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- Budget Hearing Reminder 5.23.24
Good Afternoon, This is a reminder that the MSAD #60 District Budget Hearing is scheduled for Thursday evening, May 23rd at 6:30pm at Noble High School. For those planning to attend, please bring the MSAD #60 Annual Report which was mailed to all households over the past two weeks. Child care will be provided, from 5:30pm to 8:00pm, courtesy of the Noble High School World Language Department and National Honor Society. Kindly provide a nut free snack if you plan for your child to have something to eat. Thank you.
- Lebanon School Board Candidates
May 23 is the budget hearing, followed by the District Budget Referendum on June 11 in the three towns. Berwick and Lebanon will also be voting on school board representatives then. This year's Lebanon candidates are Victoria Travers (running for re-election), Melissa Cyr, and Nancy Sewell. Below are informational fliers from the candidates. Please note that the school district does not endorse or align with any particular candidate and is providing this information solely for the purpose of transparency and communication with the community.
- Agenda for May 16, 2024
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link May 16, 2024 Noble High School Lecture Hall North Berwick, Maine Town Select Board Budget Overview 6:00-6:45 Public Hearing SRRF 7pm Board Meeting AGENDA 6:00-6:45pm Town Select Board Budget Overview 7pm Public Hearing School Revolving Renovation Fund with Don Bresnahan Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Minutes of May 2, 2024 and May 9, 2024 Celebrations- NMS STEM Club and the Sea Perch Competition Atlantic Salmon Habitat Restoration Partnership Grants STEAM and the Glowforge Laser Cutters Grant with Sharon Beckwith Financial Summary Title 20-A Section 1485(4) Authorization to Transfer Funds Donation: Charles S. Hatch Post #79 American Legion Berwick, $500 to the Backpack Program Reduction in Force Discussion Employment Reduction in Force Discussion Superintendent Update Public Input Adjournment
- Agenda for May 9, 2024
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link May 9, 2024 Noble High School Central Office North Berwick, Maine Executive Meeting 6:30pm AGENDA Call to Order Executive Session Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student Adjournment
- Minutes of April 11, 2024
MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF April 11, 2024 Current Board Members- North Berwick- Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on April 11, 2024 at 7:00pm with all members attending in person except Mr. Doiron. Ms Wheeler was present remotely. There were approx. 10 in the audience. The chair asked for a motion to rearrange the board agenda. Ms. Basko made a motion to move items 6, 7, and 8 up underneath 3 and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert all members voted in favor and the motion passed. Ms. Whalen made a motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to add an item addressing the graduation date to the end of the agenda. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Public Input Vice Chair Ms. Nancy Neubert of Lebanon read the public input statement. Mr. Jonathan Hall, North Berwick, shared with the board his concerns regarding the use of the word equity and how it has been utilized by the board of late. Minutes: Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to accept the minutes of March 21, 2024 meeting as amended. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to accept the minutes of March 28, 2024 meeting as amended. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to accept the minutes of April 2, 2024 meeting as amended. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Sign Budget Warrants FY ‘25 April 11, 2024 Mr. Josh Tabor: Motion: I move that the Vote entitled, “Vote to Call and Approve the Warrants for the Budget Meeting and the Budget Validation Referendum and to Authorize the Notice of Amounts Adopted,” be approved in form presented to this meeting and that a copy of said Vote be included with the minutes of this meeting. VOTE TO CALL AND APPROVE THE WARRANTS FOR THE BUDGET MEETINGAND THE BUDGET VALIDATION REFERENDUM AND TO AUTHORIZE THE NOTICE OF AMOUNTS ADOPTED VOTED: That the warrant for the Maine School Administrative District No. 60 (the “District”) Budget Meeting presented to the meeting be approved and that a District budget meeting be called for May 23, 2024 for the purpose of voting on the annual budget for the District for the 2024-2025 fiscal year; That the Warrant and Notice of Election for the District Budget Validation Referendum presented to the meeting be approved, and that a District budget validation referendum be called for June 11, 2024 for the purpose of approving the budget adopted at the District budget meeting for the 2024-2025 fiscal year; and That the form of Notice of Amounts Adopted at Budget Meeting presented to this meeting be approved, and that the Superintendent of Schools of the District be authorized and directed to complete said Notice in accordance with the District budget meeting on May 23, 2024, and to cause copies of said Notice, as completed, to be delivered to the municipal clerks of each municipality of the District for posting at the polling places for the June 11, 2024 District budget validation referendum. Mr. Tabor read the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to approve the Vote to Call and Approve the Warrants for the Budget Meeting and the Validation Referendum and to Authorize the Notice of Amounts Adopted. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. SRRF Financing The board then discussed the options available to support the extra funding necessary for the SRRF funding specifically at the Knowlton School. The options were discussed. The board had a lengthy discussion about the best option. Ms. VanCampen, business manager, answered questions and made suggestions. Most board members felt that they would prefer to budget this overage in the FY 26 budget but agreed that a safety net through the Maine Municipal Bond Bank seemed warranted. Keeping options for as long as possible seems prudent. Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to accept SRRF Financing version 2. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. VOTES TO BE ADOPTED BY THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MAINE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 AT A MEETING ON APRIL 11, 2024 VOTED: That the warrant and notice of election of Maine School Administrative District No. 60 presented to the meeting be approved and that a referendum election for the District be called for June 11, 2024 for the purpose of approving the issuance of bonds or notes of the District for minor capital project purposes as described therein. FURTHER VOTED: That the Notice of Public Hearing presented to the meeting be approved and that a public hearing on the issuance of bonds or notes for minor capital project purposes be held on May 16, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. as provided therein. Approval of 2024-25 School Calendar Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to accept the 2024-25 School Calendar as presented. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. The board then discussed formalizing the graduation date of Friday, June 7th at 6 pm. Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded to set the graduation date of Friday June 7th at 6 pm. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Employment: New Hire: Audrey Kenison, Grade 9 Writing Teacher at Noble High School (One Year Only). Ms. Kenison is currently an intern at Noble High School. Ms. Kenison will be graduating with her Master’s degree in Education from University of New Hampshire in May 2024. Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to approve the employment of Ms. Kenison. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Celebrations: Superintendent Beauvais reported on celebrations that are happening throughout the district. Celebrations 4/10/24 Noble High School: 8th graders are on the tail end of their DC trip and will be returning home Friday night. Freshman and juniors are in the midst of job shadowing and visiting businesses as part of the career exploration process. The theater group performed a few weeks ago (March 23) and did very well. They needed to stay over an additional night due to weather but the director and bus driver were prepared for that possibility. Mary Hurd Academy: MHA recently partnered up with local small business Soul Shine Screen Printing and Dyeworks for an artist in residence experience where students honed in on drawing skills and learned about metal works by creating various pieces. Off campus, students attended pottery classes at Chases Garage in York. Chases Garage was repurposed to house art studios and ceramics and printmaking facilities. Noble Middle School: Collaborated with 18 community partners who helped present and talk about careers across many fields such as engineering, farming, teaching, banking, towing and automotive to name a few. Students attended 4 25-minute sessions. The STEM Club recently brought home two trophies. The STEM Club built an underwater robot to participate in the SeaPerch competition. The SeaPerch Competition is held on a yearly basis for teams to showcase their robot. There were over 50 teams competing with 18 schools represented and Noble Middle School placed first for the challenge course and second for the obstacle course. They finished second overall among middle schools. Knowlton School: Knowlton’s fifth graders have been raising endangered Atlantic Salmon. We have invited a team from Knowlton to an upcoming board meeting to discuss their work to date, but in the interim, here is a summary of the work they have been doing. Each day the water temperature, eggs and fry and water quality are monitored. The exciting news is that all the eggs hatched even with the power issues last week! In late April and early May students will travel to the Saco Salmon Restoration Alliance and Hatchery to learn about the restoration and conservation of the Atlantic Salmon fishery in Maine. Hussey School: Hussey School third graders worked on a culminating Lighthouse Project as part of the state of Maine studies. Students from each grade level and families were invited into the school to see the wonderful display of research on the various lighthouses through the state of Maine. BCTV was on hand to film projects and interview students about their learning process. Earlier this week Hussey School held a spring music performance called Mighty Meter Gnome. The performance touched upon themes of friendship, teamwork and music concepts such as tempo, beat and melody. This performance was well attended and all students enthusiastically participated in the evening event. Hanson/LES: 4th and 5th graders performed in collaboration with the Strafford Wind Symphony which was a huge success. Tomorrow 2nd through 5th grade students will participate in a Career Day with presentations from community members and in the afternoon fifth grade students will present their “passion” projects during the “Genius block”. Families are invited in to watch and listen to presentations. North Berwick Elementary School: As part of the community building and building clear behavioral expectation initiatives staff have been giving out bedazzled bear paws which has boosted student morale. Each week, one student is selected and celebrated in the classroom and on the intercom for being an excellent bear by modeling core values. Students are proud and the teachers and staff have seen a decrease in behavioral incidents as a result. As an extension activity, the administration covered lunch duties yesterday and had students fill out bear paws for teachers and staff which will be distributed on Friday. Over 400 bear paws were collected! Adjournment: Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Whalen to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 8:03 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais
- Agenda for May 2, 2024
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link May 2, 2024 Noble High School Lecture Hall North Berwick, Maine Meeting 7:00pm AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Minutes of April 11, 2024 Lebanon Elementary School Leach Field Proposal Budget Update Nomination of Probationary Teachers Nomination of Special Education Director Employment Celebrations Public Input Adjournment
- Minutes of March 28, 2024
MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF March 28, 2024 Current Board Members- North Berwick- Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on March 28, 2024 at 7:00pm with all members attending in person except Mr. Doiron. There were 92 in the audience. Nomination of Probationary Administrators: The Superintendent then shared lists of the probationary administrators moving from second year to continuing contract. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to accept the nominations for probationary administrators year two to continuing contract. All members voted in favor except Mr. Tabor, who abstained, and the motion passed. Superintendent Beauvais shared lists of the probationary administrators moving from first year to second year. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Whalen to accept the nominations for probationary administrators. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjournment: Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 7:07pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais Moved into the budget workshop
- Minutes of March 21, 2024
MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF March 21, 2024 Current Board Members- North Berwick- Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student Postponed until March 26, 2024 A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on March 21, 2024 at 7:00pm with all members attending in person. There were approx. 220 in the audience. Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to postpone the executive session. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Public Input: Vote to extend public input to 30 minutes rather than 21 minutes. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Whalen to extend the public input to 30 minutes. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Vice Chair Ms. Nancy Neubert of Lebanon read the public input statement. Sophie Larson of North Berwick. Ms. Larsen spoke to the hiring practices of women by the District. Ms. Larsen noted that the date was March 21, 2024. Twice the board has discussed whether the District should hire one sex above the other rather than the best person for the job. That attitude is not just outdated and illegal but ill-fitting but unbecoming for your station as directors of a public institution. Ms Larsen goes on to say that half her students are women and cannot be served by the attitude that they don’t deserve a fair shot at a career simply because of their gender. Ms. Larsen turned to the topic of Art and Humanities. Ms. Larsen spoke how the arts impact everyday life and the specialists who develop the skills of our young artists should not be cut. Ms. Larsen asks the Board to support the arts, music and Physical Education in our schools and not to make any cuts and ask our citizens for the funds to support students whom the Board serves first. Jon Hall parent, teacher and longtime resident of North Berwick. Spoke of his immigrant family history and Jewish persecution. After attending recent Board meetings Mr. Hall wanted to speak to three things, one misogyny a Greek word being derived from the hatred of women and it’s an aversion prejudice towards woman. Mr. Hall states that he has heard on multiple occasions, misogynistic statements by members of the Board. Additionally he spoke of xenophobia an aversion or hostility to disdain or fear of foreigners. Mr. Hall’s time ran out. Heather Koelker, parent, wife of Noble High School School Resource Officer, graduate of Noble High School, employee of the District, and resident of North Berwick. Ms. Koelker shared her background and her support of the school social workers, counselors in the schools. Ms. Koelker spoke of the challenges today’s students face compared to 17 years ago when she began her career in education. Ms. Koelker gave an overview on how guidance counselors and social workers support students, who are struggling, so they have the same access to an equal education as their peers. Students’ struggle with mental health, homelessness and food insecurity. Ms. Koelker believed that every person at the meeting wanted what was best for each student. Charles Galemmo a resident of North Berwick. Mr. Galemmo worked for 12 years teaching Culinary Arts at York County Community College. Some of the best students he had came from Noble High School. These cuts being discussed will impede students' abilities to get the jobs to further this economy. As responsible adults, citizens need to do the right thing and see that kids are properly educated. Andrea Tiberio resident of Lebanon. Ms. Tiberio shared her story of her family and the journey her son has had and continues to have in MSAD 60. This journey has included the support of all aspects of the special education department. Cutting any positions would be detrimental to any child that needed specialized instruction or extra support to be successful in the school setting. Kate Sheldon and her daughter Kimmy of Berwick. Ms. Sheldon shared her support for the best education for the students while being fiscally responsible. Ms. Sheldon spoke on behalf of Mary Hurd Academy and FLEX. Greg Pannier of Berwick, father of last year’s Valedictorian and current 6th grade Flex student. Mr. Pannier says the best thing about FLEX is that he has a 12 year old son who loves school. And that’s a miracle! The myriad of techniques in order to reach all of these students is important. More concerned about what will happen if we can’t continue the program. If he has to pay more in taxes he will give more money to keep programs. Osma Kastner, a student from Berwick, shared her positive experiences in EXCEL. Individualized education is important because class sizes have increased and teachers are trying to keep up with all different levels of learners. Classes should be where everyone’s needs are met. Brian and Ellie Arsenault, residents of Lebanon, shared their support of the FLEX program. Their daughter has been very successful and has increased her ability in all of the areas including time management and academics. The teachers are supportive, goal oriented and motivate her to produce work to her fullest potential. The loss of this program will be detrimental to the students. Cassidy Kastner is a student at Eric Knowlton School. Cassidy spoke of his positive experience in EXCEL. Hilary Perreault, of Lebanon, shared testimonials on the Noble FLEX program. Teaching the students to be curious, creative, flexible and inclusive. Tonya Noyes, parent, employee and Berwick resident. Ms. Noyes shared her duties within the library and the STEAM program. Jeremy Kasten, parent from Berwick. It is often best to not react to foolish behavior but sometimes it is necessary to reign it in. The normal business of keeping our schools running has been sidelined. Over and over I have watched a few assume that they are speaking for the many. The work of the Board itself is death by a 1000 budget cuts. No one is spending your money irrationally. They are trying to offer a quality education to all of our students. Mr. Kasten went on to speak about a Board member that commented that the problem is when we, “water all the flowers” meaning students. Mr. Kasten went on to say that society demands with laws that everyone is watered and treated with respect, dignity and met at their level. The prior notion is callous, dangerous and frankly illegal. It is not “Noble School Board” appropriate. The oath is to serve the students not to the folks that elected you. Holly Dupuis of Berwick, spoke of the March 14, 2024 School Board meeting you will hear a member say (at 46 minutes and 50 seconds), “do we have our priorities right? Or are we trying to water every plant in the garden, if you water every plant in the garden you get problems”. She continues to say that a principal can be heard replying (47 minutes 55 seconds), “I understand your analogy about how we water every single plant but I will not look at a parent and say your plant is not worth it”. Ms. Dupuis reminds the Board they are here for our schools, our teachers, our children. When you create the budget, it must be for the students and their needs which 100% means watering every single plant in this garden. Sarah Boucher, resident of Lebanon and alumni of Noble. Education has changed over the past 30 years. Ms. Boucher spoke of her child’s positive experience with the FLEX program. Amanda Kimball, a parent and resident of Berwick. Ms. Kimball spoke of her children’s different educational experiences. She went on to share her concerns potential cuts might have on the education and well being of students. Tammy McCormick, PE teacher at North Berwick Elementary School and a South Berwick resident. Spoke of her schedule and that “free time” is filled to support students and staff. She shared her response to a reduction in her building that will impact what will be offered to students. Caryn Smith, Berwick resident and North Berwick Elementary School Art Teacher. Spoke that her job is more than teaching about colors, painting and drawing. Specialists emphasize on how to be a well rounded learner. Skills that students develop are applicable to all facets of their lives. Ms. Smith went on to list all the additional offerings that will be lost to students, should the specialist positions be consolidated. Minutes: Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Doiron to accept the minutes of the February 15, 2024 meeting as amended. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Ms. Whalen made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to accept the minutes of the March 7, 2024 meeting as amended. All members voted in favor except Mr. Doriron who abstained and the motion passed. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Whalen to accept the minutes of the March 14, 2024 meeting as amended. All members voted in favor except Mr. Doiron who abstained and the motion passed. Noble Flex Presentation The Noble Flex Program presented an overview of their students’ educational journey. Presenters were: Amber O’Neill, Director and Social Emotional Learning Coach, Sarah Abbot the English Language Arts and Social Studies Learning Coach and Robert Kendall the Math and Science Learning Coach. Mr, Kendall explained the grades 5-8 Project Based Learning model FLEX uses. Flex has independent assignments but also focuses on building relationships and essential skills for everyday life. Employment: Resignation: Audrey Williams, Grade 6 English Language Arts Teacher at Noble Middle School. Ms Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to approve the resignation of Ms. Williams. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Alaina Betts, Grade 8 Math Teacher at Noble High School. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to approve the resignation of Ms. Betts. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Christiane Allison, Special Education Director. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by to approve the resignation of Ms. Allison. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Celebrations: Athletic Director, Aaron Moore, updated that Maddox Jordan placed 15th in the nation for the 800 meter. Ryan Moran, who is a Race Walker, finished int he middle of the pack at Nationals. Kudos to athletes, coaches and parents. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Whalen to add a second public input. Leanne Wurtz, a teacher and Berwick resident. Ms. Wurtz spoke in favor of the assistant principal roles, math coaches, and the keep those things that will directly and positively impact our students. Jean, a resident of North Berwick, asked about a Facebook post and if the Board Members approved the post. She states that the post is singling out some members and creating a divide. We can’t allow the minority to speak for the majority. Jessical Pearson of Berwick, shared her concerns for various cuts for next year. Ms. Pearson understands cuts are never made lightly but is concerned about the rationale that was discussed at the last meeting. Everyday teachers are asked to meet the needs of the whole child, all while doing their best to educate each unique student. She continued that while adding a few kids to each class may seem logical on paper, a few kids can make a huge difference for a teacher's ability to be effective. Ms. Pearson went on to state the importance of every teacher, specialist and ed tech makes. Mark Rouillard of North Berwick, shared his thanks to the students who spoke tonight and to the teachers who are here that help and push these students. Mr. Rouillard isn’t against teachers and wants them to have more money. What he wants to see is a cut of the budget. He thought that the board should get rid of “woke ideology” and get back to the curriculum. There are people who can’t buy food or afford heat. Save in ways without sacrificing your children Dana Hook, of Berwick, shared the positive experiences of his child who attends the Vivian Hussey School. He provided his reasoning why STEAM is an important aspect of education and should be emphasized. Mr. Mark Capalbo of Lebanon and a graduate of Noble High School. Mr. Capalbo feels like the school failed him. There were no hands-on opportunities like students have today. He feels that cutting these opportunities would be a mistake. Mr. Capalbo doesn’t think the lowest paid employees should be cut. Mr. Ken Dutch, shared a job shadow application of a student who is working well with him. He’d like him to have a text book and/or safety glasses. Adjournment: Ms Whalen made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 8:36 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais Moved into the budget workshop
- Minutes of April 2, 2024
MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF April 2, 2024 Current Board Members- North Berwick- Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on April 2, 2024 at 6:30pm with all members attending in person except Mr. Doiron. Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded to continue with the flag salute after the executive session. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to go into executive session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 6:35 pm. Out at 6:58 pm. Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to expel the student under consideration. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. The board then discussed the possible scenarios for the board meeting to vote on the budget this week. We will follow this plan: 1st choice… if weather is safe: Thursday at 7 pm 2nd choice…. Friday at 6 pm 3rd choice…. Saturday at 9 am If all else fails… Saturday at 9 am remote Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms Whalen to adjust the budget schedule for the board vote based on weather conditions as follows: 1st choice… if weather is safe: Thursday at 7 pm, 2nd choice…. Friday at 6 pm, 3rd choice…. Saturday at 9 am, If all else fails… Saturday at 9 am remote. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjournment: Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 7:26 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais
- Agenda April 11, 2024
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link April 11, 2024 Noble High School Lecture Hall North Berwick, Maine Meeting 7:00pm AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Minutes of March 21, 2024, March 28, 2024 and April 2, 2024 Sign Budget Warrants FY ‘25 SRRF Financing Approval of 2024-25 School Calendar Employment Celebrations Public Input Adjournment
- Agenda April 5, 2024
***PLEASE NOTE THAT THE APRIL 4, 2024 BOARD MEETING HAS BEEN CANCELED DUE TO WEATHER. PLEASE SEE THE NEW AGENDA BELOW*** SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link New Date: Friday April 5, 2024 6:00pm Noble High School Lecture Hall North Berwick, Maine Emergency Meeting Agenda Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Board Adoption of Budget FY’25 District Budget Board Adoption of Budget FY’25 Adult Education Board Adoption of Budget FY’25 School Nutrition Public Input Adjournment
- Agenda April 2, 2024
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link April 2, 2024 Noble High School North Berwick, Maine Executive Session 6:30pm Emergency Meeting 7:00pm AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Executive Session Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student Discuss the process for the budget adoption given the timelines and potential weather Adjournment
- Minutes of March 14, 2024
MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF March 14, 2024 Current Board Members- North Berwick- Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to go into executive session pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(B) Expulsion of a Student. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 6:30pm. Out at 7:00pm. Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to expel the student under consideration. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on March 14, 2024 at 7:15pm with all members attending in person except Mr. Doiron. There were 30 in the audience. Vice Chair Ms. Nancy Neubert of Lebanon read the public input statement. Public Input: Pam Texeira of Lebanon and a teacher at Noble Middle School, came forward to share her concerns regarding budget cuts, teacher reduction and the possibility of teachers transitioning to positions they may not want. Ms. Texeira also shared that she feels that morale is low at the middle school and the possible effects that changes may have on the students. Tamara McCormick, of South Berwick and a teacher at North Berwick Elementary School. Ms. McCormack is concerned that if specialists are shared amongst many buildings, relations with students and communities will be effected. Jeramy Caston of Berwick, came forward to acknowledge that the cost of everything in life has gone up, gasoline, electricity and food. It is unrealistic to believe that school budgets won’t increase. Mr. Caston believes that most parents think the same way. He isn’t sure how to make the budget work and what programs should be cut, but his hope is that the School Board does not cut the Arts and Excel budgets. Mallory Prince of Lebanon, who is a parent and a teacher in the District. Ms. Prince spoke of her rigorous work load and the challenges of shared dual purpose spaces that she uses for her classes. Ms. Prince asks that when the board is looking at schedules and space please consider the knowledge that the professionals have in their fields and that they be a part of the solution. Erin Dolly a resident, teacher and parent in Lebanon. Ms. Dolly, an invested life long Lebanon community member, spoke of her work load and job description. Ms. Dolly goes on to cite that statistically students do better academically when they participate in the arts specifically music. She invites Board Members to please spend time with her music class, or attend a concert in Lebanon. Heather Lorenzo, of Berwick. Ms. Lorenzo has children at both Vivian E Hussey School and Noble High School and feels fortunate to have the teachers and staff the MSAD 60 has to offer. Ms. Lorenzo has been a teacher for 20 years and teachers are now expected to do more with less. She would like to know what parents can do to keep the teachers that MSAD 60 has. Gwen Durodemi, a resident of North Bewick and a parent. Ms Durodemi would like to invite the Board into the schools. If the Board would like a primary source as to how the numbers will effect students and staff directly, please reach out to her. Sharon Taylor, North Berwick resident and District Librarian. As the District Librarian she has a good, “birds eye view” of what is happening throughout the District. Ms. Taylor went on to say what terrific people we have and knows the Board has a tough job, but hope you do not go after the frontline people. Approval for the One Act Play to Attend State Competition: Mr. AJ Dufort, Principal at Noble High School, spoke to the board regarding MSAD 60’s One Act Team having performed last weekend at Marshwood High School and won first place. The team has now been invited to compete at the state level next weekend at Camden Hills Regional High School. This would mean an overnight stay, for the students and chaperones, and need the Boards permission. Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to approve the One Act Team Play Team to attend the State Competition at Camden Hills Regional High School. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Congratulations and Good Luck! Adjournment: Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 7:41pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais Moved into the budget workshop
- Minutes of February 15, 2024
MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF February 15, 2024 Current Board Members- North Berwick- Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on February 15, 2024 at 7 p.m. with all members attending in person except Ms. Wheeler and Ms. Lovejoy who attended remotely. There were 30 in the audience. Vice Chair Ms. Kate Whalen of North Berwick read the public input statement. Public Input: None at this time. Minutes Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to accept the minutes of the February 1, 2024 meeting as amended. All members voted in favor except Ms. Whalen and Mr. Doiron who abstained and the motion passed. Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to accept the minutes of the February 8, 2024 meeting as presented. All members voted in favor except Mr. Doiron who abstained and the motion passed. SRRF Grant Discussion and Vote The Superintendent shared with the board an overview of the SRRF Grant Summary. Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve and submit the intent to accept the SRRF funding through the state of Maine. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Financial Summary Ms. Van Campen, business manager, shared with the board the updated financial statement. The board asked a few questions regarding electricity rates. SRO Continued Discussion There was further discussion regarding the SRO officer. Ms. Travers asked what an SRO day looks like. Ms. Austin explained that a large piece of the day would be community policing. Making connections with students, discipline issues with students and bullying. School and student safety is the most important function. Ms. Travers has a concern that a police officer being asked to discipline a student, and that if a student gets hurt they will be liable. Ms. Neubert is very supportive of the SRO. In her experience in other schools, the SROs build relations with students and families, get to know the students that needed extra guidance. Those officers are trained for difficult situations. Ms. Whalen asked clarifying questions about the DARE program. Ms. Austin briefly explained that it is a program that runs weekly lessons for approximately 8 weeks. Ms. Beauvais went on to say that we have used our SROs in the past for custody paperwork that has been submitted to the district and interpretation from a law enforcement perspective. Ms. Stanton asked what does the Lebanon community feel about it and are they going to block payment? Mr. Tabor doesn’t think it is feasible for Lebanon, so he believes only the middle and high school. Ms. Wheeler feels that the bigger issue is the time of response. We have a school, in Lebanon, that does not have a guaranteed response time, along with the other benefits of having an SRO. Ms. Austin suggested a community event that all of Lebanon could participate in and fill out an exit ticket. Employment: Leave Of Absence: Ms. Desiree Labbe, Grade 1 Teacher at Hanson Elementary School, is requesting to take a leave of absence for the 2024-25 school year. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Doiron to approve the leave of absence for Ms. Labbe. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Superintendent Update The Superintendent shared Amanda McIntire, a math coach, has created a podcast that is on the website and the newsletter called, “Monthly Math Minute”. The Superintendent shared Love the Bus Month and the Berwick Community Media featured 2 of our drivers, Janet and Joelle, and was extremely well done. It can be viewed on our website. There was a question from a Board member regarding the prevalence of vaping at the Middle School. There is an increase in vaping at both the high school and the middle school. When students at the middle school are confirmed as vaping the consequences are suspensions as well as a course with the health coordinator that focuses on the facts, dependency, healthy alternatives and focusing on next steps to avoid vaping. Mr. Archambault reports that the course is pretty well received and has opened students' eyes. There are two levels that are happening. Students who are very dependent on nicotine and its chronic piece and we are very focused on that. Then there are students that try it and get caught and it’s a one off. At the high school we are piloting a vape detector and it has been successful. We will be expanding them in the future. Celebrations Ms. Austin shared that back in December a large group of people came together to talk about the struggles in the community. They broke up into 3 smaller groups. One focuses on mentoring that Mr. Dufort leads. We have high school and middle school students working together. The Berwick Recreation Department is increasing their mentoring program so we are working together to focus on digital safety. Public Input Charlie Galemmo of North Berwick, shared with the board his thoughts about the SRO in Lebanon and deferring the cost to Berwick and North Berwick tax payers when Lebanon decided they did not want a police department. Mr. Mark Rouillard of North Berwick asked a question of the board whether or not we would allow carrying a long gun in the schools. Vaping can not be stopped in the schools, it should be up to our legislatures. Mr. Eustaquio Dones, teacher and Communication Director for MSAD 60, shared his appreciation of the increased attendance at the board meetings. He asked that if you would like to come into the schools, he would like to create the opportunity for the members of the public and for the board to see what an actual day in the schools looks like. He feels the public would be really impressed. Mr. Jon Hall, a teacher at Noble Middle School and parent in North Berwick, shared his concerns regarding education, curriculum and school boards are under attack. People in the audience have been saying things that are appalling, in public records and then have the audacity to question the curriculum of teachers. Teachers don’t feel safe, not about people carrying guns around, but the silent majority of our three towns who believe in the legal system, the democratic system, think service in the military or as a public official, we need to educate the “democratic mob” and create educated citizens who can vote and work together as a community. He fought for public education. Right now he feels like people are fighting against public education. He really hopes that our community members can come out and vote. Adjournment: Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 8:13 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais
- Agenda for March 28, 2024
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link March 28, 2024 Noble High School Auditorium North Berwick, Maine Meeting 7:00pm AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Nomination of Probationary Administrators Adjournment Budget Work Session
- Agenda for March 26, 2024
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link March 26, 2024 Noble High School North Berwick, Maine Executive Session 6:30pm AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Executive Session Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student Adjournment
- Agenda for March 21, 2024
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link March 21, 2024 Noble High School Auditorium North Berwick, Maine Executive Session 6:30pm Meeting 7:000pm AGENDA Call to Order Executive Session Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Minutes of February 15, 2024, March 7, 2024 and March 14, 2024 Noble Flex Presentation Employment Celebrations Adjournment Budget Work Session
- Agenda for March 14, 2024
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link March 14, 2024 Noble High School Paul Johnson Library North Berwick, Maine Executive Session 6:30pm Workshop 7:00pm AGENDA Call to Order Executive Session Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Approval for the One Act Play to Attend State Competition Adjournment Budget Work Session
- Agenda March 7, 2024
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link March 7, 2024 Noble High School Lecture Hall North Berwick, Maine Meeting 7:00pm AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Winter Athletics Update Employment Celebrations Public Input Adjournment Budget Work Session
- Minutes of February 8, 2024
MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF February 8, 2024 Current Board Members- North Berwick- Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on February 8, 2024 at 6 p.m. with all members attending in person except Mr. Doiron. There were 5 in the audience. Adoption of Administrator’s Contract Agreement Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to adopt Administrator’s Contract Agreement. There was brief discussion regarding the additional language with regard to the three year contract. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjournment: Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 6:07 pm. Move to Board Workshop Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais
- Minutes of February 1, 2024
MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF February 1, 2024 Current Board Members- North Berwick- Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to go into executive session pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(B) Expulsion of a Student. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 6:32 pm. Out at 6:52 pm. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to expel the student under consideration. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(E) Legal Rights and Duties of School Unit Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to go into executive session pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(E) Legal Rights and Duties of School Unit. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 6:53 pm. Out at 7:15pm. A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on February 1, 2024 at 7:20 p.m. with all members attending in person except Mr. Doiron. Ms. Whalen-Stanton attended remotely. There were 22 in the audience. Vice Chair Ms. Nancy Neubert of Lebanon read the public input statement. Public Input: Mr. Charles Galemmo of North Berwick, came forward to share his concern regarding the talk of arming staff/teachers in schools. He shared that the training necessary for carrying weapons in a school setting is significant. You have two choices, either determine that the risk isn’t great enough to fund or you spend the funds for a law enforcement officer. Ms. Valerie Higgins of Lebanon Maine shared her concerns regarding her grandson. She feels that there has been threatening bullying and intimidation by the administration regarding his attendance and immunizations. He has been much sicker since he’s been attending school in person. She wondered if he might be allergic to something in the school. She shared more concerns regarding instances that occurred at school. She noted that the staff at the schools have been wonderful, but feels that the administration is targeting her. She would like it to stop. We should all be working together for the betterment of our kids. Especially the special needs students. Minutes: Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to accept the minutes of the January 18, 2024 meeting as amended. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Student Data Presentation- Dr. Shannon Swiger: Dr. Swiger shared information regarding Maine Through Year 2023. This information was requested by a board member on December 18th. It follows up Data information presented to the board on September 21st and November 16th of 2023. This data is not for public consumption yet via the Department of Education, but Dr. Swiger is sharing it for the board’s consumption and review. Board-Copies Board members asked some specific questions regarding the presentation and the data. Are we looking to increase our data and to what degree. 85% for our students is the overall goal for students to meet in reading and mathematics. We are showing good growth in reading but math is an area of concern and we have reviewed and revamped our curriculum to address the concerns. The change in curriculum does take a time frame to show the results of the changes. Dr. Swiger also shared contact information for the Maine Department of Education data team leader for the board to reach out to directly if they’d like more specific state information and the psychometrics of the testing protocols. Dr. Swiger noted that the assessment at the state level has changed every 2 years over the past ten years and thus the actual trends of data are not easily assessed. However, we are consistently tracking our data within our programs and utilizing the information to inform and improve practice. School Revolving Renovation Fund Grant Update Denise Van Campen, Business Manager shared with the board an overview of the SRRF projects and noted that we were approved for multiple projects. The board was given overviews of each of the projects and was told that we would review them at a future meeting so that board members could have time to digest the information before making a decision. We need to be poised to have a discussion and potential vote at the Feb. 15th meeting. Noble Community Employer Appreciation Breakfast Update The Assistant Superintendent shared with the board an overview of the Noble Community Appreciation breakfast that took place January 14 at Noble High school. Although the weather was dicey, over 50 people representing 25 employers in our district (and in the surrounding areas) joined the conversation that was orchestrated by our Transition Coordinator and our External Learning Opportunity staff who work with a variety of students in the district. They asked groups of people to answer questions regarding needed skill sets in the employees who are entering their doors and also shared specific needs of employers in the overall job market. An emphasis from all parties was in the area of soft skills: interpersonal skills, communication, leadership, problem solving, etc. This is the first gathering of this group and the team will follow up with another meeting likely in the late spring to encourage more communication. Several board members were in attendance as well. Employment: Leave Of Absence: Cassie Thompson, English Teacher at Noble High School, is requesting to take a leave of absence beginning for the 2024-25 school year. