The MSAD #60 Board of Directors recognizes that at any given time there may be students in our schools who have serious allergies. While MSAD #60 cannot provide a totally allergen-free environment, the District will take reasonable steps to work with students and their parents/guardians to minimize the risks of severe allergic reactions at school.
The Board directs the Superintendent, building administrators and school nurses to develop and implement appropriate procedures to address student allergies. It is understood that these procedures may vary from school to school, since middle and high school students can be expected to take more responsibility for managing their allergies than students in the elementary grades. MSAD #60 schools are allergy aware and will implement strategies that reduce exposure to allergens without banning specific foods in the cafeteria or at school; and encourage communications between school and home.
Cross Reference JLCCB-R- Administrative Procedure For Students With Life-Threatening Allergies
JLCD- Administering Medication to Students
Adopted: January 3, 2008
Revised: November 1, 2018