted,” be approved in form presented to this meeting and that a copy of said Vote be included with the minutes of this meeting. VOTE TO CALL AND APPROVE THE WARRANTS FOR THE BUDGET MEETINGAND THE BUDGET VALIDATION REFERENDUM AND TO AUTHORIZE THE NOTICE OF AMOUNTS ADOPTED VOTED:     That the warrant for the Maine School Administrative District No. 60 (the “District”) Budget Meeting presented to the meeting be approved and that a District budget meeting be called for May 23, 2024 for the purpose of voting on the annual budget for the District for the 2024-2025 fiscal year; That the Warrant and Notice of Election for the District Budget Validation Referendum presented to the meeting be approved, and that a District budget validation referendum be called for June 11, 2024 for the purpose of approving the budget adopted at the District budget meeting for the 2024-2025 fiscal year; and That the form of Notice of Amounts Adopted at Budget Meeting presented to this meeting be approved, and that the Superintendent of Schools of the District be authorized and directed to complete said Notice in accordance with the District budget meeting on May 23, 2024, and to cause copies of said Notice, as completed, to be delivered to the municipal clerks of each municipality of the District for posting at the polling places for the June 11, 2024 District budget validation referendum. Mr. Tabor read the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to approve the Vote to Call and Approve the Warrants for the Budget Meeting and the Validation Referendum and to Authorize the Notice of Amounts Adopted. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. SRRF Financing The board then discussed the options available to support the extra funding necessary for the SRRF funding specifically at the Knowlton School. The options were discussed. The board had a lengthy discussion about the best option. Ms. VanCampen, business manager, answered questions and made suggestions. Most board members felt that they would prefer to budget this overage in the FY 26 budget but agreed that a safety net through the Maine Municipal Bond Bank seemed warranted. Keeping options for as long as possible seems prudent. Ms. Neubert  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to accept SRRF Financing version 2.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed. VOTES TO BE ADOPTED BY THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MAINE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 AT A MEETING ON APRIL 11, 2024 VOTED:  That the warrant and notice of election of Maine School Administrative District No. 60 presented to the meeting be approved and that a referendum election for the District be called for June 11, 2024 for the purpose of approving the issuance of bonds or notes of the District for minor capital project purposes as described therein. FURTHER VOTED:  That the Notice of Public Hearing presented to the meeting be approved and that a public hearing on the issuance of bonds or notes for minor capital project purposes be held on May 16, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. as provided therein. Approval of 2024-25 School Calendar Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to accept the 2024-25 School Calendar as presented. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. The board then discussed formalizing the graduation date of Friday, June 7th at 6 pm. Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded to set the graduation date of Friday June 7th at 6 pm. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Employment: New Hire: Audrey Kenison, Grade 9 Writing Teacher at Noble High School (One Year Only).  Ms. Kenison is currently an intern at Noble High School. Ms. Kenison will be graduating with her Master’s degree in Education from University of New Hampshire in May 2024.  Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to approve the employment of Ms. Kenison. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Celebrations: Superintendent Beauvais reported on celebrations that are happening throughout the district. Celebrations 4/10/24 Noble High School: 8th graders are on the tail end of their DC trip and will be returning home Friday night. Freshman and juniors are in the midst of job shadowing and visiting businesses as part of the career exploration process. The theater group performed a few weeks ago (March 23) and did very well.  They needed to stay over an additional night due to weather but the director and bus driver were prepared for that possibility. Mary Hurd Academy: MHA recently partnered up with local small business Soul Shine Screen Printing and Dyeworks for an artist in residence experience where students honed in on drawing skills and learned about metal works by creating various pieces. Off campus, students attended pottery classes at Chases Garage in York. Chases Garage was repurposed to house art studios and ceramics and printmaking facilities. Noble Middle School: Collaborated with 18 community partners who helped present and talk about careers across many fields such as engineering, farming, teaching, banking, towing and automotive to name a few. Students attended 4 25-minute sessions. The STEM Club recently brought home two trophies.  The STEM Club built an underwater robot to participate in the SeaPerch competition.  The SeaPerch Competition is held on a yearly basis for teams to showcase their robot.  There were over 50 teams competing with 18 schools represented and Noble Middle School placed first for the challenge course and second for the obstacle course.  They finished second overall among middle schools. Knowlton School: Knowlton’s fifth graders have been raising endangered Atlantic Salmon.  We have invited a team from Knowlton to an upcoming board meeting to discuss their work to date, but in the interim, here is a summary of the work they have been doing.  Each day the water temperature, eggs and fry and water quality are monitored. The exciting news is that all the eggs hatched even with the power issues last week!  In late April and early May students will travel to the Saco Salmon Restoration Alliance and Hatchery to learn about the restoration and conservation of the Atlantic Salmon fishery in Maine. Hussey School: Hussey School third graders worked on a culminating Lighthouse Project as part of the state of Maine studies.  Students from each grade level and families were invited into the school to see the wonderful display of research on the various lighthouses through the state of Maine.  BCTV was on hand to film projects and interview students about their learning process. Earlier this week Hussey School held a spring music performance called Mighty Meter Gnome.  The performance touched upon themes of friendship, teamwork and music concepts such as tempo, beat and melody.  This performance was well attended and all students enthusiastically participated in the evening event. Hanson/LES: 4th and 5th graders performed in collaboration with the Strafford Wind Symphony which was a huge success. Tomorrow 2nd through 5th grade students will participate in a Career Day with presentations from community members and in the afternoon fifth grade students will present their “passion” projects during the “Genius block”. Families are invited in to watch and listen to presentations. North Berwick Elementary School: As part of the community building and building clear behavioral expectation initiatives staff have been giving out bedazzled bear paws which has boosted student morale.  Each week, one student is selected and celebrated in the classroom and on the intercom for being an excellent bear by modeling core values. Students are proud and the teachers and staff have seen a decrease in behavioral incidents as a result.  As an extension activity, the administration covered lunch duties yesterday and had students fill out bear paws for teachers and staff which will be distributed on Friday.  Over 400 bear paws were collected! Adjournment: Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Whalen to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 8:03 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

