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Minutes September 5, 2024

Writer's picture: Jennifer FlewellingJennifer Flewelling



Current Board Members- 

        North Berwick-  Lauren Janousek, Kate Whalen, Joshua Tabor

                           Berwick- Alison Herlihy, Elva Lovejoy, Peg Wheeler

                           Lebanon- Nancy Sewell, Jeridene Basko, Nancy Neubert

Mr. AJ Dufort, principal of Noble High School, and three student ambassadors gave a tour of  Noble High School. 


A meeting of the Board of Directors was held in person on September 5, 2024 at 6:00 pm with all members attending except Ms. Basko, Ms. Whalen, Ms. Wheeler and Mr. Tabor.

Ms. Janousek  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Herlihy to go into Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Expulsion of Student.  In at 6:46 pm. Out at 7:10  pm. 

Mr. Tabor entered the meeting at 7:10 pm. 

Ms. Wheeler entered the meeting at 7:15 pm.

Ms. Lovejoy  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to go into Executive Session Pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A §405(6)(B) Readmission of a Student. In at 7:19 pm. Out at 7:30 pm. 

Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to readmit the student under consideration. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. 

Ms. Whalen joined the meeting remotely at 7:35 pm. 

There were 10 in the audience. 

Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Mr. Tabor to ask Ms. Janousek to read the public input statement as Vice Chair Whalen is attending remotely. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. 

Ms. Janousek read the public input statement. 

Public Input:None at this time.



Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to accept the minutes of  August 14, 2024 meeting as amended. All members voted in favor except Ms. Lovejoy who abstained and the motion passed. 

Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to table the minutes of August 29, 2024.  All members voted in favor and the motion passed. 

Approval of Transportation Leases 

The board then reviewed the Transportation Leases. Ms. Van Campen, the business manager just reminded the board regarding what the board had agreed and budgeted in our FY 25 budget season. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Herilhy to:

Motion:  I move that the Resolution entitled, “Resolution to Authorize Lease Purchase of New School Buses in the Principal Amount of $497,000” be adopted in form presented to this meeting. 


The School Board of Maine School Administrative District No. 60 (the “District”) hereby resolves as follows:  

  1. That Superintendent of Schools (the “Superintendent”) and the Business Manager, acting singly, are authorized to accept the proposal of Gorham Savings Leasing Group LLC (the “Lessor”), to provide tax-exempt lease purchase financing for new school buses with related accessories and equipment (the “Equipment”) in the principal amount of $497,000 at an interest rate of 4.63% payable in five (5) annual installments and any prior such action is hereby ratified and confirmed;

  1. That under and pursuant to the provisions of Title 20-A M.R.S. sections 1001, 1055, and 5401(15), and all other applicable law, the Superintendent is authorized to execute and deliver a lease purchase agreement with Lessor, or its nominee, in the name and on behalf of Maine School Administrative District No. 60 for the Equipment, with an aggregate lease purchase price not to exceed $497,000, in such form and on such terms not inconsistent herewith as the Superintendent may approve (the “Lease”); 

  1. That to the extent not inconsistent with this Resolution, the Superintendent is hereby authorized to select such date(s), maturity(ies), denomination(s), interest rate(s), place(s) of payment, form(s), and other details of the Lease, as the Superintendent may approve, said approval to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof;

  1. That the Superintendent is authorized, as applicable, to designate the Lease issued pursuant hereto as a qualified tax-exempt obligation within the meaning of Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”); 

  1. That the Superintendent is authorized to covenant on behalf of the Lessee that no part of the proceeds of the Lease or the Equipment shall be used, directly or indirectly, in a manner that would cause the Lease to be an “arbitrage bond” or a “private activity bond” within the meaning of Sections 141 and 148 of the Code;

  1. That the Superintendent is authorized to execute and deliver such tax certificates, arbitrage and use of proceeds certificates, and other documents and certificates as may, in the Superintendent's opinion, be necessary or convenient to effect the transactions herein authorized, to be in such form not inconsistent with this Resolution as the Superintendent may approve, said approval to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof; 

  1. That the Superintendent and other appropriate officials of the District, acting singly, are authorized and empowered in its name and on its behalf to do or cause to do all such other acts and things as may be necessary or desirable in order to effect the sale and delivery of the Lease in accordance herewith, and any such prior action by them is hereby ratified and confirmed;

