The Board of Directors is committed to providing all students equal but not necessarily identical opportunities to achieve commensurate with their abilities. The Board will meet its legal obligations to provide a vision and policies of the district while maintaining an awareness of concerns. The Board will employ a Superintendent who will execute the policies of the District.
The Board commits itself to the following operational objectives:
A. Provide strategic leadership for the school unit;
B. Interpret the educational needs and aspirations of the community, and meet them through the formulation of policies which serve the best interests of the students;
C. Provide sufficient guidance to the Superintendent to implement the goals and objectives of the school system as set forth in the Board policy manual;
D. Maintain effective communication with the constituencies served by the schools; and
E. Evaluate Board policies and the educational program to ensure that goals and objectives are met.
Adopted: March 12, 1987
Revised: October 19, 2000
Revised: February 14, 2013