  • Agenda for May 2, 2024

    SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link May 2, 2024 Noble High School Lecture Hall North Berwick, Maine Meeting 7:00pm AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Minutes of April 11, 2024 Lebanon Elementary School Leach Field Proposal Budget Update Nomination of Probationary Teachers Nomination of Special Education Director Employment Celebrations Public Input Adjournment

  • Minutes of March 21, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF March 21, 2024 Current Board Members- North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student Postponed until March 26, 2024 A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on March 21, 2024 at 7:00pm with all members attending in person. There were approx. 220  in the audience. Mr. Tabor  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler  to postpone the executive session. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Public Input: Vote to extend public input to 30 minutes rather than 21 minutes. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Whalen to extend the public input to 30 minutes. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Vice Chair Ms. Nancy Neubert of Lebanon read the public input statement. Sophie Larson of North Berwick. Ms. Larsen spoke to the hiring practices of women by the District. Ms. Larsen noted that the date was March 21, 2024. Twice the board has discussed whether the District should hire one sex above the other rather than the best person for the job. That attitude is not just outdated and illegal but ill-fitting but unbecoming for your station as directors of a public institution. Ms Larsen goes on to say that half her students are women and cannot be served by the attitude that they don’t deserve a fair shot at a career simply because of their gender. Ms. Larsen turned to the topic of Art and Humanities. Ms. Larsen spoke how the arts impact everyday life and the specialists who develop the skills of our young artists should not be cut. Ms. Larsen asks the Board to support the arts, music and Physical Education in our schools and not to make any cuts and ask our citizens for the funds to support students whom the Board serves first. Jon Hall parent, teacher and longtime resident of North Berwick. Spoke of his immigrant family history and Jewish persecution. After attending recent Board meetings Mr. Hall wanted to speak to three things, one misogyny a Greek word being derived from the hatred of women and it’s an aversion prejudice towards woman. Mr. Hall states that he has heard on multiple occasions, misogynistic statements by members of the Board. Additionally he spoke of xenophobia an aversion or hostility to disdain or fear of foreigners. Mr. Hall’s time ran out. Heather Koelker, parent, wife of Noble High School School Resource Officer, graduate of Noble High School, employee of the District, and resident of North Berwick. Ms. Koelker shared her background and her support of the school social workers, counselors in the schools. Ms. Koelker spoke of the challenges today’s students face compared to 17 years ago when she began her career in education. Ms. Koelker gave an overview on how guidance counselors and social workers support students, who are struggling, so they have the same access to an equal education as their peers. Students’ struggle with mental health, homelessness and food insecurity. Ms. Koelker believed that every person at the meeting wanted what was best for each student. Charles Galemmo a resident of North Berwick. Mr. Galemmo worked for 12 years teaching Culinary Arts at York County Community College. Some of the best students he had came from Noble High School. These cuts being discussed will impede students' abilities to get the jobs to further this economy. As responsible adults, citizens need to do the right thing and see that kids are properly educated. Andrea Tiberio resident of Lebanon. Ms. Tiberio shared her story of her family and the journey her son has had and continues to have in MSAD 60. This journey has included the support of all aspects of the special education department. Cutting any positions would be detrimental to any child that needed specialized instruction or extra support to be successful in the school setting. Kate Sheldon and her daughter Kimmy of Berwick. Ms. Sheldon shared her support for the best education for the students while being fiscally responsible. Ms. Sheldon spoke on behalf of Mary Hurd Academy and FLEX. Greg Pannier of Berwick, father of last year’s Valedictorian and current 6th grade Flex student. Mr. Pannier says the best thing about FLEX is that he has a 12 year old son who loves school. And that’s a miracle! The myriad of techniques in order to reach all of these students is important. More concerned about what will happen if we can’t continue the program. If he has to pay more in taxes he will give more money to keep programs. Osma Kastner, a student from Berwick, shared her positive experiences in EXCEL. Individualized education is important because class sizes have increased and teachers are trying to keep up with all different levels of learners. Classes should be where everyone’s needs are met. Brian and Ellie Arsenault, residents of Lebanon, shared their support of the FLEX program. Their daughter has been very successful and has increased her ability in all of the areas including time management and academics. The teachers are supportive, goal oriented and motivate her to produce work to her fullest potential. The loss of this program will be detrimental to the students. Cassidy Kastner is a student at Eric Knowlton School. Cassidy spoke of his positive experience in EXCEL. Hilary Perreault, of Lebanon, shared testimonials on the Noble FLEX program. Teaching the students to be curious, creative, flexible and inclusive. Tonya Noyes, parent, employee and Berwick resident. Ms. Noyes shared her duties within the library and the STEAM program. Jeremy Kasten, parent from Berwick. It is often best to not react to foolish behavior but sometimes it is necessary to reign it in. The normal business of keeping our schools running has been sidelined. Over and over I have watched a few assume that they are speaking for the many. The work of the Board itself is death by a 1000 budget cuts. No one is spending your money irrationally. They are trying to offer a quality education to all of our students. Mr. Kasten went on to speak about a Board member that commented that the problem is when we, “water all the flowers” meaning students. Mr. Kasten went on to say