  1. That if the Superintendent or any other District officer or official is for any reason unavailable to, as applicable, approve, execute or attest the Lease, or any related financing documents, the person or persons acting in any such capacity, whether as an assistant, a deputy or otherwise, is authorized to act for such official with the same force and effect as if such official had herself/himself performed such act, and any such prior action by them is hereby ratified and confirmed;

  1. That the Treasurer of the District, in consultation with Bond Counsel, is authorized to implement written procedures with respect to the Lease for the purpose of (i) ensuring timely “remedial action” for any portion of the Lease that may become “non-qualified bonds,” as those terms are defined in the Code and regulations thereunder; and (ii) monitoring the District’s compliance following execution of the Lease with the arbitrage, yield restriction, and rebate requirements of the Code and regulations thereunder; 

  1. That the Superintendent is authorized to covenant on behalf of the District to file any information report and pay any rebate due to the United States in connection with the issuance of the Lease, and to take all other lawful actions necessary to ensure the interest portion of the rental payments under and pursuant to the Lease will be excludable from the gross income of the owners thereof for purposes of federal income taxation and to refrain from taking any action which would cause such interest portion of the rental payments to become includable in the gross income of the owners thereof; and

  1. That an attested copy of this Resolution be filed with the minutes of this meeting.

A true copy, attest:


Audra Beauvais, Secretary

Maine School Administrative District No. 60

All members voted in favor and the motion passed. 

Approval of Technology Leases 

The board then reviewed the Technology Leases. Ms. Wheeler  made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to:

Motion:  I move that the Resolution entitled, “Resolution to Authorize Lease Purchase of New Technology Equipment in the Principal Amount of $579,000” be adopted in form presented to this meeting. 


The School Board of Maine School Administrative District No. 60 (the “District”) hereby resolves as follows:  

  1. That Superintendent of Schools (the “Superintendent”) and the Business Manager, acting singly, are authorized to accept the proposal of Gorham Savings Leasing Group LLC (the “Lessor”), to provide tax-exempt lease purchase financing for new technology equipment with related peripherals, accessories, software, and licenses (the “Equipment”) in the principal amount of $579,000 at an interest rate of 4.87% payable in three (3) annual installments and any prior such action is hereby ratified and confirmed;

  1. That under and pursuant to the provisions of Title 20-A M.R.S. sections 1001 and 1055, and all other applicable law, the Superintendent is authorized to execute and deliver a lease purchase agreement with Lessor, or its nominee, in the name and on behalf of Maine School Administrative District No. 60 for the Equipment, with an aggregate lease purchase price not to exceed $579,000, in such form and on such terms not inconsistent herewith as the Superintendent may approve (the “Lease”); 

  1. That to the extent not inconsistent with this Resolution, the Superintendent is hereby authorized to select such date(s), maturity(ies), denomination(s), interest rate(s), place(s) of payment, form(s), and other details of the Lease, as the Superintendent may approve, said approval to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof;

  1. That the Superintendent is authorized, as applicable, to designate the Lease issued pursuant hereto as a qualified tax-exempt obligation within the meaning of Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”); 

  1. That the Superintendent is authorized to covenant on behalf of the Lessee that no part of the proceeds of the Lease or the Equipment shall be used, directly or indirectly, in a manner that would cause the Lease to be an “arbitrage bond” or a “private activity bond” within the meaning of Sections 141 and 148 of the Code;

  1. That the Superintendent is authorized to execute and deliver such tax certificates, arbitrage and use of proceeds certificates, and other documents and certificates as may, in the Superintendent's opinion, be necessary or convenient to effect the transactions herein authorized, to be in such form not inconsistent with this Resolution as the Superintendent may approve, said approval to be conclusively evidenced by the execution and delivery thereof; 

  1. That the Superintendent and other appropriate officials of the District, acting singly, are authorized and empowered in its name and on its behalf to do or cause to do all such other acts and things as may be necessary or desirable in order to effect the sale and delivery of the Lease in accordance herewith, and any such prior action by them is hereby ratified and confirmed;

