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  • Writer's pictureBrett Saucier


Facilities Use Fee Schedule and Contract

Insurance: The administration has the sole right to determine the amount of insurance coverage required for each event. Lessees will provide a copy of their certificate of insurance covering the period under contract, naming MSAD #60 as an additional insured, if required by the administration. Generally a certificate of insurance will be required if a fee is charged for public entertainment provided by a producer not affiliated with a local school district or municipal government.

Damages: The lessee will be responsible for any damages to the facility and/or equipment.

**Security: The administration has the sole right to determine the level of security required for each event. Security expenses are the responsibility of the lessee.

Fire and Safety: The facility manager must approve the use of any pyrotechnical stage device or any open flame in advance. Any electrical equipment that does not belong to the school must be inspected and approved for use in the facility.

Facilities: MSAD #60 will do its best to provide clean, comfortable facilities for rental. However, should a mechanical, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, or other system failure occur during a rental period, the lessee agrees to hold MSAD #60 harmless and the lessee will not be entitled to any compensation. This contract remains in full force regardless of any system failures out of the control of event staff.

Cancellation of an Event: The MSAD #60 has the sole authority to determine whether the building should be closed for reasons of public safety and will be held harmless in this situation. Notification to the lessee will be made as soon as possible. Contracts in force for periods during which the school is closed for reasons of public safety are canceled automatically without penalty to either party. Every effort will be made to reschedule any canceled event to a mutually acceptable date.

This contract must be submitted with a copy of the certificate of insurance, and a deposit of at least 25% of the rental fee. The balance of rental fees and any additional fees must be paid at least one week before the scheduled event unless special arrangements have been made.

Circle Category:MSAD #60Community Non-ProfitOther Non-ProfitFor ProfitRental Rates: Large GymNo charge$25.00$200.00$800.00 or 10%*Small GymNo charge$25.00$100.00$300.00Weight RoomNo charge$25.00/Hour$50.00$200.00Cardiovascular RoomNo charge$25.00/Hour$50.00$200.00Field(s)No charge$25.00/Event$50.00$100.00Auditorium*** (Per Day)No charge$25.00$200.00$800.00 or 10%* For Event $400.00 Rehearsals/SetupLecture HallNo charge$25.00$100.00$100.00LibraryNo chargeNo charge$50.00$100.00CafeteriaNo chargeNo charge$50.00$100.00KitchenNo chargeNo charge$50.00$100.00Classroom(s)No chargeNo charge$50.00$100.00Computer Lab(s)No chargeNo charge$50.00$100.00Project RoomNo chargeNo charge$50.00$100.00Event Manager$30.00 per hr.$30.00 per hr.$30.00 per hr.$30.00 per hr.Custodian(s) (Per Person)$32.00 per hr.$32.00 per hr.$32.00 per hr.$32.00 per hr.Food Service (Per Person)$30.00 per hr.$30.00 per hr.$30.00 per hr.$30.00 per hr.

*Whichever is the greater.

**The lessee will hire police with proof provided to the school. The lessee will also be required to pay the police department directly.

***Forms must be returned 2 weeks prior to event. Additional equipment fees may apply. Check Auditorium requirement sheet (see KF-E2).

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Rules of Use:

  • School authorities have access to the facilities at all times and may cancel or terminate an event at any time if, in their opinion, the event represents a danger to the facility or public safety, or if it is considered unacceptable on school grounds.

  • School authorities have the right to remove unruly persons.

  • School authorities have the right to enforce all building rules.

  • No sales of any kind are permitted without permission of the administration.

  • The lessee will have access only to those areas of the building which are under contract.

  • The school accepts no responsibility for articles left on school property by the lessee.

  • Photographing, videotaping, filming, and recording are permitted only by special permission of the administration.

  • The use of controlled substances, alcohol possession or consumption, and use of tobacco products are prohibited on school property.

  • The possession of firearms on school property is prohibited except by authorized security personnel. The use of any weapons as stage props must be approved in advance by the administration.

  • The school will not take responsibility for any equipment shipped to the lessee unless prior arrangements are made.

Hussey Auditorium:

Additional Charges: Use of the auditorium includes the lobby, audience restrooms, ticket booth, seating (approx. 974), stage, and house lights. The use of stage lighting, the sound system, additional equipment, setup, or personnel services need to be negotiated in advance with the auditorium manager and fees may apply.

Ushers: The lessee must provide adult ushers in a ratio of 1 per 100 audience members. Ushers must remain in the auditorium during the performance and intermissions. They will insure that members of the audience behave appropriately and do no abuse the facility or detract from the performance. Ushers can be provided upon request.

Rules of Use:

  • The school lighting and sound equipment will be operated only by authorized technicians. The lessee may supply operators but the control booth will not be available without the services of an authorized theater technician.

  • Set construction or painting is permitted only with advance permission and only in approved areas.

  • All sets, props, and costumes must be removed from the premises within one day after the last performance under contract. Some storage may be allowed by special permission of the administration.


On behalf of the above organization, I certify that I have read and agree to the terms of the contract. I agree to provide adequate adult supervision at all times during the use of the facilities, and as lessee, I will assume responsibility for all fee charges and to indemnify and hold harmless the MSAD #60 (the “District”), its School Board of Directors, officers, agents, employees and students (“Releasees”) from any and all claims, actions, losses, damages, liabilities, and expenses (including without limitation attorney’s fees) of any kind (“Claims”), including Claims caused by or arising from the negligence of the Releases, arising out of this Contract, and/or the use of the facility or the equipment, other school property, or school premises.

_________________________________________ _______________________________

Lessee Signature Date

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Legal Reference: 20-A MRS§ 4009(4)

28 CFR Part 35 (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990)

34 CFR Part 104 (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973)

34 CFR Part 300 (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)

Cross Reference: JLCDA- Medical Marijuiana in Schools

KF-E1 Facilities Use Form

KF-E2 Hussey Auditorium Event Requirements

Adopted: October 17, 2019

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KF-E2 Hussey Auditorium Event Requirements Please complete this form and review it with the Auditorium Manager at least two weeks before...


Policy KF-E1 Facilities Use Form


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