It is the intent of the Board of Directors to provide, through the normal budget process, the facilities and resources necessary to support and achieve the educational mission and goals of our schools. The Board recognizes that appropriate fundraising activities can enrich the educational opportunities and resources available to students and enhance school facilities and equipment. Fundraising activities by students school-affiliated organizations and community groups in support of the schools must be approved in advance by the administration and comply with the following guidelines. The Superintendent has the authority to develop any administrative procedures necessary to implement this policy.
A. Guidelines Applicable to All Fundraising Activities:
1. Fundraising activities must not interfere with the educational program.
2. The use of instructional time to promote or participate in fundraising activities is discouraged and will be approved only in unusual circumstances.
3. No student shall be required to participate in fundraising activities as a condition of participating in a required school program.
4. All students participating in fundraising activities must be supervised by an adult.
5. No door-to-door solicitation of homes or businesses unless invited. Introductory letters or phone contacts are acceptable.
6. It is preferable that students be involved in an activity or provide a service rather than seek outright donations.
7. It is an expectation that parents and students will pledge/pay 50% of the cost of extended, overnight trips prior to being allowed to fundraise for the remainder.
8. Large formal fundraising campaigns will be limited to:
Sports: Limited to the duration of each sport's season
Non-sports:September-October and April-May for elementary schools (i.e., PTO catalog sales)November through March for middle and high school (PTSA, Project Graduation, etc.)
9. No money may be raised or collected, or binding commitments made to suppliers of any goods or services associated with a fundraising activity, until the activity has been approved.
10. MSAD #60 and or school name, logo or other insignia may not be used for fundraising purposes without specific approval.
11. Fundraising activities must comply with federal, state, and local laws, including those related to the school nutrition program and games of chance, and all applicable Board policies and school rules.
12. Revenue and expenditure reports for each activity must be submitted to the principal. All fundraising activities shall be subject to the district's accounting and auditing procedures.
13. Each principal shall maintain a fundraising calendar and organizers are encouraged to schedule activities as far in advance as possible. The principal has the discretion to deny approval of activities if activities overlap or otherwise place an undue burden on the school unit and/or the community.
14. In approving fundraising activities, the principal will consider the reasonableness (cost vs. benefit) and educational value of the activity the fundraising is meant to support.
B. Guidelines Applicable to Activities Involving Alterations/Additions to School Unit Property
1. Any fundraising that will result in alterations or additions to district facilities or property must be approved by the Superintendent and the Board.
2. Any fundraising activity involving permanent donor recognition (such as installation of engraved bricks, tiles, signs, plaques, etc.) shall:
a. Include only the donor name (first and last name, no nicknames) or the name of the person the donor is honoring; or
b. In the case of a business, only the business name. Businesses selling services or products not legal for students to purchase or otherwise inappropriate to the public school setting will not be allowed.
c. The school unit reserves the right to review and refuse any submission which, in the judgment of administrators, is not appropriate to the public school setting or which includes messages of a person, political, social or religious nature.
3. Any fundraising activity that involves the installation of art work or any other items created by individuals or groups is subject to any school guidelines for such work.
4. Any items installed or affixed to school property become the property of the school unit. The school unit has complete discretion to remove or replace any item that is damaged, destroyed, becomes outdated or when the area is renovated or remodeled.
Approval Process
1. The person responsible for the proposed fundraising activity must complete a fundraising approval form and submit it to the building principal.
2. The principal will review the request to see if it meets the fundraising guidelines and any applicable school rules.
3. The principal will notify the organizer in writing within a reasonable time as to whether the activity is approved or denied.
4. The principal will provide the Superintendent with a copy of all fundraising requests and principal's decision.
5. If a principal denies a request, the organizer may ask the Superintendent to review the request. The Superintendent's decision is final.
6. As noted above, all fundraising requests that may involve alterations or additions to school unit property must be approved by the Superintendent and the Board. The Board's decision is final.
Cross Reference: KFB - Facilities Use
Adopted: October 19, 2006
Revised: April 10, 2008
January 16, 2020