  1. That if the Superintendent or any other District officer or official is for any reason unavailable to, as applicable, approve, execute, or attest the Lease, or any related financing documents, the person or persons acting in any such capacity, whether as an assistant, a deputy or otherwise, is authorized to act for such official with the same force and effect as if such official had herself/himself performed such act, and any such prior action by them is hereby ratified and confirmed;

  1. That the Treasurer of the District, in consultation with Bond Counsel, is authorized to implement written procedures with respect to the Lease for the purpose of (i) ensuring timely “remedial action” for any portion of the Lease that may become “non-qualified bonds,” as those terms are defined in the Code and regulations thereunder; and (ii) monitoring the District’s compliance following execution of the Lease with the arbitrage, yield restriction, and rebate requirements of the Code and regulations thereunder; and

  1. That the Superintendent is authorized to covenant on behalf of the District to file any information report and pay any rebate due to the United States in connection with the issuance of the Lease, and to take all other lawful actions necessary to ensure the interest portion of the rental payments under and pursuant to the Lease will be excludable from the gross income of the owners thereof for purposes of federal income taxation and to refrain from taking any action which would cause such interest portion of the rental payments to become includable in the gross income of the owners thereof;

  1. That the District hereby resolves and declares its official intent pursuant to Section 1.150-2(e) of the Treasury Regulations that the District reasonably expects to use the proceeds of the Lease to reimburse certain original expenditures from the District’s general or other fund, paid not earlier than 60 days prior to adoption of this Resolution or to be paid, which original expenditures have been or will be incurred in connection with costs of the Equipment; and that the District reasonably expects that the maximum principal amount that the District will issue to finance the Equipment is $579,000, and further that an attested copy of this declaration of official intent be kept in the permanent records of the District; and

  1. That an attested copy of this Resolution be filed with the minutes of this meeting.

A true copy, attest:


Audra Beauvais, Secretary

Maine School Administrative District No. 60

There was some questions specifically around the 245 classroom phones that were being purchased in this technology lease. The technology director was not available to answer the questions specifically but would share the specifics at a future meeting. The board members felt that they could still vote on the lease as this was already approved through the budget process and we are now formalizing the lease information. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. 

The board asked that we provide an overview of the technology lease at the next board meeting. We will ask The Director of Technology to be present to provide that information. 

Board Norms:

The board then had a conversation regarding the norms that have been present for the past several years but may not have been reviewed and/or followed fully.  The Superintendent asked the board to review the norms and think about the concept of a norm checker for future meetings. 

Mr. Tabor  reflected upon the previous meeting and his request to go into executive session to discuss something he felt could only be discussed during an executive session. The denial of that request was something that he felt was a violation of the norms of the board. He also felt that there had been previous situations where other board members had restated his comments incorrectly and he felt that this was also a violation of the norms. He noted that either a norms checker or a more concerted effort in reflection is appropriate. 

Ms. Janousek asked a follow up question regarding the last meeting and noted that she also felt uncomfortable upon leaving that meeting specifically around the request for executive sessions. She reviewed the documentation that the attorneys had provided board members previously  in regards to exactly when executive sessions can be called. She then asked if a board member came to administration ahead of time with their concerns or is it appropriate to call an executive session at that time? 

Ms Herlihy also noted that same concern. She felt that all things would have been discussed ahead of the meeting and that if there were concerns it would have been brought forward. The board had been given their resume ahead of the meeting and it would seem that it would be addressed ahead of time. 

Mr. Tabor noted that he can’t go into specifics but that he did share with the Superintendent in a one on one meeting his concerns. Ms. Herlihy asked if this had happened prior to the August 14th meeting. He stated that it was after the fact. He stated that he asked for her advice and how to move forward because he felt he could not ignore it. 

Ms. Janousek shared her concern that any prospective employee will go to our videos and review that meeting and not want to come to this district just based on that meeting. She noted that she was still uncomfortable with the exchange. It doesn’t make it feel like we are a welcoming district. 

Ms. Wheeler asked if the appropriate process would be that the board member who has concerns go to administration prior to the meeting if there was something of that importance.  Ms. Herlihy noted as well that if there was something so big that it would require that the person be let go, the Superintendent would be the person to do that. The Assistant Superintendent also noted that executive sessions about personnel issues would also require us to allow for the person in question to be present during that session. 