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to approve the leave of absence for Ms. Thompson. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Ms. Abbey Hubbell, Nutrition Director, is requesting to take an extended leave of absence after the birth of her child. Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to approve the extended leave of absence. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Superintendent Update: Maddox Jordan, 2023 Gatorade Player of the Year. 10 students will be earning 6 college credits in Blue Print Reading and Machine Shop Principles. Classes will occur at the YCCC Machine Shop located in Sanford. The Superintendent shared an update on student enrollment at Sanford Regional Technical Center where many of our students attend in their junior and senior years. In 2019- 410 students attended SRTC from many sending schools. In 2023- 645 students attended. Each year our applications increase and this year we had 118 students accepted. Not all of our students are getting into these programs and the future looks to be even more competitive. Other: Ms. Janousek shared that the Ski Club took place last month in grades 3-12th grade. 153 students participated and they skied at Gunstock Mountain. It was a great time! Public Input: Ms. Valarie Higgins asked about the air quality issues in Lebanon and how that might be impacting the children. She reiterated working together for the benefit of the students. Mr. Mark Cahoon of North Berwick stated that he appreciated that we are trying to get something going with the employers and the community. He pointed out that our students need to be more ambitious and off cell phones and social media. He asked about the standards for athletics and whether they have standards for participation. There are. He asked for a prayer after the board said the pledge of allegiance. Mr. Mark Rouillard, stated that the DEI program that is being taught in school should not be. He also noted that he didn’t believe the statistics that were shared and also talked about getting back to basics. Mr. Ken Dutch, of North Berwick, spoke positively about his current student who is working with him repairing cars and how he is feeling that he’d like to work with the high school to provide appropriate tech books to support the learning that he is receiving in his work place. Mr. Roger Link, North Berwick, noted that he works for Pratt Whitney, and also noted that Pratt Whitney is looking for employers for their machining programs. He wondered about partnerships and classes to teach machining in our schools. Why can’t we have a program here in the school rather than send them to SRTC? Mr. Chris Whitley, of North Berwick, shared with the board that he has been called back to Pratt to help as there just are not enough skilled workers coming into the workforce. Executive session Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to go into executive session for contract negotiations. In at 8:32 Out at 8:55 Adjournment: Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 8:56 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais
- Agenda for Board Workshop March 2, 2024
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link March 2, 2024 Noble High School Paul Johnson Library North Berwick, Maine Workshop 8:00am-2:00pm AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Board Budget Workshop
- Agenda for February 29, 2024
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link February 29, 2024 Noble High School Paul Johnson Library North Berwick, Maine Workshop 6:30pm AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Board Budget Workshop
- Agenda for Public February 15, 2024
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link February 15, 2024 Noble High School Lecture Hall North Berwick, Maine Meeting 7:00pm AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Minutes of February 1, 2024 and February 8, 2024 SRRF Grant Discussion and Vote Financial Summary SRO Continued Discussion Employment Superintendent Update Celebrations Public Input Adjournment
- Minutes of January 18, 2024
MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF January 18, 2024 Current Board Members- North Berwick- Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert Executive Session Pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(B) Readmission of a Student Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to go into executive session pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(B) Readmission of a Student. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 6:18 pm. Out at 6:32 pm. Mr. Dorion made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to reinstate the student under consideration. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Executive Session Pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(B) Readmission of a Student Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to go into executive session pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(B) Readmission of a Student. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 6:40 pm. Out at 6:54 pm. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Doiron to reinstate the student under consideration. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Doiron to go into executive session pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(B) Expulsion of a Student. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 6:58 pm. Out at 7:15pm. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to expel the student under consideration for a minimum of one year. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on January 18, 2024 at 7:15 p.m. with all members attending in person except Ms. Janousek who attended remotely. There were 54 in the audience. Mr. Doiron made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to table the executive session at the end of the meeting until February 1, 2024. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Vice Chair Ms. Nancy Neubert of Lebanon read the public input statement. Public Input: Mr. Ken Dutch, of North Berwick, shared that one of his customers shared that a 17 year old had witnessed a drug transaction in the bathroom at NHS. Mr. Joe Rafferty, State Senator for District 34, asked to speak. The Chair gave him permission. He wanted to stop in and introduce himself as a potential resource regarding legislation etc. He also wants to commend the board as well as boards are facing many challenges and he encouraged the board to continue working together with all the constituents involved (staff, parents, students, administrators etc). Clearly we will not be successful if you’re not all moving in the same direction. He asked that the board keep him in mind if there’s a need in the future. Mr. Mark Rouillard, North Berwick, shared that he would like the videos to be live rather than edited before being put out. Minutes: Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Doiron to accept the minutes of the December 21, 2023 meeting as amended. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to accept the minutes of the January 4, 2024 meeting as amended. The board discussed adding in a specific link to the legislation regarding weapons in school. The addition of the reference to the state law was included. All members voted in favor except Ms. Neubert who abstained and the motion passed. Don Bresnahan Mechanical Services: The Superintendent invited Mr. Don Bresnehan of Mechanical Services to speak to the board regarding some of the capital improvement projects that have been addressed already in various school buildings and discuss future projects. This presentation is also in reference to the School Revolving Renovation Funds grant application that we made in October and the board will have to make a final decision after Feb. 1st when we are notified if we are grant recipients. The projects are those that have been in our capital plan for a lengthy period of time. Replacing HVAC equipment is a difficult task as we balance the other aspects of our budget. Utilizing the funds that are potentially provided through the state funding process makes the most of taxpayer dollars. LD 705 is a state law that requires all school districts to have ventilation air in all of their buildings as it reduces the spread of contagious disease but also provides improved cognitive learning ability. Also as we put in new equipment we are hoping to reduce the cost of utilities and maintenance with more efficient units. In phase 1 we focused on three buildings NMS, Hussey and NHS: heating systems, ventilation systems and lighting which need to be addressed at 20-25 years (end of useful life). The goal is to take advantage of the state programs that are providing funds for facility improvements. Slide Show Presentation Financial Summary December 2024: Denise Van Campen, Business Manager, shared with the board the updated Financial Summary for the end of December 2023. We are half way through the year and have approximately 50%. We are running on track at this time. SRO Grant Discussion Continuation The Assistant Superintendent shared with the board an overview of the process and the figures associated with the Lebanon Elementary School Resource Officer (SRO) potential position. The York County Sheriff’s office wrote a Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grant to secure funding for SROs in local schools. They were approved and we are one of the systems that they would like to work with to provide coverage in our Lebanon schools. She shared the overview of the grant as to what it will cover and what the broken down costs for the district would be over the next three years of the grant. The following “overview” is a range of costs for the district. Lebanon SRO Cost share The Assistant Superintendent also shared the results of a parent survey asking if parents support having an SRO in the Lebanon schools. It was a very simple survey. There were 164 responses. 152 answered yes. 10 answered no. And 2 did not respond stating that more information was necessary before responding. The board held a lengthy discussion about the opportunity and determined that they will make a decision by the end of February. Employment: Leave Of Absence: Maria Cannon, Literacy Teacher at Noble High School, is requesting to take a leave of absence beginning March 4, 2024 through the end of the 2023-2024 school year. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to approve the leave of absence for Ms. Cannon. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Resignation: Laela Starz, Science Teacher, Noble High School. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Mrs. Travers to approve the resignation for Ms. Starz. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Hannah Farley, Special Education Teacher Vivian E Hussey School. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to approve the resignation for Ms. Farley. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Retirement: Patricia McIntire, Special Education Teacher Lebanon. Ms. McIntire has been a teacher with MSAD 60 for 25 years. Ms. Travers made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler with appreciation and the motion passed. Superintendent Update: High School is in the middle of their midterms. Band and Chorus festival coming up this weekend. The NightHawks (our Unified Basketball Team that is shared with Marshwood HS) had their first game today and outscored the Biddeford team. It was a great opportunity to see the team in action and there was a large audience cheering both teams on. Confirmation of the February 8th board workshop, from 6-7pm, with our legal advisor to review board documents. Other: None at this time. Public Input: Shawn Works of North Berwick shared with the board that he felt that the School Resource Officer for Lebanon would be a benefit for the district. He felt that the presence of an officer might deter negative behavior. Mr. Mark Rouillard, noted that children’s safety should be put at the top of the priority list. He shared his belief that there are other types of weapons (bean bags, pepper spray etc.) that staff could carry in schools. He also noted that the concerns regarding gun violence are the direct result of mental health concerns. He noted that since there are legislators in the room that perhaps they should address the concerns regarding a lack of funding etc. Adjournment: Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Whalen to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 8:40 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais
- Agenda Board Workshop February 8, 2024
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link February 8, 2024 Noble High School Paul Johnson Library North Berwick, Maine Meeting 6:00pm Workshop 6:15pm AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Adoption of Administrator’s Contract Agreement Adjournment Board Workshop
- Laughs Await: 2024 Comedy Showcase!
Join us for a not-to-be-missed event – the 2024 Comedy Showcase on Friday, March 15th, 7:30-9:30 pm. Prepare for an unforgettable evening featuring globe-trotting comedians dedicated to spreading laughter far and wide! Last time, our show with a comedian from "America's Got Talent" had the Hussey Theater packed to the brim, echoing with waves of laughter. Don't miss the chance to be part of the fun! Brown Paper Ticket link- 2024 Comedy Showcase Facebook event @nhsseniorhaps Join us for an evening filled with laughter, great company, and support for the Class of 2024. Get your tickets before they sell out! See you there! Ms. Cynthia Plaisted NACE Ceramics Educator Noble High School Advisor: Yearbook and 9th-12th
- Agenda February 1, 2024
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link February 1, 2024 Noble High School North Berwick, Maine Executive Session 6:30pm Meeting 7:00pm AGENDA 6:30 Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student 6:45 Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(E) Legal Rights and Duties of School Unit Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Minutes of January 18, 2024 Student Data Presentation- Dr. Shannon Swiger School Revolving Renovation Fund Grant Update Noble Community Employer Appreciation Breakfast Update Employment Superintendent Update Other Public Input Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(D) Labor Contract Negotiations- Administrators Adjournment
- 2 Hour Delay Monday, January 29, 2024
Good Evening, There is a varied forecast across the three towns from this evening into the morning hours. Given the fluctuation of predicted snow accumulation, there will be a 2 hour delay on Monday, January 29, 2024.