that society demands with laws that everyone is watered and treated with respect, dignity and met at their level. The prior notion is callous, dangerous and frankly illegal. It is not “Noble School Board” appropriate. The oath is to serve the students not to the folks that elected you. Holly Dupuis of Berwick, spoke of the March 14, 2024 School Board meeting you will hear a member say (at 46 minutes and 50 seconds), “do we have our priorities right? Or are we trying to water every plant in the garden, if you water every plant in the garden you get problems”. She continues to say that a principal can be heard replying (47 minutes 55 seconds), “I understand your analogy about how we water every single plant but I will not look at a parent and say your plant is not worth it”. Ms. Dupuis reminds the Board they are here for our schools, our teachers, our children. When you create the budget, it must be for the students and their needs which 100% means watering every single plant in this garden. Sarah Boucher, resident of Lebanon and alumni of Noble. Education has changed over the past 30 years. Ms. Boucher spoke of her child’s positive experience with the FLEX program. Amanda Kimball, a parent and resident of Berwick. Ms. Kimball spoke of her children’s different educational experiences. She went on to share her concerns potential cuts might have on the education and well being of students. Tammy McCormick, PE teacher at North Berwick Elementary School and a South Berwick resident.  Spoke of her schedule and that “free time” is filled to support students and staff. She shared her response to a reduction in her building that will impact what will be offered to students. Caryn Smith, Berwick resident and North Berwick Elementary School Art Teacher. Spoke that her job is more than teaching about colors, painting and drawing. Specialists emphasize on how to be a well rounded learner. Skills that students develop are applicable to all facets of their lives. Ms. Smith went on to list all the additional offerings that will be lost to students, should the specialist positions be consolidated. Minutes: Ms. Janousek  made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Doiron to accept the minutes of the February 15, 2024 meeting as amended.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Ms. Whalen  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to accept the minutes of the March 7, 2024 meeting as amended.   All members voted in favor except Mr. Doriron who abstained and the motion passed. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Whalen to accept the minutes of the March 14, 2024 meeting as amended. All members voted in favor except Mr. Doiron who abstained and the motion passed. Noble Flex Presentation The Noble Flex Program presented an overview of their students’ educational journey. Presenters were: Amber O’Neill, Director and Social Emotional Learning Coach, Sarah Abbot the English Language Arts and Social Studies Learning Coach and Robert Kendall the Math and Science Learning Coach. Mr, Kendall explained the grades 5-8 Project Based Learning model FLEX uses. Flex has independent assignments but also focuses on building relationships and essential skills for everyday life. Employment: Resignation: Audrey Williams, Grade 6 English Language Arts Teacher at Noble Middle School.  Ms Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to approve the resignation of Ms. Williams. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Alaina Betts, Grade 8 Math Teacher at Noble High School.  Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to approve the resignation of Ms. Betts. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Christiane Allison, Special Education Director. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by to approve the resignation of Ms. Allison. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Celebrations: Athletic Director, Aaron Moore, updated that Maddox Jordan placed 15th in the nation for the 800 meter. Ryan Moran, who is a Race Walker, finished int he middle of the pack at Nationals. Kudos to athletes, coaches and parents. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Whalen  to add a second public input. Leanne Wurtz, a teacher and Berwick resident. Ms. Wurtz spoke in favor of the assistant principal roles, math coaches, and the keep those things that will directly and positively impact our students. Jean, a resident of North Berwick, asked about a Facebook post and if the Board Members approved the post. She states that the post is singling out some members and creating a divide. We can’t allow the minority to speak for the majority. Jessical Pearson of Berwick, shared her concerns for various cuts for next year. Ms. Pearson understands cuts are never made lightly but is concerned about the rationale that was discussed at the last meeting. Everyday teachers are asked to meet the needs of the whole child, all while doing their best to educate each unique student. She continued that while adding a few kids to each class may seem logical on paper, a few kids can  make a huge difference for a teacher's ability to be effective. Ms. Pearson went on to state the importance of every teacher, specialist and ed tech makes. Mark Rouillard of North Berwick, shared his thanks to the students who spoke tonight and to the teachers who are here that help and push these students. Mr. Rouillard isn’t against teachers and wants them to have more money. What he wants to see is a cut of the budget. He thought that the board should get rid of “woke ideology” and get back to the curriculum. There are people who can’t buy food or afford heat. Save in ways without sacrificing your children Dana Hook, of Berwick, shared the positive experiences of his child who attends the Vivian Hussey School. He provided his reasoning why STEAM is an important aspect of education and should be emphasized. Mr. Mark Capalbo of Lebanon and a graduate of Noble High School. Mr. Capalbo feels like the school failed him. There were no hands-on opportunities like students have today. He feels that cutting these opportunities would be a mistake. Mr. Capalbo doesn’t think the lowest paid employees should be cut. Mr. Ken Dutch, shared a job shadow application of a student who is working well with him. He’d like him to have a text book and/or safety glasses. Adjournment: Ms Whalen made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler  to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 8:36 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais Moved into the budget workshop