Ms.Neubert noted that what she had gleaned from the jist of the conversation, it was not a personal issue but a more position issue which did not, in her opinion, warrant an executive session based on the specific rules around executive sessions. 

Ms. Whalen asked Mr. Tabor if his concerns had been addressed. He stated that they had not been addressed. The Superintendent noted that the concerns had indeed been addressed.  Mr. Tabor asked the Superintendent if she felt it was something that the rest of the board should be aware of. The Superintendent noted that it had been appropriately addressed, in her opinion. Clarification by Mr. Tabor , he asked the Superintendent, did she feel that his request for executive session wasn’t appropriate. She stated that she didn’t say that, but that the concerns had been appropriately addressed. 

Ms. Herlihy noted that perhaps this is a good opportunity for us to put a norms checker in place and evidence based information when bringing issues forward.  Ms. Wheeler asked specifically how that might work.  Ms Whalen shared her belief that the final word should be from The Superintendent as this is the role. 

If you are questioning a program that’s being proposed or supportive of it, bring forward evidence to support those questions or supports. It might be appropriate to add “evidence based”  into the norms along with Time bound, etc. 

Ms. Sewell noted that the process seemed very quick and she asked that we try and slow it down a bit for the future.  What are the violations of policy? What policy was violated? She was looking for clarification. 

Ms. Whalen made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Janousek to table the further conversation regarding the assistant principal at NBES  and have an executive session on Sept. 19th. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. 

Ms. Herlihy restated that she would like some evidence based research noted in the norms at some place. The board then also talked about the process part of the norms.  Add in a step in the agenda prior to adjournment to briefly reflect on whether the board followed their norms in the meeting.  

Ms. Whalen noted that the board is in the role of advising the administrative team. At the end of the day The Superintendent is responsible for hiring staff and is held accountable for that. 

Ms. Wheeler asked specifically how to adjust the norms to include the evidence based piece that Ms. Herlihy brought forward. It was agreed upon to add “evidence based” into the language of the norms. The norms checker idea was then discussed and ultimately the practice of reflection on our norms at the end of our meetings was agreed upon. Ms. Wheeler made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Lovejoy to make the above changes to the norms. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. 

The norms will read: 

Board of Director Norms

1.  We will deal respectfully with each other.

2. “WE” will stand for our decisions.

3.  Our work together will be time-bound, focused, valuable and evidence based. 

4.  We will work to continuously model professional collaboration.

5.  We will rely on and trust each other.

6.  Communication will be timely, taken with positive intentionality, and focused.

7.  We will demonstrate value for each other.

8.  We will be fully engaged in meetings.

Lebanon Leach Field Discussion and Motion:

The board then discussed the situation in Lebanon regarding the Lebanon Leach Field and what should be the process going forward. The Superintendent gave an overview of what is currently facing us with the leach field requiring about $125,000. The board had discussions regarding what makes sense financially for the district going forward. We could continue pumping the septic tank weekly at a cost of about $24,000 per year. Mr. Tabor asked whether it would be best to continue that process as we are working through the decision of spending this money. The new leach field would likely be viable for 10 plus years. Ms. Neubert asked whether or not we had budgeted for this leach field issue. We noted that the situation occurred after we had already set our budget. So this has to be unfortunately absorbed in the upcoming budget if we move forward. Ms. Van Campen talked with regard to costs, how it would impact the budget this year and the potential ongoing costs. She will investigate options for leasing etc. and will put out a request from quotes if financing is possible. The board also had discussions regarding what is the ultimate plan for the Lebanon Elementary School site itself if we were to close the school in the long term. Ultimately Ms. Van Campen stated that she would bring back information at our next board meeting to help the board finalize their decision and move forward. 

District Goals:

What are the specific goals and objectives that we are looking to measure in the coming year? The Superintendent updated the board on the goals that were determined from the lengthy process of the Strategic Planning that we underwent in 2023 when we developed the strategic plan. The Superintendent then reviewed the policy that frames the district goals. 

Discussion around what are the goals that we can measure and want to share with the district?

What benchmarks are we looking for to follow up? What areas would we like to focus on? Mr. Tabor noted that the strategic plan goals seem more like missions and not goals. He would like to see us put them into a SMART goal format rather than the mission style. He also believe that there should be a focus on one or two goals. Ms. Janousek and Ms. Wheeler noted that it may not necessarily need to be just a few.  Ms. Sewell noted that based on her reading of the policy she would like to be sure that there is an academic goal to focus upon. 