- Minutes of January 4, 2024
MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF January 4, 2024 Current Board Members- North Berwick- Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on January 4, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. with all members attending except Ms. Neubert. There were 24 in the audience. Mr. Travis Doiron of Berwick read the public input statement. Public Input: Ms. Emily Drummond of Berwick shared her concerns regarding a community matter. She is concerned about the racism that is going on at Noble Middle School. Mr. Robert Travers, of Lebanon, shared his concerns regarding the agenda and movement of an item. Mr. Mike Barker, of North Berwick, shared his input about the SRO position in Lebanon that was discussed. He feels that the bigger discussion is with the town of Lebanon and the potential of a contract deputy for the town. The two towns that provide a police department are able to provide an SRO for the Middle School and Noble High School. He feels that the district should not necessarily be paying for an officer in Lebanon as there is no police force there. He feels like we would be extending the school district budget to provide police support to the town of Lebanon. He feels that’s not the district’s responsibility. He urged the board and the residents of Lebanon to reach out to the select board and encourage them to enter into a contract with the Sheriff’s department for the town rather than have the school district take on that financial obligation. Mr. Mark Cahoon, North Berwick, shared his feelings about the school resource office and the fact that the governor has announced that there is a surplus and we should be accessing that funding rather than the local funds. He feels strongly that the safety of the schools is very important, but that the local taxpayers should not be responsible for the cost. Minutes: Mr. Doiron made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to table the minutes of the December 21, 2023 meeting until the next meeting. All members voted in favor except Ms. Whalen and the motion passed. Adult Education: Ms. Nichole Ivey, adult education director, gave an overview of the program here with MSAD 60. Adult Education Presentation to School Board Ms. Janousek noted the positive interactions she observed at the Noble Adult and Community Education (NACE) graduation ceremony in June of 2023. It was heartwarming to see the support of families for their graduates and the care that staff showed toward the NACE students. Project Potential: The board heard from the Superintendent and Business Manager regarding some of the larger ticket items that we need to be thinking about as we look at our capital improvement projects. She shared with the board an overview of various financing options that we have utilized in the past and may want to consider for the future: Financing Options Also discussed and shared was a preliminary list of projects that will need to be considered over the next few years. These include paving, roofing, playgrounds, etc. Capital Improvement Projects to be Considered There was discussion among the board members regarding debt service, expected and acceptable spending on maintenance and facilities, as well as reasonable debt carry. Mr. Tabor asked several questions in regard to this and Ms. Van Campen shared that we would have further discussions regarding the specifics as well as regulations around percentage allowed for reserve funds, etc. in future budget meetings. At the next meeting, Don Bresnehan, of Mechanical Services, will be in to discuss the School Revolving Renovation Funds and the potential projects that we have on the horizon. Employment: None at this time. Superintendent Update: The board discussed having a workshop prior to an upcoming meeting to have our legal representative go over protocols and processes as we head into the budget season. He will facilitate the conversation, provide reminders and allow board members to ask questions. The board agreed to a workshop prior to an upcoming meeting (Date to be determined) beginning at 5:45 pm. The Superintendent will coordinate with the attorney and set a date where the board could all commit. Noble Community Employer Appreciation Breakfast: The Assistant Superintendent shared that a group of staff at NHS has reached out to community employers inviting them in to a breakfast at NHS on January 24th at 8:30 am to share their appreciation of the work that they do in our community and discuss what the school can do to support and partner with our local businesses. She shared that the team is looking forward to a discussion regarding teaching skills that are necessary in the current job market, including, but not limited to academic and soft skills. She invited board members to attend if they were able and to please RSVP her if they can make it. Other: The Superintendent then updated the board on the ongoing conversation regarding the sound system in the board meeting and increasing. We priced out the necessary equipment for increasing sound capacity in the library (aside from what we’ve already done by placing microphones in front of the board members to have better sound quality for our listeners who review the board meetings via the Youtube videos). The sound system equipment necessary would be in the ballpark of $4000. We’ve added a live microphone for the public input component of the night which seems to have increased amplification for board members, but we probably need to shift the podium so that our audience can hear more clearly. We also have looked at other spaces to hold the meetings. The lecture hall is one area that has been used in the past for board meetings but the current sound system in there is no longer necessarily viable and the recording component is not able to easily be set up. We tried, at this board meeting, to provide a personal amplification device to one of the board members to experiment with that avenue. Mr. Tabor suggested that we need to start meeting in a different space that would be more available. Mr. Tabor: He notes that we have been talking a lot about the SRO for Lebanon. But we are talking about school safety overall. Timing is an issue in a district this large. How quickly our law enforcement can respond to an active shooter in the schools is in question. Are we going to put an SRO in every school we have? What is the direction that we want to go? He asked that we consider the following: There is one type of school safety protocol in this nation that has not experienced a school shooting and that is staff concealed carry. It is clearly noted on the schools that “our staff is armed to protect our students and school community.” He then went on to discuss the types of weapons that are available: guns where there is a handprint that it will only work for that one person based on the handprint, instead of bullets, beanbags that can be incredibly debilitating but not deadly. He asked that this suggestion not be just dismissed but looked into. He shared that he believes that if we’re talking truly about school safety, we need to have this discussion publicly. And he then went on to share a document that is focused on NWEA data. He shared it with board members and with audience members. He explained that this is the current standing of MSAD 60 students using the NWEA through year report and National Assessment of Educational Progress for Maine. He explained the NAEP (an achievement test that is used nationally). The Board Chair did ask Mr. Tabor to consider the fact that this is not the process of adding an agenda item and that “other business” is not necessarily the time to provide this type of information. He felt that we had been talking about data but that it had not yet become a formal item on the agenda and he was concerned about that. The Superintendent noted that our Director of Teaching and Learning, Dr. Shannon Swiger, was currently developing a presentation that also encompassed answers to the many specific questions that Mr. Tabor had sent and that we were preparing a time for a full board discussion at an upcoming meeting. Mr. Tabor accepted that this would be discussed in the near future. There was brief discussion about the handout that Mr. Tabor had already shared and whether or not to provide more of an explanation this evening regarding the handout and then set the item aside for a future meeting. Ms. Whalen made the motion to table the discussion regarding data to a formal agenda item at a future date with a quick explanation of the information presented by Mr. Tabor and Ms. Janousek seconded the motion. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Ms. Whalen noted that teacher of the year awards are currently being brought forward and she encouraged folks to think about the fine educators in our district Ms. Janousek asked for a comprehensive staff survey regarding Mr. Tabor’s suggestion about staff members carrying weapons. She felt it was vital to have staff input prior to even considering this idea. The Assistant Superintendent also noted the fact that carrying weapons on school grounds is illegal in the state of Maine and that a legislative change to the law would have to take place before it could even be considered. Title 20-A Education 6552 Ms. Travers asked for increased clarification regarding the SRO grant process, length of the grant etc. The Assistant Superintendent clarified that the Sheriff’s department receives the grant which covers approximately 45% of the cost of the SRO officer. The district would then cover the remaining cost of the officer. The grant is for 3 years and at the end of the grant, the finances would need to be considered as a responsibility of the district and potentially (as is the case for the NB and Berwick SROs) the town. For our NB and Berwick SRO at NHS and NMS the district pays the school year contract for an officer for each and the town pays the remaining portion of their yearly salary and benefits. Public Input: Mr. Mark Cahoon, North Berwick, shared that he appreciates that we are reaching out to the local community employers. He still feels that we need to still have a program for special needs students. Mr. Mark Rouillard, North Berwick, shared that he applauds Mr. Tabor for the idea of staff carrying weapons in the schools. He thinks that teachers carrying guns would benefit the school. He asked about having a police officer with a dog at the entrance to the school either in the entrance or leaving school. Mr. Mike Barker, North Berwick, thanked Mr. Tabor as well for opening up a larger conversation on school safety etc and noted that EMS has also been able to provide training regarding support for staff and administration. He wanted to reiterate The SRO conversation again and that it should go back to Lebanon and have them address the lack of police presence themselves rather than leave it to the school district to cover it. He feels that the onus should be on the town of Lebanon to address this issue. Mr. Brett Little of North Berwick, asked for us to revisit the fact that there is no computer science teacher at Noble High School and that the high tech opportunities are not available at this time. Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(B) Duties of Officials: Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Doiron to go into executive session for 1 MRSA §405(6)(A) Duties of Officials, Appointees, Employees. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 8:32. Out at 8:57. Adjournment: Ms. Travers made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Doiron to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 8:57 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais
- Minutes of December 21, 2023
MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF December 21, 2023 Current Board Members- North Berwick- Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in Berwick, Maine on December 21, 2023 at 7:15 p.m. with all members attending. There were 25 in the audience. Ms. Nancy Neubert, the vice chair read the public input statement. Public Input: Ms. Holly Dupuis shared her support for the School Resource Officer within the Lebanon Schools. She shared her concern about the statements made regarding citizens coming to the help of the schools with weapons. She asked that we consider metal detectors in the schools to increase the ability to keep schools safe and show that the school board cares. Mr. Mark Rouillard of North Berwick shared his concerns regarding the “expulsion” of his nephew due to a lack of immunizations. He feels that this is not an issue for the schools to deal with but for parents to deal with. He then noted that the world has changed greatly and that when he was younger there were no shootings, but that kids brought their rifles to school because they hunted before school. He feels that things HAVE changed. He stated that the reason that the world has changed is because of the education system and what is being taught. Ms. Desiree Labbe, a teacher at the Hanson School in Lebanon, shared a letter that she wrote addressing her support of the SRO in the Lebanon schools as well as her concerns regarding the discussions from specific board members regarding the SRO. Public Input DL Ms. Amanda Turner, North Berwick, She stated that she is disgusted with MSAD 60 district due to what’s happening in the schools. She shared that her children state they can’t use the bathrooms in the high school etc. due to vaping etc and she is considering pulling her students out of school. Mr. Mark Cahoon, of North Berwick, shared his belief that mental health is one of the biggest concerns and that we need to provide mental health counselors in the schools so that we can provide the services to decrease issues for our children. He also supported the SRO in Lebanon. He felt that funds in Augusta may be available to support the SRO piece. Minutes: Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Doiron to accept the minutes of the December 7, 2023 as amended. All members voted in favor except Ms. Whalen who abstained and the motion passed. District Feedback before Legislative Session: Representative Tiffany Roberts, shared that she is asking for input from the area before they head into their legislative session. She shared that she has been to other area school boards and has received questions regarding staffing, minimum salaries, vaping concerns, bus driver shortages, guidance counselor needs, safety grants etc. She noted that we had worked together in the past and have been able to put into legislation consequences for chronic absenteeism. The Superintendent shared that we are looking for more information about safety grants, implementation of Pre-K programming and funding, space concerns and staff implementation concerns for Pre K. Mr. Tabor shared that he’s concerned about parents and schools and parent partnerships. He’s worried about empowering schools without the empowerment of parents as well. He feels that Covid is a good example of how state and federal mandates and determinations impacted school and parent partnerships. Schools and parents need to work together. He also pointed out concerns around behavior and that this is a parent issue. Ms. Roberts asked a clarifying question so that she understands what he is asking for in terms of actionable items as she heads into the legislative session. Ms. Roberts asked that she be able to meet with Mr. Tabor and Senator Rafferty to meet with him or connect with them virtually to discuss further his concerns and allow her to better delineate concerns to be brought forward around his concern around parent and school partnerships. Mr. Tabor responded that he would definitely like to meet and talk about actionable items and open up a public dialogue. Mr. Tabor also shared that he is really concerned about technology use in our student’s lives. Particularly for ages under 13. He quoted information around anxiety and depression and how technology impacts the higher numbers seen in our society. Ms. Roberts also noted the double edged sword in regards to technology and how it impacts our society in general. Ms. Travers of Lebanon noted the US News and World report regarding the ranking of high schools in the state of Maine. Noble was ranked as 47th of 111 schools. That puts us at around average. Ms. Travers noted that it’s not what we should be shooting for “average,” but that we should be going for higher scores academically. She noted that she had read an article that stated that Maine Education Commissioner Makin believes that social emotional needs should be placed above academics at this point. (This article was date stamped March 2023) Ms. Travers shared that she feels that the education in Maine needs to be put back toward academics rather than the social emotional well being. Ms. Roberts noted she would look into the statements that are being referenced. She also asked that our board members go into classrooms and watch what is happening in real time in order to best make decisions for the students in MSAD 60. Mr. Doiron of Berwick, asked Ms. Roberts to potentially encourage the surplus of funds that has been declared in the Governor’s budget to perhaps be given back to the citizens of the state, particularly to the schools. Ms. Basko of Lebanon asked specifics regarding the Sweetser social workers that are provided space in our schools. She asked if we provided any funds for that. We provide space only and the organization bills insurance for services provided. Any social work services are provided only with parent permission and consent forms signed. Representative Tom Lavigne of Berwick, gave an overview of the process in Augusta. It’s very unique what we have in Augusta. He noted that this second part of the legislative session is for emergency bills only, so they will deal with very few “new” items. Representative Jeff Adams shared his role in the legislature and asked that people reach out to all three of them with questions and concerns. Financial Summary: Denise Van Campen, Business Manager, shared with the board the updated Financial Summary for the end of November 2023. We are running on track at this time. Employment: LOA: Ms. Lauren Jones, an Occupational Therapist at Noble Middle and Knowlton Schools, is requesting to take a leave of absence after her maternity leave. Ms.Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Doiron to approve the leave of absence for Ms. Jones. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Resignation: Glenn Hoag, Special Education Teacher, Mary Hurd Academy. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to approve the resignation for Mr. Hoag. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Superintendent Update: The Superintendent also acknowledged the high school administration, staff and students for their ongoing diligence and following protocols in a difficult situation. The Superintendent shared with the audience that we will be looking at the metal detector component in the budgets and where they would be placed. Ms. Travers asked about if we would be looking just at the high school and the superintendent noted that when we look at safety we look at the entire district and will share information with the board for decision making. The Superintendent noted that in our tours of the buildings, there were some classrooms that did not have flags displayed and that situation has been rectified. The Superintendent updated the board on the open Excel position at the Knowlton School. We have filled the opening with a long term substitute who is highly qualified and able to fill in for the rest of the year and he will be starting right after break. The position will be readvertised in the spring. Other: Mr. Doiron asked to follow up with the flag etiquette at each of the schools. We will follow up with all of the staff who manage the flags and be sure they are up to date on daily requirements regarding flags at half mast etc. A board member asked about the student representative. The superintendent noted that we are still working with the high school administration to find representatives of the student population. Mr. Tabor had shared a request with Ms. Lovejoy regarding NWEAs, etc. Ms. Lovejoy noted that she shared that request with the Superintendent and they will follow up with it. Ms. Travers asked about a follow up with activities and events that occurred in the past couple of weeks: Math Meet, holiday concerts and a movie night with the PTO. Ms. Basko shared her response to public input and the concerns about comments regarding the fact that our citizens in Lebanon would provide safety support to the schools should something occur. She felt that Sheriff King had highlighted weaknesses in the schools in Lebanon regarding isolation and response time and that she felt that was inappropriate and shined a beacon on the schools. She felt that it was important for people who are listening or watching the video to know that the town would be supported by armed citizens if necessary so that it was known that the schools are not as vulnerable as was being portrayed. She felt the need to defend her town. Public Input: Mr. Mark Rouillard, shared his belief that we should look at veterans who are highly skilled and can be supportive of an SRO in a building. He also noted that Sheriff King should not be bringing out the information regarding the isolation of the Lebanon schools. He noted again his belief around the issues around education and the world at large. Ms. Holly Dupuis felt that Sheriff’s King's statements were appropriate and already public knowledge. She noted that she was glad that Ms. Basko made her statements so that she understood clearly where the Lebanon board member stood. Ms. Kelley Rouillard, noted that she was here for the school board meeting and she didn’t feel that Ms. Basko’s comments were inappropriate. Ms Rouillard asked about the ten Educational Techs needed. Specifically, she wanted to know how many of those were not for behavioral health. The Superintendent noted five were for behavioral health and five for academic. Ms. Rouillard noted that she did not see any advertisements for academic positions. Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(D) Labor Contract Negotiations- Administrators: Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to go into executive session for Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(D) Labor Contract Negotiations- Administrators. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 8:30 pm. Out at 9:12 pm. Adjournment: Ms. Doiron made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 9:13 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais
- Agenda January 18, 2024
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link January 18, 2024 Noble High School North Berwick, Maine Executive Session 6:15pm Meeting 7:15pm AGENDA 6:15 Executive Session Pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(B) Readmission of a Student Executive Session Pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(B) Readmission of a Student Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Minutes of December 21, 2023 and January 4, 2024 Don Bresnahan Mechanical Services Financial Summary December 2024 SRO Grant Discussion Continuation Employment Superintendent Update Other Public Input Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(D) Labor Contract Negotiations- Administrators Adjournment
- Minutes December 7, 2023
MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF December 7, 2023 Current Board Members- North Berwick- Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on December 7, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. with all members attending except Ms. Whalen. There were 14 in the audience. Ms. Nancy Neubert, the vice chair read the public input statement. Public Input: Mr. Jeremy Kasten of Berwick shared his concern regarding the open position of the Excel teacher at the Knowlton School. He shared his support of Ms. Sahaigian who is filling in temporarily and encouraged the board to fill the position as soon as possible. Mr. Kenneth Dutch of North Berwick, shared his concerns regarding his grandson and how he and his daughter in law are being treated. He feels that the school and administration are threatening when they make statements about the law regarding truancy and implying that they will enlist the North Berwick police to visit the home. He was very unhappy with the whole situation. Minutes: Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to accept the minutes of the November 16, 2023 meeting as amended. All members voted in favor except Ms. Travers and Mr. Doiron who abstained and the motion passed. The Superintendent shared a donation from the Friends of Knights Lacrosse of $11,747.36 to the district 6-12 Lacrosse program. Mr. Tabor asked if a donation such as this is typical, it was noted that this happens occasionally to support programs and is greatly appreciated. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to approve the donation. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. The board heard from Sheriff Bill King and Officer Robert Pellerin regarding the potential of a SRO in the Lebanon Elementary School. Sheriff King and Officer Pellerin gave an overview of the benefits through the delivery of a powerpoint. sro.pptx The board asked some questions regarding the funding and what the ongoing costs would be beyond the 3 years of the grant funding. They also asked about the costs of the current SROs that are in place for Berwick and North Berwick. We will provide that information as we move through the budget process. The board then asked several questions about the call volume in Lebanon at this time and how those calls relate to the schools. One of our Lebanon members noted that there are many well armed residents in Lebanon and would be willing to support the schools in a crisis. Another board member expressed concern about armed citizens being relied upon for safety in our schools. Heather LaFrance Principal at the Lebanon Schools spoke to her belief that an officer to support the Lebanon schools would be incredibly helpful for a multitude of reasons. Ms. Janousek noted that with the situation that occurred in Sanford last year, it would have been beneficial to have had a police presence in Lebanon for overall peace of mind. Ms. Basko, shared her opinion that the citizens, who are well armed and many of whom listen to scanners, would be pulling out their guns to support the schools, that Lebanon is not as isolated as people believe. Other board members spoke to the fact that they wouldn’t want our residents to be relied upon to provide a safe environment for our students if something were to happen. Ms. Lovejoy asked about a survey for families regarding the importance of an SRO in Lebanon. Ms. Lafrance said that she could do that and provide some feedback at a future meeting for the board to reflect upon. The board held a straw poll to determine who feels comfortable moving forward with getting more information regarding an SRO in Lebanon. Board members indicated that they would like to gather more information. Funding is always a concern and there needs to be consideration for what will be removed from the budget if we determine that an SRO is necessary in Lebanon. Presentation: Mr. Eustaquio Dones shared the work that he has been doing on the website over this semester. He’s been standardizing the site across the many different pages, updating all of the staff information, etc. He’s added buttons to make it easier to navigate some of the most utilized aspects of the site. He’s simplified the ability to find the most vital information. Still some pieces to refine and finalize, but a definite upgrade. Check it out for yourself: The board thanked Mr. Dones for his hard work. Budget Timeline Update: The Superintendent shared an updated budget timeline with the board for planning purposes. Employment: Ms. Kristen McKenzie, teacher at the Knowlton School, is requesting to take a leave of absence after her maternity leave. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to approve the leave of absence for Ms. McKenzie. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Superintendent Update: Transportation update… still down two drivers but have a couple of potential employees in the pipeline. If someone out there is interested, please reach out to our transportation director, Brenda Cravens at (207) 676- 2856. The Superintendent shared with the board that illnesses are upticking among staff and students. We will keep an eye on things as they go along. Parent conferences were well attended in all of our schools. The next round of parent conferences is in March, 2024. Fall athletics ended and Winter athletics is underway. Our Rocket League, the E-sports team for Noble, has earned the title of Maine State Champions for E-Sports for their second year in a row. Little Shop of Horrors was presented by the theater department. Well received and a fun play. Other: The Assistant Superintendent shared an overview of the meeting that took place Wednesday which was a community forum with approximately 25. We discussed the community issues that are flaring up in the community and on social media. We have one group that will be working on community awareness focusing on ways to support families in our community. We have one group working on mentoring programs to provide and build positive relationships. The third group is going to focus more on the intense situations that are taking up quite a lot of resources to address how we can as a community work together. Board members shared their thoughts and ideas about how it is important to bring the community on board and for the district to take this positive focus on the majority of students. Public Input: Lauren Janousek shared that the PTOs have collected over 500 boxes of cereals for the MSAD 60 Backpack Program. The cereal boxes are earmarked to be sent out prior to lengthy vacation weeks. North Berwick and Berwick parades were fun and well attended by our board members and administration. Mr. Cahoon of North Berwick, shared that he feels that we should value the life of the children first. If you have an incident in school, it would be wise to have an SRO. He noted that our governor, Janet Mills, has excess funding and we should reach out to her for funding. He also noted that he feels that the MSAD 60 administration is bullying others at these meetings. Mr. Travers, of Lebanon, shared the US News and World Report that Noble was ranked 47th out of 111 schools. That puts us just above average. He shared the statistics… NHS 94% of students. Science 56% Reading 54% and Mathematics 34%. These are all above the state average however that means that many students are well below. Mr. Dutch, of North Berwick, shared again his concerns about his grandson. Ms. Berger of Lebanon shared her thanks for the follow up with the SRO. She shared her statistics that the response time in Lebanon can be between 20 and 40 minutes which is can be scary when facing difficult situations. She noted that she asked Sheriff King to come in to do a threat assessment of Lebanon and he noted that there were some safety concerns that are being addressed. Ms. Rouillard of North Berwick shared that her belief in the SRO as a good but she’s concerned for the taxpayers and the bottom line. She asked that we keep in mind those considerations as we make decisions going forward. Adjournment: Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 8:46 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais
- Agenda for January 4, 2024
Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Minutes of December 21, 2023 Adult Education Project Potential: Bond Discussion Employment Superintendent Update Other Public Input Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(D) Labor Contract Negotiations- Administrators Adjournment
- Agenda for December 21, 2023
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link December 21, 2023 Noble High School North Berwick, Maine Executive Session 6:45pm Meeting 7:00pm AGENDA Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Minutes of December 7, 2023 District Feedback before Legislative Session Financial Summary Employment Superintendent Update Other Public Input Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(D) Labor Contract Negotiations- Administrators Adjournment
- Minutes of November 16, 2023
lMINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF November 16, 2023 Current Board Members- North Berwick- Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in Berwick, Maine on November 16, 2023 at 6:30 p.m. with all members attending except Victoria Travers and Travis Doiron. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to enter into Executive Session Pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(B) Readmission of a Student. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. In at 6:35 pm. Out at 6:51 pm. Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to reinstate the student under consideration. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. The board took a short recess of about 30 minutes to have a tour of Vivian E. Hussey Elementary School facilities. Board members met with the Hussey School administrators Tina Harding and Mike Roberts. They gave the tour of the building's strengths and needs. The board thanked all of the administration for their time and input and were appreciative of the information provided through the tour. There were 12 in the audience. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Whalen Stanton to table the Second Reading of Policy JICK. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Ms. Nancy Neubert, the vice chair read the public input statement. Public Input: None at this time Minutes: Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to accept the minutes of the November 2, 2023 meeting as amended. All members voted in favor except Ms. Wheeler who abstained and the motion passed. Financial Summary: Ms. Denise Van Campen shared with the board the financial summary for the General Fund as of 10/31/23. She noted that areas that she is continuing to focus on are electricity and transportation for athletics. Second Reading of Policy JICK: Tabled. Employment: No new teacher hires Resignation: Superintendent Beauvais brought forward the resignation of Brigette Van Hook, a Special Education Teacher at Noble Middle School. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to accept the resignation of Ms. Van Hook. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Superintendent Beauvais brought forward the resignation of Brenda Lafrance, Excel Teacher at Eric Knowlton School. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to accept the resignation of Ms. Lafrance. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Superintendent Update: The Superintendent shared with the board an overview of testing that is administered in the district. She gave a brief overview of the Test Name, Grade(s), Main Purpose of the testing, When and Results. Achievement Data - Final Mr. Tabor spoke specifically about achievement testing that compares students across the grade levels and across the norms of the state and nation. He asked that we look into achievement testing and what might be useful for our district. Other board members discussed the impact of additional testing time and what benefits that might provide. More information specific to achievement testing will be researched and provided at a future meeting for the board to discuss more thoroughly. Classroom breaks: The Superintendent shared information regarding the laws that govern Restraint and Seclusion. She gave an overview of how classroom breaks are utilized and gave information about average duration of time out of the classroom. The majority of classroom breaks were completed in less than 5-10 minutes. She shared the statistics from last year and current year to date. Other: Berwick Parade is December 2, 2023 1:30 pm North Berwick Parade is November 26, 2023 4 pm Ms. Basko asked about the bullying situation at the high school. She noted that there were tik tok videos that seem to target Noble students. The Superintendent shared that we are aware and are addressing those concerns as they arise. At this time, there are up to 8 or 9 iterations of that site. Each time that one is discovered, it’s reported and taken down. And then another pops up. We will continue to be vigilant about it. The social media piece is a growing problem and we are gathering a community group to discuss this and many other concerns that are impacting the towns and the schools. Wednesday, November 29th at 8 am in the high school library. The district took part in a grant application for a potential SRO for our Lebanon schools. Next meeting, Dec. 7th, Sheriff William King will come to present on the topic and discuss with the board if they support the grant now that it has been awarded. There is a cost to the district. Ms Janousek shared that the PTOs across the districts are doing a cereal drive to collect for the MSAD 60 BackPack Program. And she thanked the Hussey School admin for the building tour and their time and expertise. . Public Input: Ms. Rouillard of North Berwick, asked that we also be sure to include Snap Chat with the media review. Ms. Holly Dupuis of Berwick shared her questions regarding the Classroom Breaks and if the data continued A North Berwick resident asked about policies where teachers could feel supported or where policies could be consistently followed based on certain families, etc. He noted that there is wasted time for students who disrupt other students' education. Do parents get contacted each time? The administration replied: Yes they do. Every time. Adjournment: Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 8:31 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais
- Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
Click the link below to read the U.S. Department of Education Office Inspector General's Notice Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
- Bids for a Three-Year Snow Plowing Contract
December 5, 2023 Invitation to Bid: MSAD #60 in North Berwick, Maine is accepting bids for a three-year snow plowing contract at: BID #1 Noble High School BID #2 Knowlton School, Noble Middle School and Hussey School BID #3 Hanson School and Lebanon Elementary BID #4 Mary Hurd Academy and North Berwick Elementary School Bids must be submitted on our sheets. Please call 207-676-2234 Ext. 1 to leave your name and address to receive the bid package. Bid opening: December 29, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. at the MSAD #60 Central Office,100 Noble Way, North Berwick, ME. If you need further information or want to make a site visit, please call our Facilities Director, Kevin Moore, at 207-651-4169. PLOWING QUOTE Bid # 1 Noble High School 100 Noble Way North Berwick, Maine 03906 1. The quote will be a three-year quote and the award will be a three-year award (School years: 2024-25, 2025-26, 2026-27). 2. Please submit bid on this form only and please note that sanding is required on the school listed above and must be included in the bid price. 3. Basic plowing covered by this contract: A company awarded the contract will come automatically to plow, push snow back and clean up snow so school can operate if there is one inch or more of snow. 4. Kevin Moore will call for additional work: front end loader work, piling and moving snow on premises, cleaning up snow drifts, cleaning up slush as needed. District will ONLY pay for additional work when we have requested it. The charges for this work will be per piece of equipment used: Dump Truck ____________ Front End Loader ____________ Backhoe ____________ 5. The following certificates of insurance are required to be submitted with the quote: a. One million dollar certificate of general liability insurance naming MSAD #60 as additional insured. b. Certificate of insurance for Worker’s Compensation to statutory limit. c. The certificates mentioned in 5 (a) and (b) above must be submitted with your quote for the 2024-25 school year. 6. Bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes using this quote sheet. Bids must be received no later than 9:00 a.m. on December 29, 2023 at the Superintendent’s Office, PO Box 819, 100 Noble Way, North. Berwick, ME 03906. The bid opening will occur at 100 Noble Way, at that time. MSAD #60 reserves the right to exercise its judgment in evaluating bids, to accept an individual bid for a school or a package bid that is not the lowest bid to achieve a more favorable overall price, and to accept and/or reject any and all bids, including the low bid for reasons deemed to be in the best interest of the district. The contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless MSAD #60 from all claims, demands, costs, losses, and expenses, including attorney’s fees, that MSAD #60 may suffer or incur on account of or arising from any act or omission to act on the part of the Contractor, its operators, drivers, agents or employees in the performance or nonperformance of its obligations under this agreement. Year One Quote for Noble High School – 2024-25 __________________________ Year Two Quote for Noble High School – 2025-26 __________________________ Year Three Quote for Noble High School – 2026-27 _________________________ PLOWING QUOTE Bid # 2 Noble Middle School - Berwick, Maine Knowlton School – Berwick, Maine Hussey School – Berwick, Maine 1. The quote will be a three-year quote and the award will be a three-year award (School years: 2024-25, 2025-26, 2026-27). 2. Please submit bid on this form only and please note that no sanding, salting only is required on the school listed above and must be included in the bid price. 3. Basic plowing covered by this contract: A company awarded the contract will come automatically to plow, push snow back and clean up snow so school can operate if there is one inch or more of snow. 4. Kevin Moore will call for additional work: front end loader work, piling and moving snow on premises, cleaning up snow drifts, cleaning up slush as needed. District will ONLY pay for additional work when we have requested it. The charges for this work will be per piece of equipment used: Dump Truck ____________ Front End Loader ____________ Backhoe ____________ 5. The following certificates of insurance are required to be submitted with the quote: a. One million dollar certificate of general liability insurance naming MSAD #60 as additional insured. b. Certificate of insurance for Worker’s Compensation to statutory limit. c. The certificates mentioned in 5 (a) and (b) above must be submitted with your quote for the 2024-25 school year. 6. Bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes using this quote sheet. Bids must be received no later than 9:00 a.m. on December 29, 2023 at the Superintendent’s Office, PO Box 819, 100 Noble Way, North. Berwick, ME 03906. The bid opening will occur at 100 Noble Way, at that time. MSAD #60 reserves the right to exercise its judgment in evaluating bids, to accept an individual bid for a school or a package bid that is not the lowest bid to achieve a more favorable overall price, and to accept and/or reject any and all bids, including the low bid for reasons deemed to be in the best interest of the district. The contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless MSAD #60 from all claims, demands, costs, losses, and expenses, including attorney’s fees, that MSAD #60 may suffer or incur on account of or arising from any act or omission to act on the part of the Contractor, its operators, drivers, agents or employees in the performance or nonperformance of its obligations under this agreement. Year One Quote for three schools listed above– 2024-25 __________________________ Year Two Quote for three schools listed above – 2025-26 __________________________ Year Three Quote for three schools listed above – 2026-27 _________________________ PLOWING QUOTE Bid # 3 Hanson School- Lebanon, Maine Lebanon Elementary School – Lebanon, Maine 1. The quote will be a three-year quote and the award will be a three-year award (School years: 2024-25, 2025-26, 2026-27). 2. Please submit bid on this form only and please note that no sanding, salting only is required on the school listed above and must be included in the bid price. 3. Basic plowing covered by this contract: A company awarded the contract will come automatically to plow, push snow back and clean up snow so school can operate if there is one inch or more of snow. 4. Kevin Moore will call for additional work: front end loader work, piling and moving snow on premises, cleaning up snow drifts, cleaning up slush as needed. District will ONLY pay for additional work when we have requested it. The charges for this work will be per piece of equipment used: Dump Truck ____________ Front End Loader ____________ Backhoe ____________ 5. The following certificates of insurance are required to be submitted with the quote: a. One million dollar certificate of general liability insurance naming MSAD #60 as additional insured. b. Certificate of insurance for Worker’s Compensation to statutory limit. c. The certificates mentioned in 5 (a) and (b) above must be submitted with your quote for the 2024-25 school year. 6. Bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes using this quote sheet. Bids must be received no later than 9:00 a.m. on December 29, 2023 at the Superintendent’s Office, PO Box 819, 100 Noble Way, North. Berwick, ME 03906. The bid opening will occur at 100 Noble Way, at that time. MSAD #60 reserves the right to exercise its judgment in evaluating bids, to accept an individual bid for a school or a package bid that is not the lowest bid to achieve a more favorable overall price, and to accept and/or reject any and all bids, including the low bid for reasons deemed to be in the best interest of the district. The contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless MSAD #60 from all claims, demands, costs, losses, and expenses, including attorney’s fees, that MSAD #60 may suffer or incur on account of or arising from any act or omission to act on the part of the Contractor, its operators, drivers, agents or employees in the performance or nonperformance of its obligations under this agreement. Year One Quote for three schools listed above– 2024-25 __________________________ Year Two Quote for three schools listed above – 2025-26 __________________________ Year Three Quote for three schools listed above – 2026-27 _________________________ PLOWING QUOTE Bid # 4 Mary Hurd Academy – North Berwick, Maine North Berwick Elementary School – North Berwick, Maine 1. The quote will be a three-year quote and the award will be a three-year award (School years: 2024-25, 2025-26, 2026-27). 2. Please submit bid on this form only and please note that no sanding, salting only is required on the school listed above and must be included in the bid price. 3. Basic plowing covered by this contract: A company awarded the contract will come automatically to plow, push snow back and clean up snow so school can operate if there is one inch or more of snow. 4. Kevin Moore will call for additional work: front end loader work, piling and moving snow on premises, cleaning up snow drifts, cleaning up slush as needed. District will ONLY pay for additional work when we have requested it. The charges for this work will be per piece of equipment used: Dump Truck ____________ Front End Loader ____________ Backhoe ____________ 5. The following certificates of insurance are required to be submitted with the quote: a. One million dollar certificate of general liability insurance naming MSAD #60 as additional insured. b. Certificate of insurance for Worker’s Compensation to statutory limit. c. The certificates mentioned in 5 (a) and (b) above must be submitted with your quote for the 2024-2025 school year. 6. Bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes using this quote sheet. Bids must be received no later than 9:00 a.m. on December 29, 2023 at the Superintendent’s Office, PO Box 819, 100 Noble Way, North. Berwick, ME 03906. The bid opening will occur at 100 Noble Way, at that time. MSAD #60 reserves the right to exercise its judgment in evaluating bids, to accept an individual bid for a school or a package bid that is not the lowest bid to achieve a more favorable overall price, and to accept and/or reject any and all bids, including the low bid for reasons deemed to be in the best interest of the district. The contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless MSAD #60 from all claims, demands, costs, losses, and expenses, including attorney’s fees, that MSAD #60 may suffer or incur on account of or arising from any act or omission to act on the part of the Contractor, its operators, drivers, agents or employees in the performance or nonperformance of its obligations under this agreement. Year One Quote for three schools listed above– 2024-25 __________________________ Year Two Quote for three schools listed above – 2025-26 __________________________ Year Three Quote for three schools listed above – 2026-27 _________________________
- Agenda December 7, 2023
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link December 7, 2023 Noble High School North Berwick, Maine Meeting 7:00pm AGENDA Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Minutes of November 16, 2023 Donation Friends of Knights Lacrosse Sheriff Bill King: SRO Lebanon District Webpage Update: Eustaquio Dones Budget Timeline Employment Superintendent Update Other Public Input Adjournment
- Hanson and Lebanon Elementary Schools 2 Hour Delay 11.27.2023
Monday, November 27, 2023. Hanson and Lebanon Elementary, K-5 Schools, will have a 2 hour delay due to power outages.