  • Minutes of March 28, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF March 28, 2024 Current Board Members- North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on March 28, 2024 at 7:00pm with all members attending in person except Mr. Doiron.  There were 92 in the audience. Nomination of Probationary Administrators: The Superintendent then shared lists of the probationary administrators moving from second year to continuing contract. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to accept the nominations for probationary administrators year two to continuing contract. All members voted in favor  except Mr. Tabor, who abstained, and the motion passed. Superintendent Beauvais shared lists of the probationary administrators moving from first year to second year.  Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Whalen  to accept the nominations for probationary administrators. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjournment: Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 7:07pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais Moved into the budget workshop

  • Minutes of April 2, 2024

    MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF April 2, 2024 Current Board Members- North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on April 2, 2024 at 6:30pm with all members attending in person except Mr. Doiron. Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded to continue with the flag salute after the executive session. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to go into executive session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 6:35 pm. Out at 6:58 pm. Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to expel the student under consideration.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed. The board then discussed the possible scenarios for the board meeting to vote on the budget this week. We will follow this plan: 1st choice… if weather is safe: Thursday at 7 pm 2nd choice…. Friday at 6 pm 3rd choice…. Saturday at 9 am If all else fails… Saturday at 9 am remote Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms Whalen to adjust the budget schedule for the board vote based on weather conditions as follows: 1st choice… if weather is safe: Thursday at 7 pm, 2nd choice…. Friday at 6 pm, 3rd choice…. Saturday at 9 am, If all else fails… Saturday at 9 am remote.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjournment: Mr. Tabor  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek  to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 7:26 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais

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