1. The intent of this rule is to set the requirements for student participation and the allowable costs for post-secondary level courses taken before high school graduation.
2. Students may take courses at eligible post- secondary instructions within Maine, which include the University of Maine System, the Vocational Technical College System and Maine Maritime Academy.
3. To be eligible for this option, students must meet the following criteria
a. follow the individual college's application for early study; if applicable, or the individual college's requirements for "special student".
b. maintain at least a B average in his or her courses overall;
c. must be enrolled in at least one course at Noble High School;
d. meet with a guidance counselor and draw up a plan to show how the course will meet graduation requirements. (The same course must not be available at Noble High School).
e. provide evidence of parent or guardian approval.
f. Exceptions must strictly meet the requirements for exceptions under the state Post Secondary Enrollment law, Title 20-A, Part 3, Chapter 208-A,§ 4772-A
A secondary school student who does not meet the requirements of section 4772,§2 is eligible under this chapter if that student:
1. Enrolled as junior. Is enrolled in grade 11 or higher in the student's school unit:
2. Recommendation. Has received a recommendation to take a post secondary course or courses at an eligible institution from the student's school administration; and
3. Approval. Has been approved for participation in a course or courses by an eligible institution.
4. Graduation credits for courses taken under this option will be determined as follows:
a. The course must meet for one semester or its equivalent.
b. The student must earn a passing grade.
c. Graduation credits awarded may not exceed one-half credit for each three-credit semester course.
5. Financial assistance:
a. MSAD #60 will pay tuition costs (at the University of Southern Maine rate) and comparable textbook costs when a student is taking a college course to fulfill Noble High School's graduation requirements and a comparable course is not offered at Noble High School.
b. Limit-six credit hours per semester.
Adopted: February 8, 1990
Revised: February 28, 2996,
Revised: November 19, 1998:
Revised: February 1, 2001
Revised: December 1, 2005,
Revised: November 16, 2017