- Minutes of November 2, 2023
MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF November 2, 2023 Current Board Members- North Berwick- Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in North Berwick, Maine on November 2, 2023 at 6:45 p.m. with all members attending except Ms Wheeler. The board took a short recess of about 60 minutes to have a tour of the Yurt, Mary Hurd Academy and North Berwick Elementary School facilities. Board members met with the Mary Hurd administrator Josie Chadbourne, North Berwick Elementary School administrators Elizabeth Jolly and Sarah Anderson gave the tour of the building strengths and needs. The board thanked all of the administration for their time and input and were appreciative of the information provided through the tour. There were 13 in the audience. Ms. Nancy Neubert, the vice chair read the public input statement. Public Input: Mr. Mark Rouillard, asked a follow up question on the Homeschooling students over the past several years. The Assistant Superintendent provided the data. She also noted that our office is reaching out to other area school communities to see their data. Minutes: Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by to accept the minutes of the October 19, 2023 meeting. All members voted in favor except Ms. Whalen and Mr. Doiron who abstained and the motion passed. Superintendent Update The Superintendent shared with the board an overview of the response to the Lewiston mass shooting and how it impacted our schools and the community. She gave an overview of the communication that took place, the way that the schools reached out to staff, students and parents to ensure safety etc. The community was very supportive in the wake of our need to determine school closures at the last minute. The Superintendent also updated the board on the busing situation and the driver shortage that is ongoing. We have had to reroute buses due to how thinly staffed we are and that there are days that there are drivers who are absent. We still have two openings for the activity runs and we have just recently had a resignation so there will be more openings. First Reading of Policy JICK: This is the first reading of the bullying policy. We are modeling after the model policy presented by the Maine DOE. We will need to meet as a policy committee next week if possible. Currently Ms. Stanton is on the committee and Ms. Travers volunteered to join the committee as well. We will be looking to see if a Berwick member would be willing to join and if not, Mr. Tabor said he would be willing to serve. Employment: No new teacher hires Other: Mr. Tabor thanked the administration for enduring through the stressful situation of the Lewiston shootings. He was very appreciative of the heaviness of the situation and shared his support. Ms. Janousek shared with the board her appreciation for the administration in all of the buildings who are so knowledgeable after such a short period of time. The Christmas Parade in Berwick was discussed and all were encouraged to attend. We will work on a vehicle to provide transportation for our board members. The date is Dec. 2 at 1:30 pm. Meet at the Sullivan Wilson street intersection. Ms. Travers asked about the PTO Howler event that was rescheduled from Friday October 27. No update at this time as it will be next week. There’s a full set of activities and games that kids can play, face painting etc. Noble High School football is in the first round of the playoffs at Noble against Bonny Eagle Monday, November 5, 2023 at 7 pm. Public Input: None at this time. Adjournment: Ms. Neubert made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Travers to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 8:32 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais
- Agenda for November 16, 2023
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link November 16, 2023 Vivian E Hussey School Berwick, Maine Executive Session 6:30pm Meeting 7:00pm AGENDA 6:30pm Executive Session Pursuant to 1M.R.S.A. §405(6)(B) Readmission of a Student 7:00pm Board Tour of Vivian E Hussey School Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Minutes of November 2, 2023 Financial Summary Second Reading of Policy JICK Employment Superintendent Update Other Public Input Executive Session 1 MRSA §405(6)(D) Labor Contract Negotiations- Administrators 10. Adjournment
- Minutes of October 19, 2023
MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING OF October 19, 2023 Current Board Members- North Berwick- Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor Berwick- Travis Doiron, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler Lebanon- Victoria Travers, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person in Berwick, Maine on October 19, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. with all members attending except Ms. Whalen and Mr. Doiron. The board took a short recess of about 30 minutes to have a tour of the Eric Knowlton School facilities. Board members met with the ELKS administration Michelle Keniston gave the tour of the building strengths and needs. The board thanked Michelle and her staff for their time and input and were appreciative of the information provided through the tour. There were 18 in the audience. Ms. Neubert, the vice chair read the public input statement. Public Input: Mr. Kenneth Dutch, of North Berwick, shared with the board that in a non sarcastic and mean spirited way that the Noble School system is not doing their diligence for our students. He shared that he would like to have the bullying issues resolved in our schools. Ms. Holly Dupuis shared a letter from Mr. Jeremy Kasten of Berwick who thanked the Excel staff at Knowlton and the admin team for working with his family specifically to support his son as he navigated the new school year and the need for communication, connection and individualized academic support. Mr. Mark Rouillard of North Berwick, asked for numbers regarding students who left the public school to be homeschooled. We will provide that information at a future meeting. Minutes: Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to accept the minutes of the September 21, 2023 meeting. All members voted in favor except Ms. Basko who abstained and the motion passed. Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler to accept the minutes of the October 5, 2023 meeting as amended. All members voted in favor except Ms. Lovejoy and Ms. Neubert, who abstained, and the motion passed. Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports Ms. Michelle Keniston, principal of the Knowlton School and Ms. Missy Royce, our Behavioral Interventionist at ELKS, shared a presentation regarding Positive Behavioral Intervention System (PBIS). PBIS presentation for ELKS The board asked some questions regarding the goals of PBIS and we had discussion regarding data on behavior from the past and how it was documented. Mr. Tabor noted that he looked forward to a comparison of our disciplinary data prior to PBIS and following PBIS implementation. He also shared a concern regarding entire classrooms of students being moved completely based on individual student behaviors. There was a question about privacy agreements and whether or not the software that is utilized to support the data collection sold, leased or rented the information. As part of the signed agreements, the company does not sell, lease or rent student information. Ms. Dumont, our Technology Director, was able to verify this information and is in the process of verifying that this is true of all of our software programs. September Financial Summary: Denise VanCampen, shared with the board an overview of our monthly financial summary. She highlighted two areas of overages that she is watching. One is transportation for athletic events due to lack of drivers able to do those afterschool activities. We are also watching the electricity lines due to increases in costs directly from the providers. Technology Lease Approval: The technology lease that was included in the budget process for the 23/24 school year was presented for final approval by the board. The Technology Director, Ms. Brigette Dumont and Project Manager, Brett Saucier gave a review of the lease to the board. There were several questions from board members about the details of the lease. There were also questions regarding the efficacy of technology in our classrooms. We will provide more information going forward in our upcoming budget season about the use of technology in our school system and look forward to ongoing discussions. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek that the Resolution entitled, “Resolution to Authorize Lease Purchase of Technology Equipment in Principal Amount of $457,000” be adopted in form presented to this meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Employment: No new teacher hires Other: The Assistant Superintendent shared a timeline for applying to the School Revolving Renovation fund and gave an overview of the potential HVAC projects which would be considered priority 1 projects under air quality. The board had a discussion regarding The SRRF programs and what it means going forward. There is a shortened timeline for the application process for this funding and we asked the board to allow the district to apply for the funding. If the district’s projects are chosen and approved, the board can then make a final decision as to whether we would like to move forward with the process. This is the first step in being able to access the funds if we so choose in the future. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to approve the ability to file the SRRF grant application for October 31, 2023. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Public Input: Mr. Mark Rouillard of North Berwick remarked about Efficiency Maine and potential rebates and what would be asked of the district in return for those rebates. He also remarked about whether or not air conditioning was actually necessary for our schools as we go forward in HVAC renovations, etc. Mr. Ken Dutch of North Berwick asked that the flag be more prominently displayed in all of our classrooms. Mr. Cahoon of North Berwick shared that he thought we should be looking into solar options for energy efficiency and electricity off set. Ms. Kelly Rouillard of North Berwick asked for the copy of the PBIS presentation. It will be included in the meeting minutes of this board meeting. Adjournment: Mr. Tabor made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Neubert to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. Adjourned at 9:08 pm. Respectfully submitted, Audra Beauvais
- Community Letter 11.4.2023
November 4, 2023 Dear Noble Families and Staff, This correspondence is being sent to update you on a situation that the Noble High School Administration in conjunction with the Berwick and North Berwick Police Departments addressed today, Saturday, November 4, 2023. It is important that kindergarten through twelfth grade families have facts as rumors will likely filter into and through social media. High School administrators were notified of a threat made by a Noble High School student toward at least one other student. Upon learning of the threat, school administration immediately contacted both the Berwick and North Berwick Police Departments. It is important to reiterate that while this is an ongoing investigation there are details that can’t be released but we can say that both Police Departments have interviewed and spoken with all involved parties. Administrators and law enforcement are working through policies and procedures to ensure that all students, staff and families remain safe in the buildings and communities. Based on all available information we do not foresee any disruption to MSAD #60 daily operations. This situation was handled swiftly and appropriately by all parties involved. We appreciate the strong and positive working relationship with our local law enforcement. Sincerely, Audra Beauvais
- Community Letter 10.29.2023
October 29, 2023 Dear Noble Community; This correspondence is being written to update you on the status of the school district following the tragic events that occurred in Lewiston last week. We are set to resume the regular school schedule starting tomorrow, Monday October 30, 2023. Our top priority remains the safety and well being of our students and staff as we return. Please note that teachers and staff are prepared to assist students as they transition back to school routines and counselors are available to act as a supportive resource. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s school counselor should you need further resources. Included at the end of this correspondence are the phone numbers for each of the district schools. In closing, we recognize the added layer of challenge the uncertainty of the last few days has caused. Thank you for your support, flexibility, and understanding as the district navigated this incredibly difficult and uncertain time in our state. Sincerely, Audra Beauvais Superintendent of Schools Hanson School/ Lebanon Elementary: 457-1299 Hussey School: 698-4465 Knowlton School: 698-1188 Mary Hurd Academy 676-2651 Noble Middle School: 698-1320 Noble High School: 676-2843 North Berwick Elementary School: 676-9811
- Agenda for November 2, 2023
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT NO. 60 BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ Meeting Recorded Meeting Link November 2, 2023 North Berwick Elementary School North Berwick, Maine Meeting 6:45pm AGENDA 6:45pm Board Tour of Yurt, Mary Hurd Academy and North Berwick Elementary School Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Public Input Statement-Vice Chair Public Input Minutes of October 19, 2023 Superintendent Update First Reading of Policy JICK Employment Other Public Input Adjournment
- MSAD 60 Schools Closed 10.27.23
All MSAD 60 Schools will be closed today, October 27, 2023.
- Community Letter 10.26.23 (#2)
October 26, 2023 Dear Noble Community, We want to take a moment to acknowledge the recent senseless act of violence that occurred in Lewiston last evening. It is devastating on so many levels. We will continue to provide updates as the situation unfolds if it relates to school. A number of community members and staff have connections to those who live in and around the Lewiston area, and as you work through the next few days and beyond, please know that you are not alone. To that end, this correspondence is to provide guidance and resources as you grapple with the events of last evening and how it relates to your children. It is all of our responsibility to help children feel supported during these challenging times. Here are some guidelines: Open Communication-Encourage open, honest, and developmentally appropriate discussions with your child. Create a safe space for them to express feelings. Tailor conversations to your student’s age and maturity level. Younger children will likely need simpler explanations while older children may require more detail. Maintain Routine- Consistency and routine can provide a sense of stability during uncertain times. Make sure your student’s routine remains intact as much as possible. Monitor Media Exposure-Limit your child’s exposure to media coverage of the incident. It is important to control the information they consume and ensure it is age-appropriate. Validate Feelings- Acknowledge your child’s feelings and let them know it is normal to feel scared, sad, and confused. Reassure that you are there to support them. School Resources- Our school district has resources and support systems in place to help children cope with traumatic and unsettling events. Our school counselors are available to provide assistance and guidance to students and further resources to parents or families. To further assist you in discussing this incident with your child, here is a compiled list of helpful resources: How to Talk to Kids about Tragedies in the Media (Child Development Institute) Talking to Children about Violence (National Association of School Psychologists) Age-Related Reactions to a Traumatic Event (The National Child Traumatic Stress Network) Assisting Parents/Caregivers in Coping with Collective Traumas (The National Child Traumatic Stress Network) Creating Supportive Environments When Scary Things Happen (Center for Resilience & Well-Being in Schools How To Talk To Your Kids About Difficult World Events How to Talk to Your Child About the News - Kids Health Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers (NASP) Helping Your Children Manage Distress in the Aftermath of a Shooting (American Psychological Association) Tips for Parents on Media Coverage (National Traumatic Stress Network) Please know that you are not alone in navigating this difficult situation. Our school district is here to support all our students and we are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for all. This event will change our state forever. We thank you for your partnership in ensuring the well-being of our students. Sincerely, Audra Beauvais Susan Austin
- Community Letter 10.26.2023
October 26, 2023 Message from MSAD #60: Despite the tireless efforts of law enforcement, the suspect in the Lewiston tragedy is still at large. MSAD #60 is continuing to monitor the situation, communicate with law enforcement, and gather information. We fully understand how important school is to students and families, and we do not take decisions to cancel school lightly. That said, please be aware that we will make the final decision regarding whether our schools will be in session or not no later than 5:30 a.m. tomorrow morning. Audra Beauvais Superintendent of Schools
- School Cancelled 10.26.23
Due to the situation in Lewiston, all MSAD 60 schools will be cancelled today October 26, 2023.