Ms. Herlihy stated that she feels like a workshop might be the best way to go given the scope of the work. The Superintendent shared that we can focus on individual sections of the strategic plan each time. Perhaps we begin with Pathways to Success and focus on developing SMART goals for that area to be looked at as well. Mr. Tabor also noted that he would like the board to consider talking about behavior as well. Academics is his first area of concern but he’d like to  have a discussion around the School Safety portion as well. Other members spoke up to say that they would like to have an update on BARR, PBIS etc.  Ms.Wheeler noted that she agrees that the school environment is important to address. Ms. Sewell asked about a committee to discuss these. The Superintendent shared that the administrative team is working on developing those goals to be brought forward to the board for their review. 


None at this time.

Superintendent Update:

Harriman and Associates will be here on September 19th to discuss the outline and timeline of the Facilities Study that was approved in the FY 25 Budget. 

The Superintendent shared with the board that we are still down three drivers and we have had absences already that have arisen that have resulted in runs that had to be canceled. We will be sending out a letter to families to just keep them updated as things progress. The transportation department is all hands on deck. The directors and mechanics are all taking turns with filling runs.  We continue to be impressed with the work that they do. And we will continue to advertise in a variety of places and ways to reach potential candidates. 

We have three negotiations that we are going into this coming year.  Support Staff, Teachers and the Transportation. We are looking for board members to join us in those meetings as representatives. We will send out a document where board members can sign up. 

We also have Code of Conduct and the Policy Committee that will benefit from board members participation and we will put an email out with the committees to join if the board is interested. 

The Superintendent updated the board that our Athletes are communicating with an App called Team App and we have reminded our coaching staff to be sure that parents are included in those Apps.  Ms. Herlihy asked that perhaps we go back to keeping the websites updated or a simple email rather than the Apps. 

The Superintendent then shared enrollment data:

MSAD # 60 District Totals














Grade 1







Grade 2







Grade 3







Grade 4







Grade 5







Total K-5







Grade 5







Grade 6







Grade 7







Grade 8







Total Grade 6 &7














Grade 7







Grade 8







Grade 9







Grade 10







Grade 11







Grade 12







Total NHS PG-12















Ms. Herlihy shared with the board an idea regarding reverse reviews and she discussed her more “celebratory” approach.  She’s interested in developing a tool for the district to provide good feedback for the system.  She has a goal for “reverse reviews” from the bottom up. Also known as a 360 review. Including students through and up to the school board. Ms. Wheeler noted that she is concerned about the school board receiving information on teachers from the students as she feels it will make people really comfortable with this. There is much to talk about regarding this practice and whether or not it is the purview of the school board to review the information. This is in the beginning stages of exploration. 

First day of school survey where and when? There are surveys that do go out throughout the district and they ask different questions.  We will look into it carefully. 

Public Input:

Ms. Sofie Larson of North Berwick shared that she hoped that we would ask that administrators would be brought into the conversation regarding setting the appropriate goals for the district. 

Rigorous academic expectations are appropriate but we need to be thinking about the pathways for each of our students. If we only focus on academics, or on Vocational, we need to

encourage that a multitude of goals should be considered rather than just one type of goal. 

In terms of reviews, I love the idea in terms of open conversations. But, it’s a very tricky thing for to fairly implement a process like this.  

Ms. Holly Dupuis of Berwick shared that in the last year, she has really noticed that there seems to be less advising on certain matters and much more micromanaging. She feels that we are on a really slippery slope. She feels that it is exhausting to watch and and as a community member and parent she feels like it’s taking away from the issues that need to be addressed by the board. 

Please allow our administration and our teachers to do their jobs and not so much micromanaging. 


Ms. Janousek made the motion and it was seconded by Ms. Wheeler  to adjourn the meeting. All members voted in favor and the motion passed. 

Adjourned at 9:03 pm. 

Respectfully submitted,

Audra Beauvais


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Audra Beauvais

Noble Shield


Susan S. Austin

Susan Austin

Phone: 207-676-2234

Fax: 207-676-3229

100 Noble Way, North Berwick, ME 03906

© 2024 MSAD #60 Technology Department

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