MSAD #60, in an effort to reduce exposure time for students to exhaust fumes and diesel particulates, has implemented the following procedures. The intent of this policy is to restrict the idling of buses for extended periods in proximity to school buildings.
A. Loading
1. All buses are prohibited from idling while loading students at any school.
2. Lights will be activated without the engine running.
3. Driver's will not start engines until all buses are loaded and doors are closed.
B. Unloading
1. Buses may leave engine running when unloading at school.
C. Warm/Pre-Trip
1. Buses will be allowed to idle fifteen (15) minutes in the bus yard or at the home location to accommodate warm up and pre-trip.
2. If temperatures call for a need to defrost, thirty (30) minutes will be allowed.
D. Exceptions
1. Buses will be allowed to idle at schools when the temperature falls below 20 degrees and/or the windows need defrosting.
E. Field Trips, Vocational School and Athletic Bus Runs
1. Buses will follow the same policy for Loading, Unloading and Warm Up/Pre Trip with the same Exceptions allowed, unless posted otherwise.
2. While waiting during these bus runs, if temperature warrants bus idling, the driver will make every effort to move the bus away from school/building and students/residents whenever possible.
Adopted: January 5, 2006
Revised: February 27, 2014