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Maine School Administrative District #60

Inspired Learners - Empowered Citizens



MSAD 60's monthly newsletter includes important upcoming dates and events around the district and notes from the superintendent's office.

Upcoming Dates

December 23 - January 1: Winter Break, No School

January 16: School Board Meeting (NHS Library), 7:00pm


Our Mission

We empower all students to develop enthusiasm for learning, foster confidence through successes and failures, provide service to others, and achieve their personal, social, and academic best, leading to fulfilling and engaged lives for all.
MSAD #60 includes students from North Berwick, Berwick, and Lebanon Maine.


We remain steadfast in our commitment to the success of ALL MSAD #60 students. As a district, it is imperative we examine our role in addressing inequities. Our district-wide Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) framework ensures the ongoing application of an equity and inclusivity lens in all district aspects. This essential work positions equity and inclusivity as the foundation to further the goals of our school district and lead to enduring sustainable change. 

Our Commitment


Our Strategic Plan

Community Engagement - High Quality Resources - School Safety -Pathways to Success

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